16 research outputs found

    Media and Ideology: Mutual Signifiers That Signify Each Other

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    This chapter aims mainly to provide a framework towards the sophisticated relation between "media" and "ideology" by putting the key thinkers' arguments, such as Marx, Gramsci, Althusser (and also Zizek's and Hall's complementary contributions), at the center. In order to fulfill this aim, the chapter will, firstly, elaborate on Marx's conception of ideology, as Marx's understanding of "ideology," "human being," and "the world" directly determines not only the direction and but also the content of the debates on media and ideology. Secondly, Gramsci's theory of "hegemony" will be scrutinized. In this way, the view claiming that the primary function of media is to produce "hegemony" through which the capitalist class maintains its own privileged position in society will be discussed. Finally, the chapter will discuss Althusser's notion of "ideology" and "ideological state apparatus." Thus, the reader will notice the way how media and ideology mutually include each other. © 2020, IGI Global