20 research outputs found


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    La substitution partielle du palladium par des éléments possédant des électrons 3d tels que Fe, Co ou Ni change profondément les propriétés magnétiques de l'alliage amorphe Pd-Si. Nous avons étudié systématiquement la susceptibilité magnétique des alliages amorphes (NixPd100-x)83Si17 en fonction de la température (4,2 < T < 580 K) et de la concentration (5 < x < 50). On discute brièvement de résultats obtenus.The magnetic properties of amorphous Pd - Si alloys are significantly changed by partly substituting the Pd with 3d elements such as Fe, Co and Ni. The low-field magnetic susceptibility of amorphous (NixPd100-x)83Si17 alloys was systematically investigated as a function of temperature (4.2 < T < 580 K) and concentration (5 < x < 50). We briefly discuss the obtained data

    Magnetic Properties of Thorium Ferricyanide

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    The magnetic properties of Th3\text{}_{3}[Fe(CN)6\text{}_{6}]·10H2\text{}_{2}O were investigated. It was shown that this compound is antiferromagnetically ordered in the low temperature region. The observed antiferromagnetic ordering is stable only in the low field

    Magnetic Properties of Milled and Thermal Relaxed YBa2\text{}_{2} (Cu1x\text{}_{1-x}Fex\text{}_{x})3\text{}_{3}Oy\text{}_{y}

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    The influence of the mechanical milling and subsequent thermal relaxation on magnetic and superconducting behaviour of YBa2\text{}_{2}(Cu1x\text{}_{1-x}Fe x\text{}_{x})3\text{}_{3}Oy\text{}_{y} system has been studied. Two methods of heat treatment were used: Set I - slow cooling from 980°C in flowing O2\text{}_{2} and Set II - reducing at 770°C in flowing Ar2\text{}_{2} followed by reoxidation in flowing O2\text{}_{2} below 400°C. The transition to superconductivity, diamagnetic response, critical current density and the effective magnetic moment in the normal state have been estimated. Our measurements indicate that the reducing atmosphere preparation is less detrimental on superconducting properties. The results are discussed in terms of occupancy Cu sites by Fe and redistribution of oxygen atoms

    Magnetic Relaxation and Memory Effect in Nickel-Chromium Cyanide Nanoparticles

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    The low temperature dynamics of a magnetic nanoparticle system Ni3[Cr(CN)6]2Ni_3[Cr(CN)_6]_2 with an average nanoparticles size of 4 nm was studied. Using different temperature and field protocols memory phenomena were studied by the DC magnetization and magnetic relaxation measurements of the system at temperatures below TmT_m = 19 K. Aging experiments show an absence of any waiting time dependence in the magnetization relaxation due to a field change after zero field and field cooling. This observation discriminates the dynamics of the system from the behaviour of a classical spin-glass

    1H\text{}^1H NMR on (NixMn1x)3[Cr(CN)6]2nH2O(Ni_xMn_{1-x})_3[Cr(CN)_6]_2 \cdot nH_2O

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    We report on 1H\text{}^1H NMR of (NixMn1x)3[Cr(CN)6]215H2O(Ni_xMn_{1-x})3[Cr(CN)_6]_2 \cdot 15H_2O hexacyanochromates, where x changes from 0 to 1. The decay time constants of the free induction decay signals described by an effective spin-spin relaxation time T2effT_{2eff} obtained from M(t) = M0exp(t//T2eff)M_0 \text{exp}(t//T_{2eff}) decrease as the local magnetic moments increase produced by the magnetic transition metal ions at the sites of the resonant 1H\text{}^1H nuclei. The recovery of the magnetization in the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1)(T_1) experiments was single-exponential

    Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Properties of TM 3 [Cr(CN) 6 ] 2 · nH 2 O Nanoparticles

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    Effect of pressure on magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles, based on Prussian blue analogues, were studied in pressures up to 1.2 GPa. The Mn 3 [Cr(CN) 6 ] 2 · nH 2 O and Ni 3 [Cr(CN) 6 ] 2 · nH 2 O nanoparticles were prepared by reverse micelle technique. Transmission electron microscopy images show nanoparticles with average diameter of about 3.5 nm embedded in an organic matrix. The characteristic X-ray peaks of nanoparticles are more diffused and broader. Systems of nanoparticles behave as systems of interacting magnetic particles. The Curie temperature TC is reduced from T C = 56 K for Ni-Prussian blue analogues to T C = 21 K for Ni-nanoparticles system and from TC = 65 K for Mn-Prussian blue analogues to T C = 38 K for Mn-nanoparticles system. One can explain this reduction of the Curie temperature and of the saturated magnetization µs by dispersion of nanoparticles in an organic matrix i.e. by a dilution effect. Applied pressure leads to a remarkable increase in T C for system of Mn-nanoparticles (∆T C /∆p = +13 K/GPa) and to only slight decrease in T C for system of Ni-nanoparticles (∆T C /∆p = −3 K/GPa). The pressure effect follows behavior of the mother Prussian blue analogues under pressure. The increase in saturated magnetization, attributed to compression of the organic matrix, is very small

    Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Properties of (NH3OH)2CoF4(NH_3OH)_2CoF_4 Fluoro-Metal Complex

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    Effect of pressure on magnetic properties of a bulk fluoro-metal complex (NH3OH)2MF4(NH_3OH)_2MF_4 was studied. Magnetization measurements suggest that a ferromagnetic transition at TC1T_{C1} = 47 K is followed by a ferrimagnetic one at TC2T_{C2} = 3 K. Both transition temperatures are pressure dependent with the pressure coefficients dTC1dT_{C1}/ dp = - 2.6 K/GPa and dTC2dT_{C2}/ dp = 0.26 K/GPa. The opposite sign of the coefficients is an additional indication of a different nature (ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic) of these two transitions. The effect of pressure on low field magnetization and exchange bias phenomena is small but still visible