174 research outputs found

    Integration of acoustic emission systems within Integri-Tech™ analysis system for structural health monitoring of pressurised engineering plant

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    The aim of this Acoustic Emission (AE) based Structural Health Monitoring project is to enable accurate location of AE sources in pressurised engineering plant and to use AE source location data to establish defect locations for use within Integri-Tech™; a finite element based analysis, monitoring and fitness for service assessment system. Integri-Tech™ is a windows based system which carries out combined analysis and assessment providing fatigue life and remnant life calculations and inspection priorities presenting the results in an accessible web portal format. The software uses finite element stress models created in the companion software Model Wizard. The AE monitoring system that has been developed can be used with an array of up to four AE broad band sensor channels with associated signal processing. Using a flexible approach in MATLAB, the authors have developed algorithms which were used for analysing the received AE signals to extract information about the nature and location of the source. The ability to carry out source location and possibly perform real time monitoring (detecting cracking as it occurs) is attractive feature of the AE system developed for this project. The time of arrival (TOA) data was used by Integri-Tech™ software to calculate source location using its own built-in algorithm, and this was verified independently using a MATLAB approach

    An Exact Algorithm for Side-Chain Placement in Protein Design

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    Computational protein design aims at constructing novel or improved functions on the structure of a given protein backbone and has important applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnical industry. The underlying combinatorial side-chain placement problem consists of choosing a side-chain placement for each residue position such that the resulting overall energy is minimum. The choice of the side-chain then also determines the amino acid for this position. Many algorithms for this NP-hard problem have been proposed in the context of homology modeling, which, however, reach their limits when faced with large protein design instances. In this paper, we propose a new exact method for the side-chain placement problem that works well even for large instance sizes as they appear in protein design. Our main contribution is a dedicated branch-and-bound algorithm that combines tight upper and lower bounds resulting from a novel Lagrangian relaxation approach for side-chain placement. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms alternative state-of-the art exact approaches and makes it possible to optimally solve large protein design instances routinely

    Spectral Inversion of Multi-Line Full-Disk Observations of Quiet Sun Magnetic Fields

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    Spectral inversion codes are powerful tools to analyze spectropolarimetric observations, and they provide important diagnostics of solar magnetic fields. Inversion codes differ by numerical procedures, approximations of the atmospheric model, and description of radiative transfer. Stokes Inversion based on Response functions (SIR) is an implementation widely used by the solar physics community. It allows to work with different atmospheric components, where gradients of different physical parameters are possible, e.g., magnetic field strength and velocities. The spectropolarimetric full-disk observations were carried out with the Stokesmeter of the Solar Telescope for Operative Predictions (STOP) at the Sayan Observatory on 3 February 2009, when neither an active region nor any other extended flux concentration was present on the Sun. In this study of quiet Sun magnetic fields, we apply the SIR code simultaneously to 15 spectral lines. A tendency is found that weaker magnetic field strengths occur closer to the limb. We explain this finding by the fact that close to the limb, we are more sensitive to higher altitudes in an expanding flux tube, where the field strength should be smaller since the magnetic flux is conserved with height. Typically, the inversions deliver two populations of magnetic elements: (1) high magnetic field strengths (1500-2000 G) and high temperatures (5500-6500 K) and (2) weak magnetic fields (50-150 G) and low temperatures (5000-5300 K).Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Solar Physic

    Resolving Fermi, PAMELA and ATIC anomalies in split supersymmetry without R-parity

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    A long-lived decaying dark matter as a resolution to Fermi, PAMELA and ATIC anomalies is investigated in the framework of split supersymmetry (SUSY) without R-parity, where the neutralino is regarded as the dark matter and the extreme fine-tuned couplings for the long-lived neutralino are naturally evaded in the usual approach.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Erroneous results concerning the cascade processes removed. Main results unchange

    A Review of River Herring Science in Support of Species Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration

