22 research outputs found

    Comments on Condensates in Non-Supersymmetric Orbifold Field Theories

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    Non-supersymmetric orbifolds of N=1 super Yang-Mills theories are conjectured to inherit properties from their supersymmetric parent. We examine this conjecture by compactifying the Z_2 orbifold theories on a spatial circle of radius R. We point out that when the orbifold theory lies in the weakly coupled vacuum of its parent, fractional instantons do give rise to the conjectured condensate of bi-fundamental fermions. Unfortunately, we show that quantum effects render this vacuum unstable through the generation of twisted operators. In the true vacuum state, no fermion condensate forms. Thus, in contrast to super Yang-Mills, the compactified orbifold theory undergoes a chiral phase transition as R is varied.Comment: 10 Pages. Added clarifying comments, computational steps and a nice pretty pictur

    Gravitational anomaly and fundamental forces

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    I present an argument, based on the topology of the universe, why there are three generations of fermions. The argument implies a preferred gauge group of SU(5), but with SO(10) representations of the fermions. The breaking pattern SU(5) to SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) is preferred over the pattern SU(5) to SU(4)xU(1). On the basis of the argument one expects an asymmetry in the early universe microwave data, which might have been detected already.Comment: Contribution to the 2nd School and Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry. Corfu, september 13-20 2009. 10 page

    Chiral symmetry breaking in hot matter

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    This series of three lectures covers (a) a basic introduction to symmetry breaking in general and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, (b) an overview of the present status of lattice data and the knowlegde that we have at finite temperature from chiral perturbation theory. (c) Results obtained from the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model describing static mesonic properties are discussed as well as the bulk thermodynamic quantities. Divergences that are observed in the elastic quark-antiquark scattering cross-section, reminiscent of the phenomenon of critical opalescence in light scattering, is also discussed. (d) Finally, we deal with the realm of systems out of equilibrium, and examine the effects of a medium dependent condensate in a system of interacting quarks.Comment: 62 LaTex pages, incorporating 23 figures. Lectures given at the eleventh Chris-Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics, 4-13 February, 1998, to be published by Springer Verla

    The ambivalence of ridesharing

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    Ridesharing is quite a popular topic of discussion among transport authority personnel. It is perceived to be a viable alternative to classical modes of transportation, and receives a great deal of political support from transport planners. However, not much objective information is available on ridesharing behaviors. We use travel survey data to study the evolution of the ridesharing market in an urban area. Our study is based on data from four large-scale OD surveys conducted in the Greater Montreal Area (1987, 1993, 1998 and 2003). In the latest survey conducted in Montreal, car passengers were asked to identify the driver who gave them the opportunity to travel in this way. Their answers were classified according to the type of driver; for instance, a member of their household, a neighbor or a co-worker. We use this information to calibrate a model matching car passengers and car drivers belonging to the same household. This will be referred to as IHHR (intra-household ridesharing). Preliminary results reveal that approximately 70% of all trips made by car passengers are the result of IHHR. Furthermore, around 15% of those trips are questionable, in that they were exclusively generated for another individual’s purposes, consequently generating an additional trip for the journey back home. Moreover, this percentage increased over time. Objective data regarding ridesharing and its evolution in an urban area will undoubtedly help decision makers gain a clearer profile of this means of travel and help to realign attitudes on the issue. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007Carsharing, Greater Montreal Area (GMA), Origin–destination surveys, Ridesharing, Sustainable transportation,