7 research outputs found

    Comparative use efficiency of the same type feed additives in the diet of replacement stock and laying hens of the parent herd

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    The use of two similar feed additives Sorbitox and Probitox in the diet of replacement stock and subsequently in the diet of laying hens, at a dose of 0.50 kg/t of feed allowed to increase the poultry survival rate at 18 weeks of age by 1.4% with the addition of Sorbitox and 6.4% - with Probitox, the group uniformity by 5.3 and 7.3%, respectively, in comparison with the control group. At the same time, the culling of birds in the experimental groups decreased due to endoenteritis and necrotic enteritidis, and the antibody titer to Gumboro disease increased in the blood. During the productive period of laying hens, the difference in the antibody titer was significantly higher, as was the livestock survival rate. The tested feed additives contributed to a better development of ovogenesis organs. As a result, the egg productivity of chickens with Sorbitox was higher than the control group by 6.5%, with Probitox – by 11.6%. The study of the egg incubation qualities showed that the young stock hatching rate from an average egg size in the group with Sorbitox was 6.9% higher than the control group, with Probitox – by 11.0%, and the hatchability of eggs was 1.1 and 1.6% higher than in the average one. In laying hens at the beginning and at the end of egg laying, the number of infertile small eggs decreased in the group with Sorbitox by 0.60%, with Probitox - by 1.0%, large eggs – by 1.23 and 2.45%, respectively. The chicken hatching rate from small and large eggs in poultry of the experimental groups exceeded the control by 2.9-5.9% at the beginning of egg laying, by 10.0-14.8% at its completion at the age of 56 weeks. The addition of Sorbitox in the diet of replacement stock allowed to reduce feed costs for growing one head of service pullet by 6.9%, with Probitox – by 12.6%, to increase the production profitability by 5.5 and 7.8%, and in laying hens of experimental groups, feed costs decreased by 4.4 and 10.0%, profitability increased by 2.0 and 5.3%, respectively

    Biochemical status of the sow body with the use of vitamin and mineral supplement in the diet

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    The diet of monogastric animals should be adjusted for vitamin and mineral nutrition during the period of growing and economic use. They affect all types of metabolism, especially in the last third of gestation of sows and the development of young pigs in the postnatal period. For sows throughout the period of gestation and suckling, it is important to include in the diet such biogenic element as folic acid, as well as a set of essential trace elements (copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese) and group B vitamins, the use of which during the entire production cycle helped to improve prolificacy of sows by 15.2%, the average increase was 8.8% and the safety of young pigs dairy period of cultivation is 7.2%, which reduced the cost of feed for growing one reared pig by 10.6-18.1 %

    Distribution of relative polar intensities in isotropic plane of cubic crystal and anisotropy of elastic properties in textured sheets of 12Kh18N10T austenitic stainless steel

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    22.00; Translated from Russian (Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall. 1988 (4) p. 58-61)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9022.06(BISI-Trans--26839)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo