38 research outputs found

    Modern Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Multilateralism in International Relations: the EAEU Case

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    Modern theoretical approaches to interpretations of the concepts “multilaterality”, “multipolarity”, “multi-vector foreign policy” are investigated. Features of multi-vector foreign policy are considered in the countries of the post-Soviet space.Aim. Determine the basic theoretical and consider practical approaches to multilateralism in international relations.Tasks. To identify the main differences in the interpretations of the concept of “multi-line” at the present stage. Determine the ratios between multilaterality and multipolarity. Formulate the main differences in views on the versatility between Western and developing countries. Consider the main manifestations of the multi-vector’s external policy of the countries of the post-Soviet space, paying attention to the EAEU countries.Methods. The main place in the study was taken by the comparison method. Multilateity was seen as the principle of conducting international affairs and making decisions by the state; In other words, the foreign policy process. For this, the model of R. Patema was used, in which foreign policy decisions are made in the logic of a two-level game, with the domestic political and foreign policy levels. Multilateity is the factor of the second level. The factor of the first level is the manifestation of the socio-economic policy of the state.Results. Modern theoretical and practical approaches to multilateralism have been investigated.Conclusions. There are no uniform interpretations of the concept of multilaterality. The main differences are associated with a place that occupies the concept of “values”. Whether the values are the basis of multilaterality or vice versa — the versatility of the process of coming to common values. This is a fairly fundamental issue for multipolarity. Multipolarity can exist without multilateralism.The centuries-old foreign policy in the conditions of the post-Soviet space contributes to the instability of states and leads to economic and political crises in these states

    Main Directions of Ensuring Military Safety of Member States of the CSTO (Based on «The strategy of Collective Security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization until 2025»)

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    In the article the main directions of ensuring military safety of member states of the CSTO according to “The strategy of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization until 2025” are considere

    Economic and Political Aspects of the Serbia — EAEU Free Trade Area

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the Serbia — EAEU relations development through the prism of the Agreement on the Free Trade Area (FTA) — between the integration association and the separate economy / country. The purpose of this study is to identify the prospects of the FTA taking into account Serbia’s desire to integrate into the European Union. The author come to the conclusion that intensive interaction, primarily between Serbia and Russia through the FTA between Serbia and the EAEU, is explained, on the one hand, by Serbia’s multi-vector foreign policy, and, on the other hand, by Russia’s attentive attitude to the course of the conflict over Kosovo. Russia has economic interests in this region, as well as the region is people-related value for Russia within which it has used and will intensively utilize of soft power mechanisms

    The Political and Economic Basis of Russian and Central Asian States’ Participation in the Chinese Project of the Silk Road Economic Zone Building

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    The political and economic preconditions for cooperation between Russia and the Central Asian states in the project of the Silk Road Economic zone are considered. It is shown that such a framework is the international agreements of these countries and the formation of a single transport space within The Eurasian Economic Community / EAEC

    Collective Security Treaty Organization: Realities and Perspectives of Crisis Response

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    This study is aimed at studying the key problem of regional security — crisis response within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).Aim. Show that despite the development of the crisis mechanism, its current state does not satisfy the member states, which affects the overall security of the Eurasian space.Tasks. Consider the stages of development of crisis management through the prism of the development of the formation of the CSTO as an organization designed to ensure security in two directions: military security and countering “new challenges”.Methods. To compare the mechanisms for countering crises, the method of comparative analysis is used, including the provisions of international treaties, as well as successful and unsuccessful practices in the CIS and the CSTO.Results. Based on specific examples of activities and study of the decisions taken by the governing bodies of the CSTO, it is shown that the improvement of the direction of crisis management will become the main one in the development of the Organization

    Russian-Chinese Relations in the Context of Mutual Influence of Integration Processes

