10 research outputs found
Modern approaches to parodontitis therapy in HIV patients
The research goal is to determine the clinical pathogenetic efficacy of Cycloferon liniment in the combined therapy of periodontitis in patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection. Medical examination and treatment of 40 patients has been carried out. It is established that use of liniment Cycloferon in the combined treatment of patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection allows to accelerate process of normalization of lipid peroxidation parameters and antioxidant potential of blood and to decrease infection (herpes symplex virus I, Candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus) in par-odontal recess and evidence of local inflammation. The considered method of therapy has been proved to improve convalescence period and to decrease frequency of parodontitis recurrence
Clinical and neuroimaging features vertebral radiculopathy in the combination with vertebral hemangiomas
<p><em>Aim of the study: t</em>o study the clinical and neuroimaging features of radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas in conjunction with the vertebrae. <em>Materials and methods. </em>A total of 56 patients with radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas combined with the vertebrae. <em>Results. </em>The patients in addition to pain, and focal neurological symptoms were observed violation of urination, and chronic venous insuffciency of lower extremities. MRI identifed three types of vertebral hem-angiomas, depending on the structural characteristics. <em>Conclusion</em>. The aim of the study is realized.Most hemangiomas are asymptomatic yourself. Pain and neurological symptoms caused by musculo-tonic component, the presence of disc herniation, changes in the intervertebral joints, ligaments violation. Type III meets the criteria for hemangiomas and requires aggressive surgical treatment.</p>
Constructive pedagogics as a basis for improvement of education quality in the institutions of higher education
Education quality improvement of the future specialists assumes the intensification of training, usage of optimization techniques as well as constructive approach in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Introduction of constructive approach and inductive and deductive strategies in the teaching process will enable to enhance cognitive activity of student
The most important parameters of life quality of the Great Patriotic War veterans
Purpose of the study was to estimate current state of quality of life of Great Patriotic War veterans. Materials and methods. The study included 368 veterans of the Great Patriotic War according to Federal State "Concerning veterans" #5, 1995. Protocol of the study included adapted fragments of WHOQOL, WHOQOL-Old, SF-36, SIP questioners as well as visually-analog scale of self-assessment of quality of life with further going quality of life index calculations. Re-sults. In the studied sample of the Great Patriotic War (GPW) veterans including long-livers comparably was detected high level of quality of life (QOL) by physical criteria and independence level. It was revealed that QOL by self-service criteria in the GPW veterans was low and extremely variable by other criteria groups. Both ageing and gender influenced upon physical activity, self-service and QOL self-assessment. Women were outstanding by psychological criteria and independence with no association with age group. Conclusion. QOL indication in the GPW veterans of studied sample elucidated a satisfactory level of healthcare in the region, which allows veterans in certain way preserve both physical and psychological health, as well as grounds positive self-assessment of personal position in society and values system according to their life-goals and expectations
Оptimization of periodontitis treatment in patients with chronic brucellosis infection
For the purpose to determine the clinical pathogenetic efficacy of Cycloferon liniment in the combined therapy of parodontitis in patients with chronic brucellosis medical examination and treatment of 50 patients was carried out. It was established that use of liniment Cycloferon in the combined treatment of patients with pariodontitis against chronic brucellosis allowed to accelerate process of normalization of parameters of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant potential of blood, to decrease infection load (herpes symplex virus I, candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus) in parodontal recess and evidence of local inflammation with reduction of activity of tumour necrosis and interleukin 1b, that provided acceleration of recovery processes, lowering in frequency of pariodontitis recurrence
New approaches to therapy of oral inflammatory diseases
The purpose of the work is to prescribe combined treatment in order to determine the efficiency of cycloferon liniment. Materials and methods. 80 patients suffering from such inflammatory disease of parodentium as herpetic stomatitis and periodontitis have been examined and treated. Results. Cycloferon liniment used in the combined treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis reduces the infection load in gingival pockets, decreases local inflammation, normalizes immunity parameters, decreases endotoxemia and reduces relapse rates. Conclusion. Cycloferon liniment is an efficient medication restoring the parameters of local nonspecific immune response
Cardiovascular disease prevalence and clinical characteristics in Great Patriotic War veterans
Present article summarizes the results of long-term studies of cardiovascular health parameters in war veterans of Saratov region admitted to Saratov regional hospital for war veterans. Cardiovascular disease spectrum and its prevalence dynamics were studied in war veterans. Clinical signs and disease course features of cardiovascular pathology were systematized including Great Patriotic War veterans, who successfully had reached the state of longevity
Clinical and pathogenetic approaches to development of parodontitis therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis С
The research goal in to determine clinical and pathogenetic efficacy of Cycloferon liniment in the combined therapy of parodontitis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Examination and treatment of 50 patients were conducted. It was revealed that the use of Cycloferon liniment in the combined treatment of patients with parodontitis accompanied by chronic hepatitis C allowed to accelerate process of normalization of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant potential of blood, to decrease infectious inflammation (herpes simplex virus I, candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus) in parodontal recess and local inflammation. The described method of treatment provided process of recovery and decrease in frequency of parodontitis recurrence
Clinical characteristics and mechanisms underlying the development of organ pathology in patients with chronic brucellosis
Objective. To analyze specific characteristics and mechanisms underlying the development of organ pathology in patients with chronic brucellosis (CB). Patients and methods. This study included more than 500 patients with CB treated in Saratov hospitals in 2003–2018. In addition to standard examination, all study participants have undergone the assessment of their lipid peroxidation/antioxidant defense system, levels of major cytokines, markers of endotoxicosis (ET), and tissue-specific autoreactive antibodies. Results and discussion. The vast majority of patients (98.2%) had their musculoskeletal system affected; lesions to the autonomic nervous system and peripheral nervous system were observed in 97.5% and 88.8% of patients, respectively; almost half of males (45%) had their reproductive organs affected; approximately one-third of participants (26.7–32.9%) had cardiovascular disorders with myocardial lesions. The severity of systemic inflammation, ET, and autoimmune reactions depended on the CB activity and determined the development of organ pathology. We found that vascular and mechanical factors were important for the development of lesions to the peripheral nervous system and reproductive organs in men. Patients, in whom the diagnosis of CB was verified 2 years following onset of symptoms, were more likely to develop exacerbations, had more organs and systems affected, and had higher risk of disability. Conclusion. Comprehensive examination revealed multiple organ lesions in all CB patients, associated not only with damage caused by the pathogen at the site of specific inflammation, but also with the involvement of vascular and mechanical factors, as well as the consequences of systemic inflammatory response, ET, and autoimmune reactions. Late diagnosis was associated with more severe clinical manifestations of CB. © 2021, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved
Effciency of HIV-infected patients detection in neurological hospitals of large industrial center
<p><em>Aim of the study: </em>to evaluate the effciency of detection for HIV-infection in patients of neurological departments of Saratov. <em>Materials and methods. </em>We retrospectively analyzed 25 250 medical histories of patients hospitalized into neurological departments of Saratov hospitals between January 2007 and April 2012. <em>Results. </em>Blood samples of 2010 patients (7,96 %) were tested for the presence of HIV-antibodies. 37 patients were HIV-positive (1,84 % of examined patients and 0,15 % of the total number of patients). <em>Conclusion. </em>Increasing popularity and variety of clinical manifestations of HIV-infection requires the expansion of neurological patients whom serum test for antibodies against HIV is needed.</p>