4 research outputs found

    RANTES/CCL5 and risk for coronary events: Results from the MONICA/KORA Augsburg case-cohort, Athero-express and CARDIoGRAM studies

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    Background: The chemokine RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted)/CCL5 is involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in mice, whereas less is known in humans. We hypothesised that its relevance for atherosclerosis should be reflected by associations between CCL5 gene variants, RANTES serum concentrations and protein levels in atherosclerotic plaques and risk for coronary events. Methods and Findings: We conducted a case-cohort study within the population-based MONICA/KORA Augsburg studies. Baseline RANTES serum levels were measured in 363 individuals with incident coronary events and 1,908 non-cases (mean follow-up: 10.2±

    Avaliação do estado nutricional de atletas de ginástica olímpica do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo Nutritional status evaluation of olympic gymnastics athletes from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o estado nutricional de atletas de ginástica olímpica, do sexo feminino, foram estudadas 46 ginastas, de 11 a 14 anos, pertencentes a clubes e academias das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. O estudo antropométrico envolveu medidas de massa corporal, estatura, dobras cutâneas e perímetros. Observou-se diferença significativa para as dobras cutâneas tricipital, suprailíaca, da coxa e da panturrilha e para o percentual de gordura (p<0,05). Para o estudo dietético foram utilizados recordatório de 24 horas e registro alimentar de três dias. As ginastas apresentaram baixo consumo energético. A percentagem de carboidratos, 50% a 58%, e a ingestão protéica de 1,5 a 1,7 g/kg de peso mostraram-se baixa e adequada, respectivamente, frente ao proposto para atletas. O conteúdo de vitaminas foi satisfatório, com exceção do ácido fólico para as adolescentes cariocas. Os minerais julgados inadequados foram cálcio, magnésio, ferro e zinco. O estado nutricional de ferro não apresentou alterações.<br>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of 46 female olympic gymnastics athletes, aged 11 to 14 years old, attending private gymnastics clubs of the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The anthropometric assessment involved measurements of height, body mass, skinfold thickness and circumferences. Significant difference was observed for the triceps, suprailiac, mid thigh and medial calf skinfolds and for the percentage of body fat (p<0.05). For the assessment of dietary intake a 24-hour recall and a 3-day self-register were used. The energy consumption and the percentage of carbohydrates (50% to 58%) in the diet were low and the protein ingestion (1.5 to 1.7 g/kg of body weight) was appropriate, according to values proposed for athletes. Vitamin intake was satisfactory, except for folic acid of gymnasts from Rio de Janeiro. From the minerals assessed, the intake of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron was inadequate. No clinical signs of iron deficiency were observed

    Congenital heart disease in the ESC EORP Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease (ROPAC)

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