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    The article examines Russian-Chinese relations in the context of the interface between the projects of the Eurasian Economic Union and the project “One Belt — One Road.” For a relatively long time, experts considered the difficulty of connecting these projects. The EAEU is an integration association of some countries of the post-Soviet space. Regarding the economic belt of the Silk Road, there has long been a discussion about its essence and mechanisms. The complexity of the interface was seen in the obvious difference in the essence of the projects, and hence the interface mechanisms themselves. The concept of “One Belt — One Road” is used by us as a generalization for all individual projects put forward by the People’s Republic of China. In fact, this does not change the interface problem. Recently, with the emergence of new views on integration issues and the formation of the theory of Eurasian integration, it became possible to consider it as a certain mechanism for achieving other more significant goals.Aim. The purpose of the study is to analyze Russian-Chinese relations in the context of the impact of the development of integration projects of EAEU and OBOR.Tasks. Thus, the tasks of the study were: to show the possibility of studying the interaction of projects within the framework of integration interaction; show that interaction is a mechanism for influencing Russian-Chinese relations.Methods. The research methodology is based on modern views on the process of Eurasian integration, more precisely on such concepts as “pragmatic Eurasianism,” “securing integration,” “geographical poles of inaccessibility,” “transport union.” At the same time, the main idea is integration as a mechanism for achieving other goals, including the possibility of influencing international relations. Under current circumstances, the COVID-19 pandemic has a direct impact on international relations and in particular on international economic relations. Since the modern development, primarily economic relations, is largely determined by the influence of the pandemic, the secondary task was to show the stability of integration associations to the conditions of the pandemic.Results. The results were: the possibility of using the provisions of the modern theory of Eurasian integration to solve the problems of interaction between the EAEU and the OBOR was shown; it is shown that the ideological contradictions of the projects of the EAEU (protection of preferences of the common customs territory) and the OBOR (creation of extensive FTAs) are partially removed by the signed agreements within the framework of the interface; resistance of integration structures to pandemic is shown.Conclusions. New approaches to defining the integration process, in particular, the theory of Eurasian integration — “pragmatic Eurasianism” is focused on the possibility of achieving the goals of the “One Belt — One Road” project and the concept of the Great Eurasian Partnership and provides an opportunity to show the dynamics of development, including in Russian-Chinese relations

    Extra-Regional Influence on the Development of Economic Integration in the ASEAN Region

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    This study discusses the extra-regional influence and scenarios for the development of regional integration of the countries of the Association of States Southeast Asia (ASEAN), in particular, the role of the future free trade agreement between the EAEU and Indonesia in maintaining the effect of convergence in Southeast Asia (Southeast Asia) in the horizon of 2025.Aim. To Determine the main trends in the development of extra-regional influence and forecasts for regional economic convergence in ASEAN countries by 2025.Tasks. Determine the trends and perspective scenarios for the development of the integration of the countries of Southeast Asia.Methods. Both the descriptive method and the system analysis method are used. Also, this study uses the approaches of the Eurasian Development Bank to assess the disproportion in the level of development of the ASEAN countries (macroeconomic indicators; in the analysis of time series of GDP, GDP per capita for ASEAN countries, the Box-Jenkins methodology (ARIMA) is used. The key concept in this study is convergence. Convergence is seen as the process of approaching a certain level or decreasing the difference between two values over time [7]; real convergence contributes to the convergence of the economic level of countries within an integrated group (differences in the economic levels of development of countries hinder the process of integration). The effect of real economic convergence for ASEAN countries in the future 2025 can take on different meanings depending on the implementation of the initiatives proposed by non-regional actors (for example, Indo-Pacific Economic Structure and FTA between the EAEU and Indonesia).Results. The results of the study present four probability-ranked scenarios for the development of regional economic convergence in the ASEAN countries. It has been established that the most likely scenario is one in which the initiative of the EAEU and the Republic of Indonesia will take place, while the Indo-Pacific Economic Structure proposed by the United States will not be implemented by 2025. In this case, regional economic convergence in the ASEAN countries may take on the most favorable meaning.Conclusions. Along with the global trend, the expansion of economic integration through the creation of free trade zones with other integration associations, the development of economic integration in the region is influenced by the rivalry between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America. Looking forward to the mid-second half of the 2020s. years as a result, the adoption of a free trade agreement between the EAEU countries and the Republic of Indonesia will have a positive impact on the increase in the pace of regional economic convergence in Southeast Asia

