56 research outputs found

    Diagnostic and prognostic significance of some inflammatory serum proteins in patients with precancerous diseases and cervical cancer

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    Background: The high social significance of cervical cancer, the shortcomings of the performed cervical screening is prerequisites for research in the field of mproving the diagnosis of this disease. We hypothesized that the systemic level of some inflammatory proteins could be used as a diagnostic criterion for cervical cancer.The aim of the study was to study the level of some vascular-inflammatory markers in the blood serum in patients with precancerous diseases and cervical cancer in order to improve their diagnosis and also to identify markers for predicting an unfavorable outcome in patients with cervical cancer.Materials and methods. A non-randomized prospective controlled study was carried out, the participants of which were patients with the diagnosis of cervical cancer (n = 49) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the III degree (n = 13). The control group included 15 relatively healthy women. The following spectrum of inflammatory proteins was determined in blood serum by flow cytometry using the Human Vascular Inflammation Panel 1: myoglobin, calprotectin, lipocalin A, matrix metal peroxidase 2, osteopontin, myeloperoxidase, serum amyloid A, protein 4, which binds insulin-like growth factor cell-cell adhesion 1, vascular cell adhesion molecule, matrix metalloperoxidase 9, cystatin C. Statistical analysis was carried out by calculating the Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni’s correction. The model was created using binary logistic regression to diagnose cervical cancer.Results. In the intergroup comparison of the protein`s spectrum in the blood serum, no significant differences were obtained. However, using the binary logistic regression method, an equation was drawn up to calculate the diagnostic coefficient of cervical cancer, which allows diagnosing cervical cancer with an accuracy of 82%, and in terms of information content is not inferior to cytological diagnostics. The developed coefficient can be used to predict an unfavorable outcome of cervical cancer after 1 year from the moment of diagnosis. Conclusion. The developed diagnostic coefficient makes it possible to  diagnose cervical cancer with high accuracy and can be used to predict cervical cancer


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    This paper presents the results of a retrospective analysis of epidemiological studies (2005-2011 years) continuous sampling method 320 adolescent boys aged 14-17 years living in the Irkutsk region (Irkutsk, Bratsk, Angarsk, v. Bay-anday): 282 boys Europeans, 30 Mongoloids, 8 Mitis. We compared the clinical, instrumental and laboratory data in adolescents, depending on where you live, the presence or absence of pathology and ethnic groups in the Russian, Buryat and Mitis. Ethnicity was determined by taking into account the phenotypic characteristics of the child and genealogical data history (children with parents in two generations of one ethnic group). The high frequency of goiter in teenage boys who live in the major industrial cities in the 2.63.4 times the figure given in the rural population (px2 0,05), living in rural areas, with no significant ethnic differences. However, the teenagers Caucasians living in urban areas, the puberty and physical development delay met in 2,5-1,4 times more often (33,8-58,3 %; px2 < 0,05). Our data support a role of thyroid dysfunction in the development of reproductive disorders, and therefore timely diagnosis, treatment and recovery of thyroid function is necessary for the prevention of infertility. The established differences in urban and rural adolescent boys suggest the influence of anthropogenic impact on the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems

    Trichology features of alopecia in reproductive age women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders, affecting 5-10 % of reproductive-aged women. The dermatologic manifestations of PCOS play a significant role in diagnosis. The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of androgenic alopecia among patients with PCOS and to define their most significant trkhological features. Because the data on dermatologic changes associated with PCOS are rather scarce, the present study was designed to determine the incidence and prevalence of androgenic alopecia. Materials and methods. We conducted a prospective observational study of patients with PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS was made according to the consensus criteria adopted in May2003 in Rotterdam. Each patient signed informed consent, and then a general physical examination, systemic examination, breast and pelvic examination, as well as a detailed trichological examination were carried out. Results. Twenty women with PCOS participated in the study. The median age was28.7± 6.2years. Oligo/anovulation frequency was 63.2 %, hirsutism frequency - 68.4 %. In our study, the prevalence of androgenic alopecia was found to be 30 %, telogenic hair loss - 55 %, absence of alopecia signs in І5 % of cases. Conclusions. Androgenic alopecia is a prevalent but unreliable marker of biochemical hyperandrogenism. It is therefore imperative for the treating physicians to understand the adverse effects associated with PCOS, recognize these potential health risks in patients, and treat them accordingly

    Neuroendocrine regulation and ovarian reserve in HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders

