44 research outputs found

    Influence of multicomponent contamination on the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of woody plants commonly planted for greening of cities

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    Woody plants, as an important element of optimization of the urban environment, respond negatively to the ever-increasing technogenic pressure in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to assess their vital status, the most sensitive indicator of which being the content of plastid pigments. In this article we analyze the effects of multicomponent contamination on quantitative fluctuation of the level of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of woody plants and identify sensitive species for the purpose of phytoindication in order to assess the state the environment is currently in. For the purposes of our research we chose the most widespread tree species in the city of Dnipro (Steppe zone of Ukraine), growing in the area of intensive industrial pollution and high levels of emissions by vehicles. We determined the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a and b, a + b, carotenoids) in the leaves of woody plants during different months of the growing season (June, July, August) and afterwards this data was used to compare the given parameters against the values taken from trees in the control area. The sum of chlorophyll levels a + b for the majority of plants was decreasing compared to the control. A more significant decrease in the content given by the sum of the a and b chlorophyll levels is observed in the assimilation organs of Aesculus hippocastanum L., Pinus pallasiana (D. Don) and Picea abies (L.) H. The most significant changes in the content of pigments in the leaves of plants under study were detected at the end of the growing season (in August). The content of green pigments in the leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia L., Platanus orientalis L. remains virtually unchanged. Under the influence of multicomponent contamination, the amount of pigments in the case of chlorophyll a in the majority of woody plant species decreases more rapidly compared to the control than in the case of chlorophyll b. The most noticeable drop in the content of chlorophyll a occurs in the leaves of Betula pendula Roth, Ae. hippocastanum, P. pallasiana, Acer platanoides L. and Tilia cordata Mill. The needles of P. abies and Picea pungens Engelm. 'Glauca’ on the contrary suffer from a significant reduction in the concentration of chlorophyll b. The species most resistant to multicomponent contamination in terms of changes in the content of chlorophyll in the leaf blade are R. pseudoacacia, P. orientalis. The concentration of carotenoids in the leaves of plants such as B. pendula, Ae. hippocastanum, A. platanoides, T. cordata, P. abies is lower than that of species growing in the relatively clean zone. The concentration of pigments in Populus alba L., P. pungens 'Glauca’ was higher during all of the months elapsed since the beginning of our study, whereas Ulmus laevis Pall., P. orientalis and R. pseudoacacia – had their concentrations reach an all time high in the second half of the growing season. Therefore, the peculiarities of quantitative fluctuation of photosynthetic pigments in plants, which are characterized by the variable resistance ability against the effects of technogenic multicomponent contamination, have been identified

    Оцінювання впливу промислових умов на величину флуктуючої асиметрії листкової пластинки Betula Pendula Запоріжжя

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    We studied the variability of morphometric parameters of Betula pendula leaf blade in various plantations under the influence of urban technogenic environment in the city of Zaporizhzhya. The data was collected right after the growth of leaf blades had subsided, at the end of July – in early August 2017‑2018. The samples of Betula pendula leaves were collected in the area of green plantations of sanitary protection zones of 7 industrial enterprises of various toxicity classes. The measurement was carried out in such a way that in total 5 parameters were involved (with parameters from 1st to 4th being taken in millimetres, while the 5th parameter was taken in degrees) on the left and right side of the leaf blade. While analyzing the list of morphometric traits, we have used the integral index derived applying the method of V. M. Zakharov (2000). The most sensitive to the influence of urbo-technogenic environment of the Betula pendula leaf blade is the parameter #3 – the distance between the bases of the first and second veins of the second order, which average value is 0.111 cm. Parameter #2, which is the length of the vein of the second order situated second from the base of the leaf, is most resistant to the influence of factors of technogenic pollution (the asymmetry does not exceed 0.030 cm). Based on the calculation of the mean value of the fluctuating asymmetry, we established the dependence between the violation of symmetry levels and the environmental pollution. The lowest value of the asymmetry coefficient (0.040) was detected in plantations in the area belonging to Zaporozhtransformator (ZTR) PJSC. The most extreme technogenic pressure that Betula pendula is exposed to can be found in protective forest plantations located near industrial facilities of Zaporozhogneupor, Zaporizhstal, Zaporizhkoks, Dniprospetsstal, ZTMC and ZALK (the limits of fluctuation of the fluctuating asymmetry index in these areas are from 0.058 to 0.065).Досліджено мінливість морфометричних параметрів листкової пластинки Betula pendula в різних насадженнях за впливом урботехногенного середовища м. Запоріжжя. Збір матеріалу проведено після зупинки росту листкових пластинок, наприкінці липня – на початку серпня 2017–2018 рр. Проби листків Betula pendula відібрано в зелених насадженнях санітарних зон 7 промислових підприємств з різними класами шкідливості. Вимірювання проведено за п'ятьма показниками у міліметрах (параметри 1–4) та градусами (параметр 5) з лівого і правого боків листкової пластинки. Під час аналізу комплексу морфометричних ознак використано інтегральний показник за методикою В. М. Захарова (2000). Найчутливішими до впливу урботехногенного середовища пластинки Betula pendula є показник 3 параметра – відстань між основами першої та другої жилок другого порядку, середнє значення якого становить 0,111 см. Параметр 2 – довжина другої від основи листка жилки другого порядку, є найбільш стійкий до впливу чинників техногенного забруднення середовища, асиметрія не перевищує 0,030 см. На основі обчислення середнього значення флуктуючої асиметрії встановлено залежність порушення рівня симетрії за дії забруднення довкілля. Мінімальне значення коефіцієнта асиметрії (0,040) зафіксовано в насадженнях Трансформаторного заводу. Найбільшого техногенного пресу Betula pendula зазнає в захисних насадженнях, що ростуть біля промислових об'єктів Вогнетриву, Запоріжсталь, Коксохіму, Дніпроспецсталь, Титано-магнівого та Алюмінієвого комбінатів (межі коливання показника флуктуючої асиметрії на цих ділянках від 0,058 до 0,065)

