18 research outputs found


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    The available literature data on the impact of social media on mental health are contradictory. Some studies report the benefits of using social media for mental health, including increased social support, strengthening connections and seeking help. In others, on the contrary, associations of problematic use of social networks with a number of psychosocial problems such as psychological stress, anxiety and depression have been identified. Purpose. To study the association of problematic use of social networks with indicators of depression on the HADS scale among medical university students. Materials and methods. 229 students of both sexes enrolled in the 3rd year of the medical faculty of the Medical University were examined. Problematic use of social networks was identified using the Russian-language version of the questionnaire «The Social Media Disorder Scale». The identification of depressive disorders and the assessment of severity were carried out using the Russian-language version of the hospital scale of anxiety and depression HADS. Results. It was found, that signs of depression were observed in 34,9% of the surveyed students and were statistically significantly more common among girls compared with boys. The frequency of problematic social media use among students with signs of depression was 36,4%. Among both the surveyed girls and boys the number of people with signs of depression in combination with problematic use of social networks was more than twice as high as in patients without problematic use of social networks. Conclusion. Associations of problematic use of social networks with indicators of depression on the HADS scale among students studying at a medical university have been revealed

    Pharmacoepidemiological analysis of antihypertensive therapy in older age groups with senile asthenia syndrome

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    Aim. To conduct a pharmacoepidemiological study to determine the characteristics of antihypertensive therapy in older patients with senile asthenia syndrome (SSA) and compliance of this therapy with modern clinical recommendations. Materials and methods. The study included 146 patients diagnosed with stage IIII hypertension who underwent inpatient treatment in the therapeutic department of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital for War Veterans, the subjects were divided into two groups. The first group included 55 elderly patients (WHO, 2012) with hypertension and SSA. The second group included 35 elderly patients (WHO, 2012) with hypertension and SSA. The comparison group consisted of 56 patients aged 60 to 84 years with hypertension without SSA. Evaluation of the pharmacotherapy was carried out based on extracts from the medical histories of inpatient patients. Results. The most commonly taken groups of antihypertensive drugs in patients of older age groups with hypertension and SSA according to the study are diuretics and -blockers. Diuretics were taken by 88.6% of elderly patients and 83.6% of senile patients. The main combinations of antihypertensive drugs in patients with hypertension and SSA were: a two-component scheme of combination of an ACE inhibitor and a diuretic, a three-component scheme of combination of an ACE inhibitor, a -blocker and a diuretic, four-component schemes of combination of an ACE inhibitor, a -blocker, a calcium channel blocker and a diuretic, as well as a combination of an angiotensin II receptor blocker, a -blocker, calcium channel blocker and diuretic with combined medications. Conclusion. The prescribed antihypertensive therapy in patients of older age groups with hypertension and SSA in most cases is represented by a combination of several drugs. Many patients take three-component antihypertensive therapy regimens. There were no statistically significant differences between patients of older age groups with hypertension and SSA, as well as patients of older age groups with hypertension without SSA. Therefore, it can be concluded that the presence of senile asthenia syndrome does not affect the tactics of treatment of hypertension and regardless of the presence or presence of SSA, patients receive the same hypotensive therapy, which contradicts existing clinical guidelines


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    Purpose. To study the features of affective disorders in men with comorbid chronic coronary heart disease with metabolic syndrome. Materials and methods. The study was performed with the participation of 115 male patients diagnosed with chronic coronary heart disease. Metabolic syndrome verification was carried out using the clinical recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology (2009). Identification of the presence of anxiety-depressive states and assessment of their severity was carried out using The Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. Results. The study showed that among men with chronic coronary heart disease who have metabolic syndrome, the median averaged anxiety score on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale was significantly higher (p=0,041) compared to those without metabolic syndrome. In 17,6% of the examined patients with a combination of chronic coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome, elevated levels of anxiety were detected. Anxiety disorders of a subclinically pronounced nature were found in 13,7% of the surveyed in this group, and clinically pronounced in 3,9%. Elevated levels of depression were detected in 17,6% of the examined patients with metabolic syndrome. At the same time, depressive disorders of both subclinically expressed and clinically expressed nature were detected with the same frequency: 7,8% vs 7,8%. Conclusion. Among patients with chronic coronary heart disease with a comorbid course with metabolic syndrome, the number of people with clinically pronounced anxiety and depression was higher compared to those without metabolic syndrome. In men with chronic coronary heart disease in combination with metabolic syndrome with both increased levels of anxiety and increased levels of depression, 3- and 4-component clusters of metabolic syndrome, including arterial hypertension, abdominal obesity and various dyslipidemias, were more often detected