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    Background: Among the subjects of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk region is an area with an unfavorable epidemiological situation for HIV-infection. Women living with HIV in Russia and visiting AIDS-centers represent a socially and economically active part of the population are at a young reproductive age and plan to have children. Aims: to study the state of the neuroendocrine system and the ovarian reserve in HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders. Materials and methods. We examined in 17 HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders and 33 women with HIV-infection and reproductive health at the age of 18-45 years (mean age 31,1 ± 4,4 years). The determination of hormone levels was carried out by a competitive solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results. The obtained results testify to neuroendocrine disorders in the form of a decrease in the level of total testosterone, 17-OH progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, as a manifestation of androgen deficiency of the body, as a result of ovarian dysfunction. Decrease in the level of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and increase the content of follicle-stimulating hormone, as a manifestation of the beginning of early menopause or a factor leading to infertility. Conclusions. The results of this study show that a woman's body on the background of HIV-infection reveals disorders of the neuroendocrine system dysfunction and decreased ovarian ovarian reserve, and as a result, reproductive disorders

    The recurrences of cervical cancer: Possibilities of molecular prediction

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    The incidence of recurrence of cervical cancer ranges from 10 to 40 %. The 5-year survival rate for patients with recurrent cervical cancer is about 5–15 % against the background of current drug therapy. Clinical and morphological characteristics of the tumor process are known, which are used as markers of an unfavorable prognosis for the development of cervical cancer recurrence. The search for molecular prognostic markers of the course of cervical cancer continues.The aim. To determine the level of immune cycle proteins in patients with cervical cancer 0–IV stages, depending on the occurrence of a relapse of the disease.Materials and research methods. A retrospective analysis of previously obtained results of a study on the local level of immune cycle proteins in patients with cervical cancer was performed. Three years after follow-up, 2 groups were formed: group 1 – patients treated for cervical cancer without signs of disease progression (n = 83); group 2 – patients with cervical cancer with local or systemic recurrence (n = 18). Used statistical methods: non-parametric methods of statistics using the Kruskal – Wallis test; ROC-analysis for significant values in order to calculate threshold values; determination of the quality of the identified predictive markers by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy.Results. Local initial threshold values have a predictive value for predicting the occurrence of cervical cancer recurrence: B7.2 &lt; 10.7 pg/ml (Se = 0.87; Sp = 0.73; Ac = 0.76; AUC = 0.78), PD-L1 ≤ 5.1 pg/ml (Se = 0.87; Sp = 0.68; Ac = 0.71; AUC = 0.76), sCD27 ≥ 32.0 pg/ml (Se = 0.75; Sp = 0.78; Ac = 0.78; AUC = 0.75).Conclusion. Determination of local levels of B7.2, PD-L1, sCD27 in patients with cervical cancer before treatment can be used to predict the development of disease recurrence during 3 years of follow-up

    Functional activity of the oral endothelium in persons, with chronic periodontitis during treatment with plasmolifting

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    Chronic periodontitis as an osteoimmune disease of the oral cavity is accompanied by a change in the functional activity of endotheliocytes. Moreover, abnormal vascularization exacerbates periodontal inflammation, as it promotes the transmigration of a larger number of immunocompetent cells, the influx of inflammatory mediators and cytokines.The aim of our work was to study the functional activity of the endothelium of the vessels of the oral cavity in persons suffering from chronic periodontitis in the treatment of plasmolifting.Materials and methods. Under observation were 30 patients diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity at the age of 35 (32.50; 40.00) years, with no severe somatic pathology (main group). The comparison group included 20 people aged 38 (34.00; 45.00) years with no inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. All patients underwent local anti-inflammatory therapy and sanitation of periodontal pockets, correction of occlusal contacts, curettage, plasma lifting. Oral fluid concentration of soluble adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, endothelin-1, qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora were determined.Results. After the treatment with plasmolifting, a noticeable relief of the activity of the inflammatory process was observed. In patients with chronic periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis was found in 100 % of cases in a titer of 5.73 (4.9; 6.7) lg (gEq/sample), in 62.5 % – Prevotella intermedia in a titer of 4.5 (3.0; 5.5) lg (gEq/sample). Against the background of therapy, decrease of the occurrence of the microorganism and of the number of microorganisms was observed. The concentration of the soluble form of VCAM-1 in the oral fluid of patients with chronic periodontitis exceeded the values of the control group by 38.3 times (p = 0.000001), and ICAM-1 – by 18.1 times (p = 0.00001). Against the background of plasmolifting therapy, the level of the studied substances decreased, but exceeded the control values by 25.2 and 6.4 times, respectively. The content of endothelin in the oral fluid in patients with periodontitis exceeded the values of healthy individuals by 40.7 % (p = 0.003), during therapy its values decreased, but did not reach the level of healthy volunteers (p = 0.04)


