27 research outputs found

    A citizen-centred approach to education in the smart city: incidental language learning for supporting the inclusion of recent migrants

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    Smart cities are often developed in a top-down approach and designers may see citizens as bits within data flows. A more human-centred perspective would be to consider what the smart city might afford its citizens. A high speed, pervasive network infrastructure offers the opportunity for ubiquitous mobile learning to become a reality. The MASELTOV project sees the smart city as enabling technology enhanced incidental learning: unplanned or unintentional learning that takes place in everyday life, in any place, at any time, with the city itself the context and the prompt for learning episodes. Migrants in particular will benefit: limited in their opportunity to attend formal education yet with a pressing need for language learning to support their integration. Incidental learning services, like smart city planning, need interdisciplinary communication for successful development. We describe the MASELTOV Incidental Learning Framework which will act as a boundary object to facilitate this process.

    The Letter

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    ECG Success Exercises in ecg Interpretation

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    Enhancing outdoor learning through participatory design and development: a case study of embedding mobile learning at a field study centre

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    Outdoor learning seeks to engage and enthuse students through authentic practical inquiry lessons. This article explores how participatory design and development can enable outdoor learning organisations to introduce sustainable technological innovations within their teaching practices. A case study describing a collaborative project between university researchers and an environmental education charity is presented, which highlights the challenges and issues regarding the usability, scalability and sustainability of mobile technology at a residential outdoor learning centre. It is argued that participatory research with education service providers is a contributing factor to the diffusion of mobile learning and a necessary foundation for sustainable technology-enhanced learning

    ICT in Vietnamese Education

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