10 research outputs found

    Interaction Between Incentive To Expropriate And Investment Opportunities As A Determinant Of Overinvestment Problem In Indonesia

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    The study investigates if the level of investment opportunities reduces the positive impact of expropriation incentive on the level of overinvestments. Under the condition of capital constraint, high incentive of controlling shareholders to expropriate firms’ wealth do not necessarily result in overinvesments if firms have abundant investment opportunities. The study also examine if positive investment-cash flow sensitivity still exists after a significant corporate governance reforms in Indonesia. The study finds no positive relation between investments and cash flow. It documents that overinvestments primarily occur in firms whose controlling shareholders have small ownership. Further, it documents that higher investment opportunities mitigate the effect of expropriaton incentive on overinvestments

    Penentu Besaran Transaksi Pihak Berelasi: Tata Kelola, Tingkat Pengungkapan, Dan Struktur Kepemilikan

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    Indonesian firms are characterized by conglomeration that tends to conduct related party transaction (RPT). Extant academic literature provides two competing views on RPTs: the efficient transaction hypothesis and the conflict of interest hypothesis. The purpose of this study is to investigate RPT from the point of view of the conflict of interest hypothesis. Specifically, this study examines the size of RPT which is performed by majority shareholders to expropriate minority shareholders. The size of RPT measures the direct influence of RPT on shareholders' wealth. In this study, the size of RPT is measured by RPT transactions of assets plus liabilities (RPTAL) and sales plus expenses (RPTSE) relative to book value of equity. Furthermore, this study investigates whether RPTAL and RPSE are determined by CG practices, disclosure of RPT, and ownership structure. This study cannot find the influence of CG on size of RPTAL and RPTSE. The results of the study also show that only disclosure of RPT and ownership structure that have positive impact on size of RPTSE. Disclosure of RPT increases more efficient RPTSE than abusive RPTSE. This study find that the relationship between the disclosure and RPTAL is insignificant as efficient RPTAL does not dominate abusive RPTAL, while concentrated ownership has a positive impact on abusive RPTSE.Keywords: size of Related Party Transaction (RPT), corporate governance, disclosure of RPT, ownership structure---Karakteristik Perusahaan di Indonesia bercirikan konglomerasi yang cenderung untuk melakukan praktik transaksi pihak berelasi (related party transaction atau RPT). Studi empiris menunjukkan terdapat dua teori yang bertolak-belakang mengenai RPT, yaitu “the efficient transaction hypothesis” dan “the conflict of interest hypothesis”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi RPT dari sisi “the conflict of interest hypothesis”. Secara spesifik, penelitian ini meneliti besaran RPT yang dilakukan oleh pemegang saham mayoritas untuk melakukan ekspropriasi terhadap pemegang saham minoritas. Besaran RPT dapat mengukur pengaruh langsung RPT pada kesejahteraan pemegang saham. Pada penelitian ini, besaran ini diukur berdasarkan besaran transaksi aset dan liabilitas (RPTAL), serta sales dan expenses (RPTSE) secara relatif terhadap nilai buku ekuitas. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menguji apakah besaran RPTAL dan RPTSE dipengaruhi oleh praktik CG, tingkat pengungkapan RPT, dan struktur kepemilikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik CG tidak berpengaruh pada RPTSE dan RPTAL. Hanya tingkat pengungkapan RPT dan struktur kepemilikan yang berpengaruh positif pada besaran RPTSE. Pengungkapan RPT meningkatkan RPT yang efisien dibandingkan RPT yang merugikan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hubungan antara pengungkapan RPT dan RPTAL tidak signifikan dengan argumentasi bahwa RPTAL yang efisien tidak mendominasi RPTAL yang merugikan. Namun demikian, konsentrasi kepemilikan berpengaruh positif terhadap RPTSE yang merugikan

    The Influence of Multinationality on Determinants of Change in Debt Level: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    This study aims to investigate whether: (1) the change in debt level is affected by agency problems, the probability of bankruptcy, firm size, and profitability; (2) the change in debt level is affected by multinationality (i.e., multinational corporations (MNCs) or domestic corporations (DCs)) and whether multinationality affects the relationship of agency problems, probability of bankruptcy, size, and profitability to the change in debt level. This study finds that in general, the change in debt level is negatively affected by the probability of bankruptcy and size. Furthermore, the changes in debt level for Indonesian MNCs are negatively affected by the probability of bankruptcy, firm size, and profitability. The negative effects of size and profitability on the change in debt level support the view of the Pecking Order Theory. However, for domestic companies, none of the determinants has a significant effect on the change in debt level. We also find that: (1) only size has a negative influence on the change in debt level when we include all interactive terms in the model; (2) if we include one interactive variable at a time, the probability of bankruptcy, firm size, and profitability have negative influences on the change in debt level; in addition, a positive impact of agency problems on the change in debt level is more pronounced for MNCs compared to DCs. Overall, we conclude that multinationality affects the relationship between agency problems and the change in debt level.Keywords: capital structure; Indonesia leverage; multinational corporation

    The Causality between Corporate Governance Practice and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    The aim of this study is to examine the existence of causality between corporate governance practice and performance of commercial banks in Indonesia. We also investigate the influence of age, capital adequacy, and type of commercial banks on bank performance and examine the influence of the bank size, foreign ownership, and listing status on corporate governance practice. The result shows that corporate governance practice, bank size and capital adequacy ratio have positive influences on bank performance in Indonesia. However, bank performance does not influence corporate governance practice. This study also finds that regional banks have better performance than private banks. The results of the study support the Central Bank’s efforts to enhance CG practices in the banking sector, to strenghten banks’ capital base and its policy to encourage banks to merge to become larger.    

