21 research outputs found

    Assessment of range of uric and serum biomarkers in determination of bladder cancer severity

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    Purpose: to establish efficiency of a range of uric and serum biomarkers of bladder cancer for diagnostics and the prognosis of risk of development of disease recurrence. Material and methods: TPA and TPS, VEGF level research in blood serum, UBC in urine in 176 people, among which 135 patients with bladder cancer (RMP) have been conducted. Group of comparison has included16 patients (patients with cystitis). The control group has been made of 25 almost healthy men. 75 patients had non-muscle invasive RMP (Ta-1N0M0). Results. It has been statistically determined that reliable growth of of TPA, TPS in blood serum and UBC in urine in patients with non-muscle invasive RMP in comparison with patients in groups of control and comparison has been established. The increase of UBC in urine of patients of this group with recurrence of tumoral growth within a year has been noted. In comparison with cytological research of urine sedimentation, molecular markers of RMP (the uric UBC and serum TPA, TPS) possess diagnostic sensitivity, allow to confirm the presence of disease, to carry out diagnostics of stages of organ and extra invasion. RMP is possible to consider as an additional prognostic serum marker increase in the VEGF level in blood serum. Conclusion. Inclusion in diagnostic process in the clinical research of biomarkers showed that identification of NMIRMP increased from 18,1% in 2006 to 55,6% in 2011. The chosen volume of complex treatment allowed to reduce recurrence and lethality in the first two years from 32 to 15,5%

    Opportunities of radiological methods for examination in diagnostics of urinary bladder cancer

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    The research goal is the comparative analysis of Russian and foreign studies concerned the possibility of radiological methods of diagnostics of cancer of urinary bladder. The problem of early diagnostics of initial tumor and tumor recurrence, determination of stages of bladder cancer, its prognosis and outcome remains an actual on

    Significance Of Immunohistochemical Markers In Diagnostics Of Urinary Bladder Cancer

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    On the basis of surgical and biopsy material 106 patients with diseases of urinary bladder have been under study. They received treatment at Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Uronephrology of Saratov State Medical University. 13 immunohistochemical markers have been evaluated: markers of proliferative activity - Ki-67, PCNA, p63, suppressor of tumor growth - p53, markers of apoptosis - Bcl-2, Bax, receptor of epidermal growth factors - EGFR, cytokeratin profile - (CK7, CK8, CK10/13, CK 17, CK18, CK19), as well as their diagnostic significance for identifying the urinary bladder cance

    First Experience Of Application Of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasonic Ablation (Hifu) In Prostate Cancer Treatment

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    The scientific article points out that 40 sessions of HIFU prostate ablation have been performed for estimation of clinical efficiency. Average frequency of influences presents 628±164 impulses; average volume of tissues subjected to influence during one procedure is 33,8±16,3 smi (132 %) of prostate volume; average operation time constitutes 150 minutes (from 90 to 200 minutes). During the operation no complications have been occurred. In the first days after the session of HIFU there was a peak of PSA increase and then during 1,5-3 months there was decrease to the lowest index. Minimal PSA level was reached in 10-12 weeks after treatment and it constituted from 0,04 till 1,1 ngml depending on the disease state. Reduction of prostate volume occurred in average from the 30th day of postoperative period and lasted for 6 months, reaching in average 50 % from initial volume. Postoperative period varied from 10 till 16 days and constituted in average 12±0,8 days. Thus application of high-intensity focused ultrasonic ablation allows treating successfully various stages of prostate cancer with minimal number of side-effects and makes possible the early estimation of treatment efficienc

    Diagnosis and combined treatment of patients with locally advanced prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most urgent problems of modern oncology. The article provides an overview of the methods of treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer, comparative characteristics, the advantages of both independent and combined methods. The results of multicenter studies have been stated

    Urinary biomarkers in acute pyelonephritis

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    The aim of the study is a comparative evaluation of the diagnostic value of determining of concentration of cyto-kines in the serum and urine of patients with acute pyelonephritis. Materials and Methods: The study of cytokine profile in blood serum and urine has been performed in 21 patients with acute pyelonephritis aged from 23 to 63 years. The concentration of interleukin (IL-1 p, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10) receptor antagonist, IL-1 (IL-1RA), tumor necrosis factor — alpha (TNF-a), C-reactive protein (CRP), in serum and urine of patients under the survey have been determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the appropriate reagent sets «Vector-Best» (Novosibirsk). The study of all these biomarkers in patients with acute pyelonephritis has been performed three times: at admission before antibiotic therapy (1 point); in a 5-7 days-period from the beginning of treatment (2 points); 1.5 months after completion of treatment (3 points,). Results: Before the treatment there has been an increase in levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-1RA, TNF-a, CRP in serum. Simultaneously, the concentration of these substances in the urine has been higher. In 2 and 3-point changes the level of cytokines has been different; however, the content of them in the urine has been determined to be higher than in the serum. Conclusion: Analysis of changes in levels of cytokines and C-reactive protein in serum and urine showed that these biomarkers in acute pyelonephritis may be used as indicators of inflammatory activity. The data received suggest that the study of cytokine levels in the urine may be used to assess the severity of inflammatory changes in the renal parenchyma and in monitoring of therapy effectiveness

