11 research outputs found
Ways to improve physical and thermal performance of refractory lining materials
Refractory lining materials, which include ceramic refractories and nonfired heat-resistant concretes, have a very short lifespan during the turnaround time measured in years and sometimes months. Therefore, increasing the service life of thermal generating units by 1.5-2 times will bring significant economic benefits. The main factor that determines the durability of refractory lining materials is the thermal resistance. It is possible to increase the thermal resistance by improving such physical and mechanical properties as strength and density. As for the ceramic refractory performance improvement, such technological methods as their structural and chemical modification by phosphate binder impregnation, as well as introduction of phosphate components into the ceramic batches during the molding process increase, in particular, their thermal stability. The use of aluminous and high-alumina cements contributes to a significant increase of not only strength, but also physical and thermal performance of heat-resistant concretes with different fillers. Switching to the use of chemical binders in the compositions of heat-resistant concretes (liquid glass with effective hardeners; silicate-block and phosphate binders) enables to develop high-heat resistant materials which do not soften in a wide range of heating temperatures from 400 °С to 1600 °С. The positive results on increasing the thermal resistance of heat-resistant composites can be obtained by reinforcing them with high temperature fibers
Ways to improve physical and thermal performance of refractory lining materials
Refractory lining materials, which include ceramic refractories and nonfired heat-resistant concretes, have a very short lifespan during the turnaround time measured in years and sometimes months. Therefore, increasing the service life of thermal generating units by 1.5-2 times will bring significant economic benefits. The main factor that determines the durability of refractory lining materials is the thermal resistance. It is possible to increase the thermal resistance by improving such physical and mechanical properties as strength and density. As for the ceramic refractory performance improvement, such technological methods as their structural and chemical modification by phosphate binder impregnation, as well as introduction of phosphate components into the ceramic batches during the molding process increase, in particular, their thermal stability. The use of aluminous and high-alumina cements contributes to a significant increase of not only strength, but also physical and thermal performance of heat-resistant concretes with different fillers. Switching to the use of chemical binders in the compositions of heat-resistant concretes (liquid glass with effective hardeners; silicate-block and phosphate binders) enables to develop high-heat resistant materials which do not soften in a wide range of heating temperatures from 400 °С to 1600 °С. The positive results on increasing the thermal resistance of heat-resistant composites can be obtained by reinforcing them with high temperature fibers
Factor Analysis of Barbell Jerk Performed by Skilled Weightlifters During Competition
Сивохин Иван Павлович, доктор педагогических наук, начальник научно-образовательного центра, Костанайский государственный педагогический институт, г. Костанай, Казахстан,
[email protected]. Скотников Виталий Федорович, заведующий кафедрой тяжелой атлетики, кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, Российский государственный университет физической культуры,
спорта, молодежи и туризма, г. Москва, [email protected].
Хлыстов Михаил Савельевич, кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, профессор
кафедры теории физической культуры, Казахский национальный педагогический университет
им. Абая, г. Алматы, Казахстан, [email protected].
Федоров Александр Иванович, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и здоровья, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск,
[email protected]. I.P. Sivokhin1, [email protected],
V.F. Skotnikov2, [email protected],
M.S. Khlystov3, [email protected],
A.I. Fyodorov4, [email protected]
1Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay, Kazakhstan,
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow,
Russian Federation,
3Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
4South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian FederationЦель. Рассчитаться факторный анализ толчка штанги от груди элитных тяжелоатлетов в условиях соревнований. Организация и методы исследования. Совершенствование технического мастерства тяжелоатлетов связано с применением различных современных инструментальных методик объективного контроля, которые необходимы
для получения точных количественных показателей биомеханической структуры двигательных действий спортсменов при выполнении соревновательных упражнений.
Для регистрации траектории движения штанги и расчета кинематических и динамических показателей был использован специализированный аппаратно-программный комплекс, включающий в себя фото-видеокамеру, излучатель, устанавливаемый на торце
грифа штанги и соответствующее программное обеспечение. В исследовании приняли
участие спортсмены высокой квалификации (n = 13), члены национальной сборной команды Республики Казахстан по тяжелой атлетике (8 мужчин и 5 женщин). Результаты исследования. Анализ полученных эмпирических данных позволил выявить внутригрупповые закономерности кинематических и динамических показателей движения
штанги при выполнении толчка штанги от груди и выявить факторы, влияющие на эффективность двигательного действия. Заключение. При разработке программы и методики совершенствования толчка штанги от груди у тяжелоатлетов высокой квалификации необходимо учитывать факторы эффективности двигательного действия, которые были выявлены в ходе проведенного исследования. Это позволит повысить
качество педагогического процесса по совершенствованию спортивно-технического
мастерства тяжелоатлетов. Aim. To carry out factor analysis of barbell jerk per for med by skilled weightlifters
during competition. Research organization and methods. Weightlifters’ skill perfection is
associated with using the various modern instrumental techniques of objective control necessary
for obtaining the exact quantitative characteristics of biomechanical structure of the athletes’
moving actions at competitive exercising. To record the trajectory of the barbell movement
and dynamic indicators we used a specialized software and hardware complex including
photo-video camera, transmitting source installed at the end of the barbell and the appropriate
software. The study involved highly skilled athletes (n = 13), the members of Kazakh national
weightlifting scratch team (8 men and 5 women). Results. The analysis of obtained empiric
data revealed intra-group regularities of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the barbell
movement during the jerk, and also revealed the factors influencing the motor action efficiency.
Conclusion. The program and techniques of barbell jerk enhancement for high-skilled weight
lifters should be developed considering the motor action efficiency factors revealed by the research.
It will enhance the quality of educational process aimed to improve the weight lifters’
sports mastery