    Jenis Industri, Kepemilikan Saham Asing Dan Reaksi Pasar Modal Akibat Serangan Bom Teroris

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the Indonesian stock market reacts to terrorist bomb attack, and whether the Indonesian stock market reaction to terrorist bomb attack is affected by industry type and foreign ownership. Using data of terrorist bomb attack from 2000 until 2006, event study test shows that generally Indonesia capital market reacts negatively to terrorist bomb attack. Further, the multiple regression analysis shows that the stock market reaction is more negative for tourism industry than other industries while foreign ownership does not influence the stock market reaction. Thus, this study corroborates previous studies showing that terrorist attack is deemed as bad news in capital market and consequently will negatively affect the investment decision (Chen dan Siem 2004).Keywords : event study, cumulative abnormal return, tourism industry, proportion of foreign ownership---Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah menginvestigasi reaksi pasar modal di Indonesia terhadap serangan bom teroris, dan pengaruh jenis industri (industri pariwisata atau industri lainnya) dan proporsi kepemilikan saham asing terhadap reaksi tersebut. Berdasarkan data serangan bom teroris dari tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2006, uji event study menunjukkan bahwa secara umum pasar modal Indonesia bereaksi negatif terhadap serangan bom teroris. Lebih lanjut, hasil analisis regresi memperlihatkan bahwa reaksi pasar modal terhadap serangan bom teroris akan lebih negatif untuk industri pariwisata dibandingkan industri lainnya. Sementara reaksi pasar modal tersebut tidak tergantung pada proporsi kepemilikan asing di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, temuan ini konsisten dengan studi di luar negeri yang mengimplikasikan bahwa pasar umumnya menganggap peristiwa serangan teroris merupakan berita buruk dan dapat mempengaruhi keputusan investasi (Chen dan Siem 2004)

    Dampak Keputusan Investasi Dan Struktur Kepemilikan Keluarga Terhadap Kompensasi Direksi Perusahaan Manufaktur Indonesia

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    This study examined the influence of family ownership structure and investment decisions to CEO compensation. This study also examined how the family ownership structure and investment decisions jointly affected CEO compensation. This study used 988 observations consisting of 150 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2014. The method used was fixed effects method (FEM). The results of the study showed that firms owned by a family gave higher compensation than non-family firms to their CEO. The family ownership structure proved strengthen the positive relationship between investment decisions and CEO compensation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh struktur kepemilikan keluarga dan keputusan investasi terhadap jumlah kompensasi direksi. Penelitian ini juga menguji bagaimana struktur kepemilikan keluarga dan keputusan investasi secara bersama-sama memengaruhi kompensasi direksi Perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 988 observasi yang terdiri dari 150 Perusahaan sektor manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2008-2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode efek tetap (MET). Hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa Perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh sebuah keluarga akan memberikan kompensasi kepada direksinya lebih tinggi dibandingkan Perusahaan non-keluarga. Struktur kepemilikan keluarga terbukti memperkuat hubungan positif antara keputusan investasi dengan jumlah kompensasi direksi

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Keluarga Dan Pemerintah Terhadap Kerugian Kredit Bank

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    . Credit losses, has been repeatedly identified as the principal cause of the failure of the bank. However, the extant literatures that examine the determinants of bank credit losses are still very rare. One is the structure of family ownership. In fact, 70% of banks in Indonesia are very concentrated on family ownership thus this condition may cause the entrenchment effect of family ownership on minority shareholders. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family ownership and government ownership on credit losses. Other determinant that being investigated is the possibility of non-linear effect of banks size on credit losses. This study used the generalizedmethod-of-moments (GMM) estimator developed for dynamic models of panel data. By using the Indonesian banking data from 2004 to 2014, the results shows that the bank with family ownership has a greater credit losses than other banks (non-family). However, this study fails to find the influence of government ownership on credit losses. While, the relationship between bank size and credit losses is linear and this study fails the non-linear relationship between the bank size and credit losses. The implications of this research are Financial Services Authority should enact and enforce the regulation that mitigate the expropriation of family ownership and consequently, the credit losses of Indonesian bank will be relatively reduced

    The Effect of Ownership Structure and Board Independence Towards Overinvestment Behavior of Family Firm in Indonesia

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    Firms with concentrated ownership structures are commonly found in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, the biggest control of the firm comes from the family. Concentrated ownership can lead to agency problem between controlling shareholders and non- controlling shareholders where, controlling shareholders together with management, can make decisions which bring personal benefit at the expense of non-controlling shareholders for example by investing on projects with negative NPV or known as overinvestment. This study explains the effect of the presence of directors and independent commissioners on relationship between family ownership and overinvestment. Using firms listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2017 as research samples, the presence of independent director is negatively related to overinvestment. From the regression results, only independent directors were found to have a moderating effect in weakening the positive relationship between family ownership and overinvestment. This effect is seen more clearly if family ownership  in the company is low. This is because if family ownership in the company is low the process of selecting a board of directors can be more objective so that the possibility of a number of independent directors sitting on the board of directors is much greater. Thus the effect of moderation by independent directors will be greater in companies with lower family ownership. Keywords: ownership structure, board independence, overinvestment, corporate governance, Indonesi