242 research outputs found

    Construction of Immune-Chromatographic Indicator Elements for Burnet Rickettsia Detection

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    mc/ml, and the elapsed time – 20 minutes. The IE is specific to other members of the family Ricketsiaceae, for instance to R. prowazekii , to antigen complexes of R. prowazekii and R. sibirika , as well as to vaccinia virus (L-IVP strain). The IE engineered can be used for rapid indication of Burnet Rickettsia at different stages of laboratory investigation. Span time reduction, lack of necessity to perform any accessory technological operations, visual and (or) automatic registration of the results build up premises to observe immune-chromatographic method for Burnet Rickettsia detection as one of the alternatives for identification of these microorganisms under field conditions when monitoring ambient environment objects

    Hybrid nanoparticles based on sulfides, oxides, and carbides

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    The methods for synthesis of hybrid nanoparticles based on sulfides, oxides, and carbides of heavy and transition metals were considered. The problem of the influence of the method of synthesis of the hybrid nanoparticles on their atomic structure, morphology of the nanomaterials, and functional properties was analyzed. The areas of practical use of the hybrid nanoparticles were proposed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Свойства на-несенных на θ-Al2O3 гетерополисоединений в процессе улав-ливания NOх по данным ИК- спектроскопии in situ

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    It was shown that carrying a small (up to 1%) amount of a heteropoly compound increases the adsorption of NOx as compared to the original carrier. The increase in adsorption is due to the oxidation of NO to NO2 on the carried heteropoly compound. The main adsorption factors are nitrite and nitrate complexes. Their place of localization is the carrier. As temperature increases, the complexes change to nitrates. The presence of ions of varying valencies in the composition of the Kegin anion reduces the strength of the bond of the nitrate complexes with the surface. The ions that are not in the Kegin anion increase the bond strength. The change in the strength of the bond of nitrates with the surface of the carrier is owned to the carrier modification, which results from disintegration of a part of the carried heteropoly compound.С использованием ИК-спектроскопии in situ в режиме термодесорбции проведено исследование механизма активации оксидов азота на массивных гетерополисоединениях, а также состава адсорбционных комплексов, места их локализации, стабильности, механизма взаимных превращений на нанесенных на θ-Al2O3 гетерополисоединениях. Показано, что нанесение небольшого (до 1%) количества гетерополисоединения увеличивает адсорбцию NOх по сравнению с чистым носителем. Увеличение адсорбции связано с окислением NO до NO2 на нанесенном гетерополисоединении. Основными формами адсорбции являются нитритные и нитратные комплексы, которые локализуются на носителе. С повышением температуры нитритные комплексы превращаются в нитратные. Присутствие ионов переменной валентности в составе аниона Кегина уменьшает прочность связи нитратных комплексов с поверхностью; ионы, не входящие в состав аниона Кегина, увеличивают прочность связи. Изменение прочности связи нитратов с поверхностью носителя происходит в результате модифицирования носителя за счет деструкции части нанесенного гетерополисоединения

    Continuous casting of steel at OAO NTMK

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    Tables of stem volumes by diameter and height of the treelike willow in the north-taiga region

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    In the European North of Russia, the need for scientifically based normative and reference materials for stands’ survey, including nonprincipal tree species, such as treelike willow, represented in the region mainly by sallow Salix carpea L., northern willow Salix borealis Fries, almond-leaved willow Salix triandra L., and their hybrids, was and remains relevant. Without maintaining a unified system of forest survey standards, it is impossible to conduct intensive forestry. Forest survey standards for a treelike willow were developed, taking into account the specifics of forest growing conditions of forest areas. The absence of forest survey standards for a treelike willow makes it difficult to improve the accuracy of accounting forest resources in the European North of Russia, to fulfill functions of protecting, safeguarding and restoring forest resources, and to increase the ecological functions of forests. The article presents new tables of volumes of willow tree stems in diameter and height in the north-taiga region. When developing the tables, the data of 42 sample plots were used, which were established in the Verkhnetoemsky and Arkhangelsk forestry districts of Arkhangelsk Oblast, on which 105 sample trees were measured. Tables of stem volumes by diameter and height of a treelike willow are used to determine the stock of stand, as well as to determine the volume of individual tree stems in the sample plots during the studies. The shape of willow stems were studied using sample trees using the old form factor. The height range with the appropriate diameter was taken from the sample plot data and the measured sample trees. Forest survey standards for a treelike willow in the north-taiga region of the European part of the Russian Federation previously have not been developed