550 research outputs found

    Non-Relativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Systems

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    We employ a nonrelativistic version of QCD (NRQCD) to study heavy quark-antiquark bound states in the lowest approximation without fine structure. We use gluon configurations on a 16^3 by 48 lattice at beta=6.2 from the UKQCD collaboration. For quark masses in the vicinity of the b we obtain bound state masses for S, P and both types of D wave. We also detect signals for two types of hybrids (quark,antiquark,gluon states). The results are sufficiently accurate to confirm that the values of the D wave mass from both lattice D waves coincide indicating that the cubical invariance of the lattice is restored to full rotational invariance at large distance. Our results also show that the S-P splitting is indeed insensitive to variations in the bare quark mass from Ma=1.0 to Ma=1.9.Comment: 13 pages, DAMTP-92-7

    Pretreatment with beta-blockers and the frequency of hypokalemia in patients with acute chest pain

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    Plasma potassium concentration was measured at admission in 1234 patients who presented with acute chest pain. One hundred and ninety five patients were on P blockers before admission. The potassium concentrations of patients admitted early (within four hours of onsetof symptoms) were compared with those admitted later (4-18 hours after onset of symptoms). There was a transient fall in plasma potassium concentrations in patients not pre-treated with , B blockers. This was not seen in patients who had been on P blockers before admission. Nonselective, B blockers were more effective than cardioselective agents in maintaining concentrationsof plasma potassium. These findings suggest a mechanism for the beneficial effects of ,B blockers on morbidity and mortality in acute myocardial infarction

    Adult beginner distance language learner perceptions and use of assignment feedback

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    This qualitative study examines perceptions and use of assignment feedback among adult beginner modern foreign language learners on higher education distance learning courses. A survey of responses to feedback on assignments by 43 Open University students on beginner language courses in Spanish, French, and German indicated that respondents can be classified into three groups: those who use feedback strategically by integrating it into the learning process and comparing it with, for example, informal feedback from interaction with native speakers, those who take note of feedback, but seem not to use it strategically, and those who appear to take little account of either marks or feedback. The first group proved to be the most confident and most likely to maintain their motivation in the longer term. The conclusion discusses some of the pedagogical and policy implications of the findings

    Diversity and impact of rare variants in genes encoding the platelet G protein-coupled receptors

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    Platelet responses to activating agonists are influenced by common population variants within or near G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) genes that affect receptor activity. However, the impact of rare GPCR gene variants is unknown. We describe the rare single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in the coding and splice regions of 18 GPCR genes in 7,595 exomes from the 1,000-genomes and Exome Sequencing Project databases and in 31 cases with inherited platelet function disorders (IPFDs). In the population databases, the GPCR gene target regions contained 740 SNVs (318 synonymous, 410 missense, 7 stop gain and 6 splice region) of which 70 % had global minor allele frequency (MAF) < 0.05 %. Functional annotation using six computational algorithms, experimental evidence and structural data identified 156/740 (21 %) SNVs as potentially damaging to GPCR function, most commonly in regions encoding the transmembrane and C-terminal intracellular receptor domains. In 31 index cases with IPFDs (Gi-pathway defect n=15; secretion defect n=11; thromboxane pathway defect n=3 and complex defect n=2) there were 256 SNVs in the target regions of 15 stimulatory platelet GPCRs (34 unique; 12 with MAF< 1 % and 22 with MAF≥ 1 %). These included rare variants predicting R122H, P258T and V207A substitutions in the P2Y12 receptor that were annotated as potentially damaging, but only partially explained the platelet function defects in each case. Our data highlight that potentially damaging variants in platelet GPCR genes have low individual frequencies, but are collectively abundant in the population. Potentially damaging variants are also present in pedigrees with IPFDs and may contribute to complex laboratory phenotypes

    Holography and Eternal Inflation

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    We show that eternal inflation is compatible with holography. In particular, we emphasize that if a region is asymptotically de Sitter in the future, holographic arguments by themselves place no bound on the number of past e-foldings. We also comment briefly on holographic restrictions on the production of baby universes.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, revtex4, (v2 relation with work of Banks and Fischler clarified, references added

    A functorial construction of moduli of sheaves

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    We show how natural functors from the category of coherent sheaves on a projective scheme to categories of Kronecker modules can be used to construct moduli spaces of semistable sheaves. This construction simplifies or clarifies technical aspects of existing constructions and yields new simpler definitions of theta functions, about which more complete results can be proved.Comment: 52 pp. Dedicated to the memory of Joseph Le Potier. To appear in Inventiones Mathematicae. Slight change in the definition of the Kronecker algebra in Secs 1 (p3) and 2.2 (p6), with corresponding small alterations elsewhere, to make the constructions work for non-reduced schemes. Section 6.5 rewritten. Remark 2.6 and new references adde

    Planck scale effects in neutrino physics

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    We study the phenomenology and cosmology of the Majoron (flavon) models of three active and one inert neutrino paying special attention to the possible (almost) conserved generalization of the Zeldovich-Konopinski-Mahmoud lepton charge. Using Planck scale physics effects which provide the breaking of the lepton charge, we show how in this picture one can incorporate the solutions to some of the central issues in neutrino physics such as the solar and atmospheric neutrino puzzles, dark matter and a 17 keV neutrino. These gravitational effects induce tiny Majorana mass terms for neutrinos and considerable masses for flavons. The cosmological demand for the sufficiently fast decay of flavons implies a lower limit on the electron neutrino mass in the range of 0.1-1 eV.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure (not included but available upon request), LaTex, IC/92/196, SISSA-140/92/EP, LMU-09/9

    Planck-Scale Physics and Neutrino Masses

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    We discuss gravitationally induced masses and mass splittings of Majorana, Zeldovich-Konopinski-Mahmoud and Dirac neutrinos. Among other implications, these effects can provide a solution of the solar neutrino puzzle. In particular, we show how this may work in the 17 keV neutrino picture.Comment: 10 pages, IC/92/79, SISSA-83/92/EP, LMU-04/92 (the preprint number has been corrected; no other changes

    ALMA and Herschel reveal that AGN and main-sequence galaxies have different star formation rate distributions

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    Using deep Herschel and ALMA observations, we investigate the star formation rate (SFR) distributions of X-ray AGN host galaxies at 0.5<z<1.5 and 1.5<z<4, comparing them to that of normal, star-forming (i.e., "main-sequence", or MS) galaxies. We find 34-55 per cent of AGNs have SFRs at least a factor of two below that of the average MS galaxy, compared to ~15 per cent of all MS galaxies, suggesting significantly different SFR distributions. Indeed, when both are modelled as log-normal distributions, the mass and redshift-normalised SFR distributions of AGNs are roughly twice as broad, and peak ~0.4 dex lower, than that of MS galaxies. However, like MS galaxies, the normalised SFR distribution of AGNs appears not to evolve with redshift. Despite AGNs and MS galaxies having different SFR distributions, the linear-mean SFR of AGNs derived from our distributions is remarkably consistent with that of MS galaxies, and thus with previous results derived from stacked Herschel data. This apparent contradiction is due to the linear-mean SFR being biased by bright outliers, and thus does not necessarily represent a true characterisation of the typical SFR of AGNs