10 research outputs found

    A two-stage method for horizontal point sampling in young forest stands

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    Malisho ya kupanda

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    Idadi ya ng'ombe Tanzania inakisiwa kufikia millioni 17.7 ambao wengi wao ni ngombe wa kienyeji aina ya "zebu". Idadi ya ng'ombe wa kisasa wa maziwa au machotara yao na ng'ombe wa kienyeji ni kama nusu millioni tu. Ingawa ng' ombe wa kienyeji wana umbo dogo na hawatoi maziwa mengi kwa mkamuo ukilinganisha na wale wa kisasa,lakini wanastahimili zaidi hali ya joto na magonjwa katika nchi za tropiki kama Tanzania. Hata hivyo kuna matatizo kadhaa yanayofanya uzalishaji wa maziwa na nyama kwa ng'ombe wa kienyeji kuwa kidogo. Mengi ya matatizo hayo yanatokana na mbinu duni za ufugaji na hivyo kupelekea kuwepo kwa magonjwa mbalimbali na pia lishe duni kwa mifugo hasa wakati wa kiangazi. Kupungua kwa malisho bora wakati wa kiangazi kunajidhihirisha wazi katika sehemu nyingi za nchi yetu kwani mwaka baada ya mwaka imekuwa kawaida kwa mifugo kunona na kutoa maziwa mengi wakati wa masika lakini mifugo hiyohiyo hukonda na kutoa maziwa kidogo sana wakati wa kiangazi. Ni dhahiri kuwa kama wafugaji-wakulima wadogowadogo nchini wakizingatia kanuni za ufugaji bora, ikiwa ni pamoja na lishe bora kwa mifugo hasa wakati wa kiangazi, basi uzalishaji wao utaongezeka kwa sababu ya idadi yao kuwa kubwa

    Improvement of soil fertility by improved fallows of Cajanus cajan, Sesbania sesban and Tephrosia vogelii at Gairo in Morogoro, Tanzania

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    Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2001, Vol. 4(2) : 45-54This study was carried out at Gairo in Morogoro Tanzania to evaluate the effects, of fallow periods and fallow types on soil fertility improvement. A split-plot experimental design with three replications was adopted. Three fallow periods (i.e. 1, 2 and 3 years) were involved in this study. Soil pH, EC, OC, total N available P and total P were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by fallow periods and fallow types. Greater improvement in soil fertility was achieved by the improved fallows of S. sesban, T. vogelii and C cajan than the natural fallow. Soil fertility was found to increase with increasing fallow period from 1 to 3 years. Continuous cropping for 3 years resulted in greater decline in soil fertility. It is therefore concluded that improved fallows of S.sesban, T. vogelii, and C. cajan have the potential of improving soil fortility and so reduce the problems associated with a decline in soil fertility Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the species be tested on farm and further investigations be carried to examine nutrient dynamics and sustainability of maize crop yield after fallow

    Perfonnance ,of Provenances of Sesbania macrontha at Gairo, Morogoro,Tanzania

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    Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1999, Vol.2(1) : 27-36Performance evaluation was 'conducted among 21 provenances of Sesbania macrantha from 9 regions of Tanzania and one region of Rwanda. The trial was established in February, 1996 at Gairo, Morogoro, Tanzania. Assessments were carried out at 6, 12 and 15 months for survival, root-collar diameter and height. Biomass production was ass(!ssed during the last assessment occasion. Significant variation among the provenances for survival, root-collar diameter, height and biomass production was observed. The Andago (Arusha) provenance achieved greatest survival (83.3%) followed by the Biharamulo (Kage ra) and Kisabya (Kigoma) provenances (80.0%), while Miabeze (Mbeya) provenance had least survival 0/20.0%. No significant differences were observed in mean root-collar diameter and height from the (jh to 15th monih after planting. Biharamulo(Kagera) provenance was found to be outstanding in respect ofJotal biomass production (12.2 t ha .1), followed by Chala (Rukwa) provenance (10.3 t ha .1). Kangamo (Mbeya) provenance had the least total biomass production of 2. 3 t ha .1. Overall, the Andago, Biharamulo, Chala, Kikomakoma, Kisabya and Banda provenances were the best perfonners while the Lundamoto, Miabeze, Kibondo, Kishoju, Kidiama, Wondo and Kangamo failed to put on promising growth. It is recommended that Sesbania macrantha provenances from Andago, Biharamulo and Chala be used in improvedfallow/relay cropping systems in Gairo and other areas with similar environmental conditions in that order of priority

    Perfonnance ,of Provenances of Sesbania macrontha at Gairo, Morogoro,Tanzania

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    Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1999, Vol.2(1) : 27-36Performance evaluation was 'conducted among 21 provenances of Sesbania macrantha from 9 regions of Tanzania and one region of Rwanda. The trial was established in February, 1996 at Gairo, Morogoro, Tanzania. Assessments were carried out at 6, 12 and 15 months for survival, root-collar diameter and height. Biomass production was ass(!ssed during the last assessment occasion. Significant variation among the provenances for survival, root-collar diameter, height and biomass production was observed. The Andago (Arusha) provenance achieved greatest survival (83.3%) followed by the Biharamulo (Kage ra) and Kisabya (Kigoma) provenances (80.0%), while Miabeze (Mbeya) provenance had least survival 0/20.0%. No significant differences were observed in mean root-collar diameter and height from the (jh to 15th monih after planting. Biharamulo(Kagera) provenance was found to be outstanding in respect ofJotal biomass production (12.2 t ha .1), followed by Chala (Rukwa) provenance (10.3 t ha .1). Kangamo (Mbeya) provenance had the least total biomass production of 2. 3 t ha .1. Overall, the Andago, Biharamulo, Chala, Kikomakoma, Kisabya and Banda provenances were the best perfonners while the Lundamoto, Miabeze, Kibondo, Kishoju, Kidiama, Wondo and Kangamo failed to put on promising growth. It is recommended that Sesbania macrantha provenances from Andago, Biharamulo and Chala be used in improvedfallow/relay cropping systems in Gairo and other areas with similar environmental conditions in that order of priority

    Improvement of soil fertility by improved fallows of Cajanus cajan, Sesbania sesban and Tephrosia vogelii at Gairo in Morogoro, Tanzania

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    Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2001, Vol. 4(2) : 45-54This study was carried out at Gairo in Morogoro Tanzania to evaluate the effects, of fallow periods and fallow types on soil fertility improvement. A split-plot experimental design with three replications was adopted. Three fallow periods (i.e. 1, 2 and 3 years) were involved in this study. Soil pH, EC, OC, total N available P and total P were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by fallow periods and fallow types. Greater improvement in soil fertility was achieved by the improved fallows of S. sesban, T. vogelii and C cajan than the natural fallow. Soil fertility was found to increase with increasing fallow period from 1 to 3 years. Continuous cropping for 3 years resulted in greater decline in soil fertility. It is therefore concluded that improved fallows of S.sesban, T. vogelii, and C. cajan have the potential of improving soil fortility and so reduce the problems associated with a decline in soil fertility Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the species be tested on farm and further investigations be carried to examine nutrient dynamics and sustainability of maize crop yield after fallow