    Рекурсивні системи у мистецтві та дизайні: питання класифікації

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    The recursion concept and feature of the recursive systems is exposed in the article, the attempt of their classification is done. Visual recursion is considered as the method of harmonization of in–spatial environment. The types of the visual recursive systems (planar, volume–spatial, combined) are first analyses in the art and design.В статье раскрыто понятие рекурсии и особенности рекурсивных систем, сделана попытка их классификации. Визуальная рекурсия представлена как способ гармонизации предметно–пространственной среды. Впервые проанализированы типы визуальных рекурсивных систем (плоскостная, объемно–пространственная, комбинированная) в искусстве и дизайне.У статті висвітлено поняття рекурсії та особливості рекурсивних систем, зроблено спробу їх класифікації. Розглянуто візуальну рекурсію як засіб гармонізації предметно–просторового середовища. Вперше проаналізовано типи візуальних рекурсивних систем (площинна, об’ємно–просторова, комбінована) у мистецтві та дизайні

    Several aspects of conservative treatment of patients with cervical osteochondrosis

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    The aim of the research was to develop an algorithm of complex conservative treatment of patients with cervical osteochondrosis. We examined and provided conservative treatment to 40 patients with cervical osteochondrosis in periods 1-11 with severe pain syndrome. The treatment was mainly aimed at pain management. For this purpose, we assigned non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSA1D) to the patients. NSA1D are the most effective medicinal agents, first of all due to their analgesic effect. Also, the treatment included physiotherapy and acupuncture. As a result of the treatment, neurological manifestations were reduced. Number of cervicalgia cases decreased from 12 (before the treatment) to 6 (after the treatment), number of cervical cranialgia cases - from 12 to 7, number of cervicobrachialgia cases - from 16 to 8 correspondingly. Developed complex of conservative treatment measures allows to obtain successful treatment results in most cases. 1t is important to note that proposed treatment regimen is available, simple and can be applied in all neurological and neurosurgical units and hospitals

    History of development of neurosurgery in Scientific Center of Reconstructive and Restorative Surgery SB RAMS - combination of science and practice

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    The article is devoted to the description of all main milestones of development of neurosurgical ward from the foundation of Scientific Research nstitute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics in İ946 to nowadays. The problems of development of the ward, scientific and practical paradigm of scientific-clinical department of neurosurgery of Scientific Center of Reconstructive and Restorative Surgery SB RAMS are reviewed in the article. The periods of activity of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics from the positions of clinical and scientific achievements are observed. The article presents the facts on the work of clinical and scientific officers that prove close connection of scientific researches and clinical developments in different spheres of neurosurgery. The stages of formation of professional growth of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics in close relation with periods of the development of the country. Also the article presents main dissertation researches performed by the employees of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, shows their significance in science and clinical work and also illustrates main problems of development of neurosurgery nowadays and determines ways of their solving

    Secretion of hormones of hypophysis, sexual gland and adrenals in patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis

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    The article is devoted, to the study of secretion of hormones of hypophysis, sexual gland and adrenals in patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis. Concentration of some hormones of hypophysis, sexual glands and adrenals in blood serum of 45 patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis before and. after standard conservative treatment was defined. Typical changes in secretion of studied hormones at postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis were revealed. It was showed that standard scheme of treatment partly grades revealed endocrine disorders. Appropriateness of including research of hormonal profile for solving the problem of its possible correction in the complex of examination of patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis and. of calling endocrinologist for the examination of patients and further enhancement of the scheme of their treatment was proved

    Conservative Treatment of Cervicobrachial Syndrome in Patients with Cervical Osteochondrosis (Literature Review)

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    The article analyzes the data of 58 sources of literature on the treatment of cervicobrachial syndrome in patients with cervical osteochondrosis. The anatomical and topographic features of the cervical spine, which are predisposing factors for the development of the studied pathology, namely, the small size of the vertebral bodies and their increased mobility are noted in the work. A high incidence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the cervical spine was found in persons over 60years old (50 %) and aged 60years and older (75 %) with a predominance of the development of the pathological process at the level of the CV-CVI vertebral motor segment. According to the literature, the attitude to the problem of treating this pathology is contradictory. The main points of application of conservative treatment are the elimination of pain and muscle spasm, an increase in the volume of movements in the cervical spine. Despite the fact that significant progress has been achieved in recentyears in conservative treatment of patients with pathology of the cervical spine, many tasks remain unresolved and require further analysis, and therefore the problem of improving diagnosis and treatment remains relevant, socially significant and timely

