122 research outputs found


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    The functional dependence of the photometric error from the photomultiplier voltage for atomic absorption spectrometer ZEEnit-650 produced by Analytik Jena, has been experimentally studied. This was used to develop, on the base of the algorithm, proposed by these authors previously, a fast semi-empirical method for estimating the detection limits in measuring the integrated absorbance. It was shown that this dependence, determined for one instrument, is acceptable to the whole series of ZEEnit instruments. The proposed approach is also applicable to other types of spectrometers. The functional dependence of the photometric error takes into account the design features of spectrometers. Some other parameters, as the baseline offset compensation time, integration time, light intensity, the background absorbance, and amplitude and integral values of the non-selective absorption, it is easy to evaluate by the use one-three determinations of the analytical signal. This is sufficient for the calculation and optimization of the detection limits of any analytes.    Keywords: atomic absorption spectrometry, electrothermal atomization, detection limit, photometric error.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.2.001 A.O. Dyakov, B.V. L'vov, E.V. NovikovSt. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St.Petersburg, Russian FederationЭкспериментально изучена функциональная зависимость фотометрической погрешности атомно-абсорбционного спектрометра ZEEnit-650 фирмы Analytik Jena с графитовым атомизатором от напряжения на фотоумножителе во всем рабочем диапазоне значений. Она использована для проверки корректности быстрого, полуэмпирического способа оценки предела обнаружения интегральной атомной абсорбционности, предложенного авторами ранее. Показано, что такая зависимость, найденная для одного прибора, оказалась приемлемой для всей серии приборов ZEEnit. Предложенный подход применим также к спектрометрам других марок. Предварительно снятая функциональная зависимость фотометрической погрешности учитывает их конструктивные особенности, а остальные параметры, такие как время зануления и интегрирования, амплитудное и интегральное значения неселективной абсорбционности нетрудно определить в ходе одного-трех измерений аналитического сигнала.  Этого достаточно для расчета и оптимизации концентрационного и массового пределов обнаружения химических элементов.Ключевые слова: атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия с электротермической атомизацией, предел обнаружения, фотометрическая погрешность.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.2.001

    Risk factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers among men, and the tactic to treat this disease stage-depends directly. The “gold” standard for localized PCa is radical robot-assisted prostatectomy (RARP). Patients often have excessive surgery requirements and are concerned about the development of postoperative complications. One of the most frequent functional complications after this operation is urinary incontinence (UI), whose formation mechanism is not fully understood. Clinical studies have described many UI predisposing factors, but the results obtained are often contradictory, which requires a repeated and deeper study of the issue.Objective. To identify predisposing factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy.Materials & methods. The search results for the scientific databases PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library and PEDro, Wang-fang Database and CNKI, Edline were analyzed for the queries "robot-assisted prostatectomy", "radical prostatectomy", "incontinence", "predictors", "urinary incontinence".Results. The predisposing factors to UI after RARP were studied. The review discusses and illustrates in detail all known predisposing factors for UI and shows the inconsistency of the data obtained by different researchers, which once again emphasizes the need for further study of this issue.Conclusion. Despite the long history of studying postoperative complications of RARP, reliable and consistent data on all the risks of UI after RARP have not yet been obtained. Therefore, this literature review summarizes and analyzes the results of the latest research in recent years

    Chiral light in twisted Fabry-P\'erot cavities

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    Fundamental studies of the interaction of chiral light with chiral matter are important for the development of techniques that allow handedness-selective optical detection of chiral organic molecules. One approach to achieve this goal is the creation of a Fabry-P\'erot cavity that supports eigenmodes with a desired electromagnetic handedness, which interacts differently with left and right molecular enantiomers. In this paper, we theoretically study chiral Fabry-P\'erot cavities with mirrors comprising one-dimensional photonic crystal slabs made of van der Waals As2_2S3_3, a material with one of the highest known in-plane anisotropy. By utilizing the anisotropy degree of freedom provided by As2_2S3_3, we design Fabry-P\'erot cavities with constitutional and configurational geometrical chiralities. We demonstrate that in cavities with constitutional chirality, electromagnetic modes of left or right handedness exist due to the chirality of both mirrors, often referred to as handedness preserving mirrors in the literature. At the same time, cavities with configurational chirality support modes of both handednesses due to chiral morphology of the entire structure, set by the twist angle between the optical axes of the upper and lower non-chiral anisotropic mirrors. The developed chiral Fabry-P\'erot cavities can be tuned to the technologically available distance between the mirrors by properly twisting them, making such systems a prospective platform for the coupling of chiral light with chiral matter.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure


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    The overview of current scientific literature on one of the key aspects of the development of the energy sector is presented, it is the increase of the efficiency of energy systems. The ability of cogeneration and trigeneration systems to increase energy efficiency of power stations, supermarkets, shopping centers, airports, etc. was demonstrated. In addition, it was shown that these systems have a high potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The examples of polygeneration systems and ways to optimize them by improving techno-economic parameters were also demonstrated.Представлен обзор актуальной научно-технической литературы по одному из ключевых направлений развития энергетики – повышению эффективности энергетических систем. Была продемонстрирована способность когенерационных и тригенерационных систем повышать энергоэффективность на электростанциях, в супермаркетах, торговых центрах, аэропортах и др. Кроме того, было показано, что эти системы обладают высоким потенциалом в области снижения выбросов парниковых газов. Также были продемонстрированы примеры полигенерационных систем и пути их оптимизации путем улучшения технико-экономических показателей

    Evaluation of the health care budget impact of secukinumab treatment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Objective: clinical and economic analysis of including of secukinumab (SEC) in the essential drug list (EDL) and Federal Reimbursement (ONLS) to ensure the availability of the drug to patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) at the expense of health. Material and methods. A budget impact analysis was used. Only cost of drugs was taken into account. Adalimumab (ADA) and infliximab (INF) were used for comparison. Basing on the calculated number of patients treated with these drugs in 2016 from the budget of health care system impact on 3-years budgets of State Guarantee Program (SGP) and ONLS was analyzed. The analysis scenario was based on the replacement of ADA and INF with SEC. Results. Expenditure of a 3-year therapy cycle with SEC amounted to 1.703 million rubles, which was 41.6% less than that with ADA (2.917 million rubles) and 57.7% less than that with INF (4.022 million rubles) in the same period. The budget impact analysis to estimate the cost of SGP demonstrated that the use of SEC during a 3-year period would result in a reduction in expenses by 51.2% (saving of 3.8 billion rubles). When SEC is used within the ONLS, its cost during 3 years will be reduced by 51.9% (savings of 1.9 billion rubles). Conclusion. The inclusion of SEC in EDL and ONLS is appropriately and economically justified, as it enables a substantial reduction in the expenditure of health care budgets to treat patients with AS and to maintain the clinical effectiveness of therapy