    EAEU Expands International Cooperation: Latin American Trend

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    Integration associations are trying to expand their composition or sphere of interaction / influence. In modern international relations, the importance of transregionalism is increasing due to strengthening interdependence of countries at the global level and the formation for a new architecture of the world economy. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is trying to integrate itself into the world economy as an independent regional economic center and increase its competitiveness. Therefore, the Eurasian Economic Union seeks to develop transregional interaction with various regions, including Latin American and the Caribbean countries that caused the increasing role of Latin America in the context of the formation for a polycentric world system. The aim of the study is to identify transregional interaction specifics between the Eurasian Economic Union and Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, and Argentina. On the basis of a comparative analysis of political and legal documents on cooperation, according to legal forms, institutional mechanisms and areas of cooperation the authors have concluded that the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), in contrast to the European Union, implements classical transregionalism model with Latin American countries. Wherein, the Memo- randum of understanding is the mechanism that does not create rights and obligations, within the framework of international law. The signing of such documents on cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and Latin American countries is the initial stage for strengthening mutual trade and economic cooperation, exchange of experience and information on regional economic integration, research and development so can be considered as element of soft power

    Political and Legal Basis of the Conjugation of the Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road Economic Belt: Formation Process and Perspectives of Co-operation

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    As the title implies the article deals and analyse the cooperation processes of the conjugation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Silk Road Economic Belt.The purpose of the article is to identify mechanism of the conjunction of the EAEU and Silk Road Economic Belt. To conduct the research and generate results, authors applied document analysis method. The object of the study is the mechanism of the conjugation of the EAEU and Silk Road Economic Belt.The subject of the research is Russian-Chinese bilateral relations, political and economic aspects and the normative legal base between the EAEU and China. Dependent variables of the research: normative legal framework, political and diplomatic relations, trade and investment cooperation, transport and logistics corridors, industry network, geopolitical constituent, Russian-Chinese relations. Independent variables of the research: the EAEU integration process, agreements between EAEU and Vietnam, Iran, India.It is analysed and stressed the vital role in the intensification bilateral relations and in the formation of normative legal base between the EAEU member states and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), as well as between the Russia and the PRC in creating favorable conditions to strengthen conjugation of the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt.The article demonstrates a high level of Russian-Chinese relations in strategic areas of cooperation, a large complex of normative legal base, the importance of developing transport infrastructure and industrial network, the significance of increasing turnover including improving the investment environment.It is highlighted a crucial role of the Eurasian Economic Commission in creating a normative legal base of the conjugation mechanism of the EAEU and Silk Road Economic Belt in accordance with its competencies. One of the key issues of the article is an important role of the diplomatic and political mechanism of member states´ interaction in implementing the conjugation of the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt. It is analysed the substantial role of nuclear energy as one of the major areas of economic cooperation between Russia and China, as well as one of the main factors for strengthening the conjunction of the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt.It is underlined dynamism of cooperation of the conjugation. It is stressed the key role of the number of signed normative legal documents as well as a wide range of fields of interaction between the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt. It is established that for the further cooperation is necessary to activate and intensify legal framework between the member states of the EAEU and China. It is shown that listed factors indicate positive perspectives for further cooperation of the conjunction

    The State Industrial Policy in Modern Conditions: World Experience

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    In article the characteristic is given to the main tendencies and the directions of realization of the state industrial policy in the advanced industrial countries (Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Japan). Strategy of the state industrial policy of the CIS countries in system of the Euroasian integration are formulated. The concept of the state industrial policy of the CIS countries in modern conditions of development of world economy is offere