    Influence Of Pentoxifylline And Mexidol On Lipid Peroxidation And Anti-oxidant System In Patients With Urolithiasis

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    Research objective is to prove correction possibility of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system protection in neph-rolithiasis by taking pentoxifylline and mexidol. 158 patients with kidney concretion have been under the research. Distance shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has been carried out. Structure of stones and antioxidant system state have been investigated in all patients. They have been divided into three groups - control, receiving pentoxifylline and receiving mexidol. Influence of indicated preparations on processes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system has been studied in case of different structure of concretio

    Biomarkers of renal damage and immunohistochemical detection of oncogenesis in the surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma

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    Objective: to assess the possibility of using markers of renal injury and carcinogenesis as additional criteria for the choice of the method of surgical treatment of RCC and to minimize the risk of development and progression of kidney injury. Material and Methods. 60 patients with morphologically confirmed RCC T1-3M0N0 operated on in the volume of open nephrectomy or laparoscopic nephrectomy or laparoscopic resection and the kidney were examined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1: patients after nephrectomy performed for kidney cancer using traditional surgical technique, group 2: patients after laparoscopic nephrectomy and group 3: after laparoscopic resection of kidney tumor. Before surgical operation, on the 5-7 day and after 1 month, all patients were examined by concentrations of urinary excreted lipocalin 2 (NGAL), and serum concentrations of IL-18, MMP-9 and IGF-1. Renal function was estimated using the calculated GFR equation (CKD-EPI 2009) based on serum creatinine level. Immunohistochemical study of histological preparations of distant tumors on proliferation antibodies (Ki-67, PCNA), apoptosis (BAX, Bcl-2) was performed. Differences in clinical data and clinical variables were compared using Spearman rank correlations and t-test. Results. The studied indices of renal damage of IL-18, NGAL, MMP-9 and IGF-1 both in the early (5-7 days) and later (1 month) postoperative period showed a correlation between the surgical intervention method and the degree of tumor cell differentiation. Conclusion. The levels of biomolecular markers of renal damage (IL-18, NGAL, MMP-9 and IGF-1) correlate with the degree of differentiation in thetumoral cells and functional activity of the remaining renal parenchyma in the postoperative period, but also depend on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. A certain level of expression of MMP-9 and IL-18 with a small tumor size can be a guide to determine the indications for the choice of organ-preserving surgery in patients.</p

    The differential approach to estimation of renal damage in the patients with nephrolithiasis by means of noninva-sive markers

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    The aim of this study was the estimation of clinical importance markers of renal damage at surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis. We studied results of operations in 110 patients with nephrolithiasis. The study presents new candidates for biochemical markers of acute kidney injury and renal interstitial fibrosis, with potentially high sensitivity and specificity. In this study were measured the concentrations of these biomarkers in urine. We suggested, that increased concentrations molecular mediators of renal damage (L2, IL-18) and interstitial fibrosis (MCP-1, TGFp, IGF1) in the patients with nephrophibrosis and strongetubulointerstitial injury, saved long-time period after operation, has been shown of progression chronic kidney diseas

    The diagnostic importance of biomarkers of angio-genesis and inflammation at patients with prostate diseases

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    Purpose: to establish the nature of change of the maintenance of PSA and markers of angiogenesis and inflammation in blood serum at patients with prostate diseases. Material and Methods. 72 patients with the level of the general PSA more than 4 ju/ml were examined. The first group of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia with histology conclusion and with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia of low degree included 29 patients, the second group consisted of 9 patients with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia of high degree, the third group included 5 patients with the localized prostate cancer, the fourth group consisted of 25 patients with locally advanced prostate cancer, and the fifth group with 6 metastatic prostate cancer patients. Results. At patients with prostate diseases the rise of VEGF level in blood serum occurs with increase of the maintenance of PSA and develops at the precancer stage (the prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia of high degree) and against high concentration of biomarkers of inflammation. Determination of VEGF concentration in blood serum at patients with "a gray zone" of PSA may have clinical value at the personified maintaining of patients with prostate cancer at the stage of pre-biopsy diagnostics. Conclusion. The simultaneous increase of the VEGF content in blood serum and the general PSA at prostate cancer patients is one of characteristics of a progression of tumoral growth.</p