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    The purpose of the study. To study the effect of internet-addiction on depression scores among medical university students. Materials and methods. The study involved 145 students of both sexes studying at a medical university. The CIAS scale used to assess the level of internet-addiction. Analysis of the frequency and severity of depression carried out using the HADS scale. Results. It found that a pronounced and stable pattern of internet-dependent behavior on the CIAS scale was detected in 8,2% of the surveyed medical students. Symptoms of depression of varying severity were twice as common among female medical students. When studying the influence of internet-dependent behavior on depression indicators, it was found that among students with Internet addiction, people with symptoms of depression of varying severity were more common, compared with students who are prone to internet-addiction and do not have addiction. Conclusion. The study revealed the presence of a high level of depressive disorders in students with internet-addiction studying at a medical university


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    The purpose of the study. To study the influence of various metabolic syndrome clusters on the severity of situational and personal anxiety. Materials and methods. The study included 136 patients, including 60 with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed based on the criteria of clinical recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology in 2009. The severity of personal and situational anxiety was assessed using the scale of self-assessment of the level of anxiety by Ch.D. Spielberger modified by Yu.L. Khanina. Results. It was established that in the examined groups of men, the median scores of both personal and situational anxieties corresponded to a moderate level. The most common variant of metabolic syndrome among men with high and moderate levels of situational and personal anxiety was its three-component combination. Among men with moderate and high levels of situational anxiety, there were statistically significantly more people with 5 or more metabolic syndrome components compared to patients with low levels. Conclusion. The combination of central obesity, arterial hypertension, and lipid disorders characterized by high levels of low-density lipoprotein was the most common cluster of MS among men with high and moderate levels of situational and personal anxiety


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    Purpose. To summarize and systematize the literature data on the pathogenetic aspects of the influence of seasonality on the health status of patients with chronic pathology of the cardiovascular system. Materials and methods. To analyze the literature, materials from the PubMed and PubMed Central resources of the US National Library of Medicine, Google Scholar, Elsevier Clinical Key and Elsevier Science Direct, as well as in the Russian RSCI database were used. The sample consisted of scientific papers devoted to the pathogenetic aspects of the influence of various meteorological factors on the course of cardiovascular pathology. Results. The generalized results of clinical and experimental studies presented in this review indicate both direct and indirect effects on the state of the cardiovascular system of seasonal changes in air temperature, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, air humidity and geomagnetic indicators. Conclusion. Meteorological factors have a pronounced effect on the course of cardiovascular diseases both through direct mechanisms of influence, and through the inclusion in the pathogenesis of these diseases and the aggravation of existing risk factors. The pathogenetic mechanisms of the influence of weather factors on the state of the cardiovascular system are important for understanding the application points that can be influenced and improved by primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular pathology


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    This work deals with the importance of studying seismicity and deep structure of the Earth’s crust in the region of the Baikal rift zone. The study presents a three-dimensional velocity structure of the Earth’s crust in the central part of Lake Baikal, obtained from the results of tomographic inversion of the travel times of P- and S-waves from more than 800 seismic events. Synthetic tests provide substantiation for the resolution of the tomographic inversion algorithm. The seismic structure of the crust was obtained to a depth of 35 km and has a direct relationship with the geological structure. The three-dimensional distributions of seismic P- and S-wave velocity anomalies are in good agreement with each other.The sharp contrast between the anomalies may indicate a difference in the material composition of the basement of the Central Baikal basin. At a 15-km depth below the Selenga River delta, there is observed a strong low-velocity anomaly which confirms the presence of a thick sedimentary cover therein. In the basement (at depths of 20 km or greater), to the northeast of the intersection between the Delta fault and the Fofanov fault, there occurs a high-velocity anomaly elongated towards the Olkhon Island. This anomaly is probably related to a rigid block in the earth’s crust. The same depths, on the western side of the Baikal-Buguldeika fault, show a reduced Vp/Vs ratio: 1.56–1.65 versus 1.70–1.75 in the adjacent areas. This indicates another type of basement rock composition and the presence of consolidated matter there.Besides, there has been made a more accurate hypocenter determination for further comparison between seismic events and active fault structures. For the central part of Lake Baikal, the distribution of seismicity mainly corresponds to depths of 10–22 km. The situation is different below the Selenga Delta – the only area where seismicity is observed at depths greater than 22 km, – which can be attributed to complex fault interactions.The velocity anomalies discussed herein are confined to reliably identified active faults and correlate well with the distribution of seismicity and gas hydrate structures.Работа посвящена актуальной теме изучения сейсмичности и глубинной структуры земной коры в районе Байкальской рифтовой зоны. В исследовании представлена трехмерная скоростная структура земной коры в центральной части оз. Байкал, полученная по результатам томографической инверсии времен пробега P- и S-волн от более чем 800 сейсмических событий. С помощью синтетических тестов обоснована разрешающая способность алгоритма томографической инверсии. Определена сейсмическая структура коры до глубины 35 км, которая имеет четкую связь с геологическим строением. Получены трехмерные распределения аномалий скоростей сейсмических P- и S-волн, которые согласуются между собой.Резкие контрасты аномалий могут свидетельствовать о различии в вещественном составе фундамента Центральной Байкальской котловины. На глубинах до 15 км в районе дельты р. Селенги наблюдается сильная низкоскоростная аномалия, что подтверждает наличие мощного осадочного чехла в этой области. В фундаменте (глубина 20 км и более), к северо-востоку от пересечения Дельтового и Фофановского разломов, наблюдается высокоскоростная аномалия, вытянутая в сторону о-ва Ольхон. Данная аномалия, вероятно, отражает жесткий блок в земной коре. На этой же глубине c западной стороны от Байкало-Бугульдейского разлома наблюдается пониженное соотношение Vp/Vs: 1.56–1.65 против 1.70–1.75 в прилежащих областях. Это свидетельствует об отличии породного состава фундамента и наличии здесь консолидированного вещества.Также в работе была уточнена локализация гипоцентров сейсмических событий для их последующего сопоставления с активными разломными структурами. Для центральной части озера Байкал распределение сейсмичности в основном соответствует глубинам 10–22 км. Под дельтой р. Селенги ситуация меняется (что авторы связывают со сложным взаимодействием разломов) – это единственная область, где сейсмичность наблюдается на глубинах более 22 км.Обсуждаемые в работе скоростные аномалии ограничены достоверно установленными активными разломами и коррелируют с распределением сейсмичности и газогидратных структур


