3 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian Flow Equations for a Dirac Particle in an External Potential

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    We derive and solve the Hamiltonian flow equations for a Dirac particle in an external static potential. The method shows a general procedure for the set up of continuous unitary transformations to reduce the Hamiltonian to a quasidiagonal form.Comment: 6 page

    On the Geodesic Nature of Wegner's Flow

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    Wegner's method of flow equations offers a useful tool for diagonalizing a given Hamiltonian and is widely used in various branches of quantum physics. Here, generalizing this method, a condition is derived, under which the corresponding flow of a quantum state becomes geodesic in a submanifold of the projective Hilbert space, independently of specific initial conditions. This implies the geometric optimality of the present method as an algorithm of generating stationary states. The result is illustrated by analyzing some physical examples.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. The version published in Foundations of Physic

    Strangeness in the Nucleon on the Light-Cone

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    Strange matrix elements of the nucleon are calculated within the light-cone formulation of the meson cloud model. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the strange vector and axial vector form factors is computed, and the strangeness radius and magnetic moment extracted, both of which are found to be very small and slightly negative. Within the same framework one finds a small but non-zero excess of the antistrange distribution over the strange at large xx. Kaon loops are unlikely, however, to be the source of a large polarized strange quark distribution.Comment: 22 pages revtex, 7 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.