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    River herring—a collective name for the Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus and Blueback Herring A. aestivalis—play a crucial role in freshwater and marine ecosystems along the Eastern Seaboard of North America. River herring are anadromous and return to freshwater habitats in the tens to hundreds of millions to spawn, supplying food to many species and providing nutrients to freshwater ecosystems. After two and a half centuries of habitat loss, habitat degradation, and overfishing, river herring are at historic lows. In 2013, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries established the Technical Expert Working Group (TEWG) to synthesize information about river herring and to provide recommendations to advance the science related to their restoration. This paper was composed largely by the chairs of the TEWG subgroups and represents a review of the current state of knowledge of river herring, with an emphasis on identification of threats and discussion of recent research and management actions related to understanding and reducing these threats. Important research needs are then identified and discussed. Finally, current knowledge is synthesized, considering the relative importance of different threats. This synthesis identifies dam removal and increased stream connectivity as critical to river herring restoration. Better understanding and accounting for predation, climate change, and fisheries are also important for restoration. Finally, there is recent evidence that the effects of human development and contamination on habitat quality may be more important threats than previously recognized. Given the range of threats, an ecosystem approach is needed to be successful with river herring restoration. To facilitate this ecosystem approach, collaborative forums such as the TEWG (renamed the Atlantic Coast River Herring Collaborative Forum in 2020) are needed to share and synthesize information among river herring managers, researchers, and community groups from across the species’ range

    Counterexamples to the maximal p-norm multiplicativity conjecture for all p > 1

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    For all p > 1, we demonstrate the existence of quantum channels with non-multiplicative maximal output p-norms. Equivalently, for all p >1, the minimum output Renyi entropy of order p of a quantum channel is not additive. The violations found are large; in all cases, the minimum output Renyi entropy of order p for a product channel need not be significantly greater than the minimum output entropy of its individual factors. Since p=1 corresponds to the von Neumann entropy, these counterexamples demonstrate that if the additivity conjecture of quantum information theory is true, it cannot be proved as a consequence of any channel-independent guarantee of maximal p-norm multiplicativity. We also show that a class of channels previously studied in the context of approximate encryption lead to counterexamples for all p > 2.Comment: Merger of arXiv:0707.0402 and arXiv:0707.3291 containing new and improved analysis of counterexamples. 17 page

    Observation of the astrophysically important 3+ state in 18Ne via elastic scattering of a radioactive 17F beam from 1H

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    The 17F(p, γ)18 reaction is important in stellar explosions, but its rate has been uncertain because of an expected 3+ state in 18Ne that has never been conclusively observed. This state would provide a strong l = 0 resonance and, depending on its excitation energy, could dominate the stellar reaction rate. We have observed this missing 3+ state by measuring the 1H(17F, p)17F excitation function with a radioactive 17F beam at the ORNL Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility. We find that the state lies at a center-of-mass energy of Er = 599.8 ± 1.5stat ± 2.0sys keV (Ex = 4523.7 ± 2.9keV) and has a width of Γ = 18 ± 2stat ± 1sys keV

    The astrophysically important 3+ state in 18Ne and the 17F(py)18Ne stellar rate

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    Knowledge of the [Formula Presented] reaction rate is important for understanding stellar explosions, but it was uncertain because the properties of an expected but previously unobserved [Formula Presented] state in [Formula Presented] were not known. This state would provide a strong s-wave resonance for the [Formula Presented] system and, depending on its excitation energy, could dominate the stellar reaction rate at temperatures above 0.2 GK. We have observed this missing [Formula Presented] state by measuring the [Formula Presented] excitation function with a radioactive [Formula Presented] beam at the ORNL Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF). We find that the state lies at a center-of-mass energy of [Formula Presented] keV [Formula Presented] and has a width of [Formula Presented] The measured properties of the resonance are only consistent with a [Formula Presented] assignment

    The semiology of changing brand image

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    This article considers the attempted change to the image of an established brand by studying the semiotics within the brand’s historical advertising campaigns. The use of semiotics to study the interpretation of messages is discussed, and the link between interpretation of messages and advertising effectiveness in changing brand image is explored. The authors deconstruct advertisements of a brand to provide a model containing opposing dialectics that may aid managers by highlighting alternative symbolic messages contained in advertisements. Oncwe identified, these alternative symbolic messages may be used to help change brand image and influence advertising effectiveness. Although the study focuses upon a major brand of beer, this is an industry in which there are numerous small firms, and many of those have constrained marketing budgets, and thus need to make sure that their advertising is effective. Equally, entrepreneurial marketing is not to found only in the small firm, and the case study discusses a radical and imaginative brand repositioning of a well established product