14 research outputs found
Re-Examination of Generation of Baryon and Lepton Number Asymmetries by Heavy Particle Decay
It is shown that wave function renormalization can introduce an important
contribution to the generation of baryon and lepton number asymmetries by heavy
particle decay. These terms, omitted in previous analyses, are of the same
order of magnitude as the standard terms. A complete cancellation of leading
terms can result in some interesting cases.Comment: 12 pages, 2 Feynman graphs (not included), UPR-055
Models of Neutrino Masses and Baryogenesis
Majorana masses of the neutrino implies lepton number violation and is
intimately related to the lepton asymmetry of the universe, which gets related
to the baryon asymmetry of the universe in the presence of the sphalerons
during the electroweak phase transition. Assuming that the baryon asymmetry of
the universe is generated before the electroweak phase transition, it is
possible to dicriminate different classes of models of neutrino masses. While
see-saw mechanism and the triplet higgs mechanism are preferred, the Zee-type
radiative models and the R-parity breaking models requires additional inputs to
generate baryon asymmetry of the universe during the electroweak phase
transition.Comment: 27 pages including 5 figures; Review article for Pramana: the Indian
Journal of Physic
Application of transradial and transfemoral accesses during hepatic artery chemoembolization in the treatment of patients with malignant liver neoplasms
Introduction Malignant neoplasms of the liver are one of the most common pathologies in oncology. Chemoembolization of the hepatic artery is currently widely used in the treatment of unresectable liver tumors. Transradial vascular access is actively used in interventional cardiology due to fewer local vascular complications. At the same time, until recently, chemoembolization of the hepatic artery was more often performed via transfemoral vascular access. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of the results of transradial and transfemoral vascular accesses for the purpose of hepatic artery chemoembolization. Material and methods The data of 69 patients who underwent 212 hepatic artery chemoembolization procedures for malignant neoplasms in the liver were analyzed. The group of transradial access included 107 (50.5 %) interventions, the group of transfemoral access – 105 (49.5 %). The groups were comparable in terms of the main initial clinical and anamnestic data. Results Chemoembolization of the hepatic artery was successfully performed in 98.1 % in the transradial access group and 99 % in the transfemoral access group (p = 1.0). The total duration of intervention, time spent on catheterization of the target artery and radiation exposure were significantly shorter in the transradial access group than in the opposite group. The incidence of local vascular complications was not significantly different between the groups: 11 (10.3 %) and 12 (11.4 %) cases, respectively (p = 0.79). According to the results of patient interviews, the use of transradial access was accompanied by significantly less discomfort associated with the procedure. Discussion Traditionally, embolization of peripheral arteries is performed via transfemoral access, and the total incidence of local vascular complications (large subcutaneous hematomas, false aneurysms, arterovenous fistulas, etc.) is relatively high. According to the results of studies, it is possible to reduce the incidence of local vascular complications without increasing the cost of the procedure by performing the same interventions using transradial access. Conclusion Transradial vascular access has a number of significant advantages over transfemoral access, and therefore can be recommended as a priority for performing hepatic artery chemoembolization.Введение. Злокачественные новообразования печени являются одной из наиболее часто встречающихся патологий в онкологии. Химиоэмболизация печеночной артерии в настоящее время широко применяется в лечении нерезектабельных опухолей печени. Трансрадиальный сосудистый доступ активно используется в интервенционной кардиологии в связи с меньшим числом локальных сосудистых осложнений. До недавнего времени химиоэмболизация печеночной артерии чаще выполнялась через трансфеморальный сосудистый доступ. Цель работы – сравнительный анализ результатов применения трансрадиального и трансфеморального сосудистых доступов с целью химиоэмболизации печеночной артерии. Материалы и методы. Проанализированы данные 69 пациентов, которым было выполнено 212 процедур химиоэмболизации печеночной артерии по поводу злокачественных новообразований в печени. В группу трансрадиального доступа вошли 107 (50,5 %) вмешательств, в группу трансфеморального доступа – 105 (49,5 %). По основным исходным клинико-анамнестическим данным указанные группы были сопоставимы. Результаты. Химиоэмболизация печеночной артерии была успешно выполнена в 98,1 % в группе трансрадиального доступа и в 99 % случаев в группе трансфеморального доступа (р = 1,0). Общая продолжительность вмешательства, время, потраченное на катетеризацию целевой артерии, и лучевая нагрузка были достоверно меньше в группе трансрадиального доступа. Частота местных сосудистых осложнений достоверно не различалась между группами: 11 (10,3 %) и 12 (11,4 %) случаев соответственно (р = 0,79). По результатам опроса пациентов, использование трансрадиального доступа сопровождалось достоверно меньшей выраженностью дискомфорта, связанного с процедурой. Обсуждение. Традиционно эмболизация периферических артерий выполняется через трансфеморальный доступ, при этом суммарная частота развития местных сосудистых осложнений (больших подкожных гематом, ложных аневризм, артериовенозных фистул и пр.) относительно высока. Снизить частоту развития местных сосудистых осложнений без увеличения себестоимости процедуры позволяет выполнение тех же вмешательств с использованием трансрадиального доступа. Заключение. Трансрадиальный сосудистый доступ имеет ряд существенных преимуществ по сравнению с трансфеморальным, в связи с чем может быть рекомендован в качестве приоритетного для выполнения химиоэмболизации печеночной артерии
The Study in Animal Models of Local Action, Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Ultriks in Syringe
The evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity and local effect of the inactivated influenza vaccine Ultriks in animal models (guinea pigs, mice BALB/c) was performed. No vaccine-related toxic effect after a single intraperitoneal injection, multiple intramuscular injections, and no local irritant effect after a single intramuscular injection were reported in experimental animals
Dose Reconstruction for Workers of Mayak and for the Techa riverside Residents. Final Report.
The main objectives of the project were: (a) to contribute to the improvement of the dose assessment for individuals of the cohorts of workers of Mayak and Techa riverside residents which are currently burdened by large uncertainties, (b) to test the capabilities of several methods of dose reconstruction by their applying to the same members of the two cohorts for which independent dose assessments existed and (c) to further develop the methods of dose reconstruction according to the experience gained during the exercise. The applied methods were retrospective dosimetry based on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of teeth, chromosome painting (FISH) in lymphocytes and luminescence techniques applied to building materials. The independent dose estimates were based on film dosimetry for the workers of Mayak and for the Techa riverside residents on measurements of the contamination in the environment, of the external #beta# radiation of teeth and of the Strontium whole body contents. The work in the project was carried out in close collaboration with the project 'Dose Reconstruction' in the nuclear fission safety (NFS) programme (contract FI4PCT950011d). The measurements and evaluations were tasks for which the work was shared by both projects. Most of the method development and FISH analysis was more located in the NFS project and has been described in the final report of that project