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    The prevalence of anxiety disorders in older age groups is becoming a significant burden on public health. Compared with other age groups, elderly people suffering from mental illness, especially with anxiety disorders, often remain without proper diagnosis and treatment. Underestimation of anxiety disorder and its insufficient therapy can create difficulties in correcting general medical problems and be a factor in the progression of somatic disease. Purpose. To study age-related characteristics of levels of situational and personal anxiety in people of older age groups. Materials and methods. The present study involved patients with arterial hypertension aged 45 to 90 years. A total of 535 patients were examined of which 266 people. we made up an elderly group and 103 people – a group of senile age. Using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire designed for self-assessment of various levels of anxiety, the severity of personal and situational anxiety was assessed. Results. The frequency of situational and personal anxiety varied in the range from 3.25% to 40.4% and was slightly lower in people of older age groups. Among men of older age groups, the frequency of increased and pronounced levels of personal anxiety was statistically significantly higher in comparison with women of the same age group. Both among women and among older men pronounced levels of situational anxiety were more common in comparison with persons of younger age groups. Conclusion. In people of older age groups, the severity of levels of personal and situational anxiety depended on the age and gender of the subjects

    Удаление минеральных и органических веществ из поверхностных вод с использованием нанофильтрационных мембран

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    Screening investigations of organic and mineral substances’ removal from the different surface water sources by nanofiltration membranes have been carried out. It has been found that degree of water purification from organic substances was high, regardless to their concentration and filtrate conversion. On the contrary, removal degree for dissolved mineral substances depended highly on nanofiltration operating conditions and the water source origin.Проведены скрининговые исследования по удалению минеральных и органических веществ из поверхностных источников при помощи нанофильтрационных (НФ) мембран. В качестве объектов исследования были выбраны образцы поверхностных вод: р. Западная Двина (г. Витебск), р. Полота (г. Полоцк) и р. Свислочь (г. п. Свислочь, ТЭЦ-5). Исследования показали, что использование НФ мембран позволяет достигнуть высокой степени очистки воды от органических загрязнений независимо от степени отбора фильтрата и концентрации органических веществ в исходной воде. Степень удаления растворенных минеральных веществ зависит от рабочих параметров процесса нанофильтрации и источника происхождения воды


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    The purpose of the study. To evaluate the role of chronobiological personality type in the formation of Internet-addictive behavior in schoolchildren. Materials and methods. The study involved 25 students of both sexes of the 6th grade of secondary school No. 84 in Krasnoyarsk. The chronobiological personality type was determined using the Morningness-Evningness Questionnaire. The Chen Internet addiction Scale was used to assess the level of Internet addiction. Results. The most common chronobiological type among students was the daytime chronotype. A pronounced and stable pattern of Internet addictive behavior on the CIAS scale was detected in 8,0% of the surveyed schoolchildren, among whom there were only girls. The frequency of gaming addiction was higher in boys, while the frequency of social media addiction was 3 times higher among girls compared to boys. Internet addiction was observed mainly in adolescents with a daytime chronotype. The frequency of gambling addiction was twice as high among the representatives of the evening chronotype, while dependence on social networks was twice as common among schoolchildren of the daytime chronobiological type. Conclusion. It was found that Internet addiction was observed mainly in students with a daytime chronobiological type