31 research outputs found

    TheOxford folded tandem

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    The history and development of the vertical injector Van de Graaff is summarized from its commissioning in 1965 to its present use as a source of intense α-particle beams of 9-10 MeV and of 40-50 MeV neon beams. The decision to convert the machine to a folded Tandem is justified in the light of the experimental programme and of the technical and economic factors involved. Some features of the folded Tandem design are discussed, the state of the conversion is reviewed and the performance goals are described.L'histoire et le développement de l'injecteur Van de Graaff vertical sont résumés depuis la réception en 1965 jusqu'a son utilisation actuelle comme source intense de faisceaux de particules α de 9-10 MeV et de néon de 40-50 MeV. La décision de convertir la machine en un Tandem replié est justifiée du point de vue du programme expérimental et de facteurs techniques et économiques. L'avancement de la conversion est décrit ainsi que les performances à atteindre

    Salinity resistance in Zea mays: fluxes of potassium, sodium and chloride, cytoplasmic concentrations and microsomal membrane lipids

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    Cytoplasmic concentrations, fluxes of K+, Na+ and Cl and microsomal membrane lipids were investigated in a salt-sensitive and salt-resistant variety of Zea mays. The salt resistance of Protador relative to LGH (salt-sensitive) appears to be related to higher K+ fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, and lower Na+ and Cl fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, when grown in NaCl. There were no apparent differences in the simple chemical composition of root microsomal membrane lipids between the two varicties, neither were these affected by salt