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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common gynecological disorders, which affects 5-20 % of young women all over the world in different ethnic groups and races, and is a frequent cause of infertility, a miscarriage, complicated pregnancy and childbirth. PCOS is a polysymptomatic disease characterized by hyperandrogenism, menstrual dysfunction and multifollicular structure of the ovaries with ultrasound examination. The main manifestations of PCOS lie in the basis of N1H and Rotterdam diagnostic criteria. There are several different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome in accordance with these criteria. At the same time, PCOS is a metabolic disorder, and the role of insulin resistance has been proven in development of this condition. 1n consequence of which pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment are of interest not only for gynecologists, but also for endocrinologists, cardiologists, and others clinicians, as PCOS is a serious problem associated with obesity, increased risks of endometrial adenocarcinoma, hypertension and cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes and etc. Moreover, economic costs are billions of dollars ayear around the world for the treatment of complications of PCOS. To date, many researchers have been studying the formation of PCOS, and our article discusses the theories explaining pathogenesis and etiology of this disease, clinical manifestations and current approaches to diagnosis of PCOS

    State of lipid peroxidation - antioxidant system in men with diabetes mellitus type 1

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    The aim of study is to assess lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in men with diabetes mellitus type 1. The objective of this study was to identify features of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system in men of reproductive age with diabetes mellitus type 1. 22 men with diabetes mellitus type 1 (the average age of 27.1 ± 7.38years) and30 healthy men of the same age (control group) (the average age of 28.0 ± 4.3 years) were involved in the study. The main and control groups were formed on the principle of "copy - pair". Standard clinical examination methods were used: history taking, physical examination and consultation of specialists to identify complications of diabetes. To determine the indicators of the system of free-radical lipid oxidation and activity of antioxidant protection, the spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods were used. In men with diabetes mellitus 1 type, there is increase in the level of active products reacting with thiobarbituric acid compared to the same indicator in the control group. The level of antioxidant protection in men with diabetes mellitus 1 type unlike the control was characterized by decrease in total antioxidant activity. However, stability of processes of superoxide dismutase activity and the glutathione system in comparison with control is observed against the backdrop of intensity increase of oxidative processes. Activation of lipid peroxidation is observed in men with diabetes mellitus type 1

    Uterine fibroid and its association with metabolic syndrome in women of reproductive age (literature review)

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    Uterine fibroid is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women of reproductive age and many aspects of this disease remain the subject of investigation. In particular, the role of the metabolic syndrome is of interest as a potential predictor of uterine fibroid or a comorbid condition that has pathogenetic significance.   The aim of this literature review is to systematize current data on the prevalence and associations of the metabolic syndrome and uterine fibroid in women of reproductive age.   Literature search was carried out using the scientific literature databases eLIBRARY, PubMed, NCBI, CyberLeninka, and the official IDF website for the period from 2010 to 2022. In PubMed search, we used the following terms: uterine fibroid, metabolic syndrome, uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome, uterine myoma and metabolic syndrome, uterine myoma and metabolic disorders, uterine myoma and MetS. A total of 439 sources were analized, 32 sources met the search criteria.   Results. An analysis of the largest epidemiological studies conducted in recent years, both in non-selective populations and in hospital samples, demonstrates a significant prevalence of both uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome among women. The results presented in the publications which were included in the review indicate that there is a relationship between the presence of uterine fibroid and the manifestations of the metabolic syndrome.   Conclusions. Uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome are mutually aggravating conditions. Women with uterine fibroid have a worse risk profile for cardiovascular disease, and the presence of metabolic syndrome increases the risk of uterine fibroid. One of the ways to reduce the risk of occurrence and growth of uterine fibroid is the timely correction of the metabolic syndrome and its components. On the other hand, the presence of uterine fibroid should be considered as a basis for active detection of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risks

    Up-to-date opportunities of cervical lymph nodes ultrasound investigation in patients, suffering from oral cavity cancer

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    Background. Incidence of oral cancer in Russia is 4.52 and mortality – 2.44. Head and neck cancer is characterized by the high risk of development of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Lymph nodes status exerts influence on the treatment plan and appears to be the major predictive factor. Regional metastases result into two-fold decrease of five-year survival. Therefore, evaluation and treatment of metastatic lymph nodes is of prime importance. Objective. The aim of this manuscript was to illustrate and summarize publications devoted to modern methods of ultrasound evaluation of cervical lymph node status in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Results. Numerous studies have demonstrated, that standard ultrasound investigation (in B-mode) is characterized by high sensitivity and specificity (specificity varies from 71.0 to 96.4 %, and specificity – from 46.6 to 91.0 %, according to different studies). In addition, ultrasound efficiency exceeds that of CT. Accuracy of ultrasound as the method of cervical lymph node investigation has increased after implementation of such methods, as elastography and elastometry (this techniques allow to achieve sensitivity of 98.1 % and specificity of 100 %)
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