    Some Aspects of the Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Osteochondrosis of the Cervical Spine (Literature Review)

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    The aim of this research was to study the most important problems in diagnosing a socially significant problem - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. According to some authors, in the structure of disability and disability associated with pathology of the spine, diseases of the cervical spine occupy one of the leading positions.The paper analyzes data from 41 sources of literature on the pathogenesis and diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of the approaches to the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, this paper analyzes the most important research methods in the diagnosis of this pathology. Attention is focused on the main pathogenetic prerequisites for the occurrence of pain.According to literature data, the main attention in the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is given to the basic methods: clinical and neurological examination, where the severity of the disorders is determined using scales that include not only an assessment of the intensity of the pain syndrome, but also the determination of a number of neurological disorders. The authors propose the use of a DN4 questionnaire, LANSS scales, neurological impairment scales (N1S); radiation research methods, such as survey spondylography of the cervical spine in direct and lateral projections, functional spondylography of the cervical spine in the position of maximum flexion and extension, multispiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging data, and neurophysiological studies. Radiation research methods can determine pathological changes in the bone tissue itself. Magnetic resonance imaging indices make it possible to assess the degree of pathological changes in the soft tissue anatomical structures of the spinal canal and intervertebral discs. According to the literature, much attention is paid to functional research methods, in particular, electroneuromyography, which allows to assess the level and degree of damage to nerve fiber, the dynamics of the pathological process. Attention is paid to the allocation of marker indicators. All methods are significant, evidence-based, objective and modern and do not exclude the possibility of using data from other research methods.The analysis of the presented literature once again convinces clinicians of the ambiguity and heterogeneity of approaches to the issues of pathogenesis and diagnosis of the cervical spine, which requires further improvement of the proposed methods for clarifying and objectifying the pathological process. An important andjustified is a pathogeneti-cally grounded approach to their study

    Experience of unilateral and bilateral transpedicular fixation in degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine

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    The aim. To study the effectiveness of using monosegmental fixation systems in surgeries involving resection of part of the facet joint in patients with posterolateral and foraminal hernias in the lumbar spine. Materials and methods. The study included 40  patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine who underwent medial facet resection and the removal of posterolateral or foraminal disc hernia. Among them, 10  patients underwent unilateral single-level transpedicular fixation with interbody fusion using titanium cage (UTPF cage group), and the other 10 patients underwent unilateral monosegmental transpedicular fixation (UTPF group). The remaining 20 patients underwent bilateral transpedicular fixation (BTPF group). The amount of intraoperative blood loss, duration of surgery and length of hospital stay, as well as the frequency of perioperative complications in the groups were assessed. Visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score, Oswestry index and McNab score were assessed before and 6 and 12 months after surgery. Results. Intraoperative blood loss in the UTPF  cage and UTPF groups was less than in the BTPF group, as was the duration of surgery; the differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Indicators of VAS score and Oswestry Quality of Life Index in the studied groups indicated the effectiveness of the technology. Discussion. Unilateral decompressive and stabilizing surgeries in patients with posterolateral and foraminal hernias of the lumbar spine can reduce the duration of the surgery, the volume of blood loss and the severity of pain in the postoperative period due to adequate decompression of the neurovascular formations of the spinal canal and stabilization of the spinal motion segment, which prevents the relapse of the disease and provides early rehabilitation of patients. Conclusion. Unilateral transpedicular fixation is acceptable and safe for lumbar degenerative diseases and improves the quality of life of the patients

    Radiological and Functional Research Methods in the Diagnosis of Segmental Instability in Cervical Osteochondrosis and of Cervicobrachial Syndrome

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    This paper presents the analysis of diagnostic policy of 72 patients with cervical osteochondrosis and cervicobrachial syndrome. All patients were examined according to a single program, which included a specially designed questionnaire containing address data, diagnosis, history of life and illness, patient complaints, with a mandatory examination by a neurologist for the presence of compression of neural structures of the cervical spine with a detailed description of the local status and clinical and neurological syndromes. Patients underwent general spondylography of the cervical spine in the anteroposterior and lateral projections. For the diagnosis of segmental instability, functional spondylography was performed in the position of maximum flexion and extension and functional spondylography with burdening, which is based on mathematical modeling of the distribution of the vector force load system in the cervical spine under conditions of inclination of the head at an angle of 45° (flexion) and 15° (extension) with the weight on the head weighing up to 500 grams (putting a special device on the head). A mathematical formula for calculating the index of instability of the vertebral motor segment in the cervical spine is proposed. Sagittal balance of the cervical spine was studied with the correlative dependence of its indicators with the intensity of the pain syndrome according to standard spondylography and magnetic resonance imaging. Identified marker indicator of electroneuromyographic studies of the upper extremities - F-wave. Based on the obtained fundamental knowledge, an algorithm for diagnosing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and cervicobrachial syndrome has been developed and scientifically substantiated