136 research outputs found

    Energy deposition studies for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider inner triplet magnets

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    A detailed model of the High Luminosity LHC inner triplet region with new large-aperture Nb3Sn magnets, field maps, corrector packages, and segmented tungsten inner absorbers was built and implemented into the FLUKA and MARS15 codes. In the optimized configuration, the peak power density averaged over the magnet inner cable width is safely below the quench limit. For the integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1, the peak dose in the innermost magnet insulator ranges from 20 to 35 MGy. Dynamic heat loads to the triplet magnet cold mass are calculated to evaluate the cryogenic capability. In general, FLUKA and MARS results are in a very good agreement.Comment: 24 p

    Southern territories of the Chernigov-Ryazan boundary in the XII-XV centuries

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    Introduction. In investigations of our science project features of historical development of the boundary territory of the South-East of the Chernigov and South-West of Ryazan lands are considered.Materials and methods. More than 450 monuments of the XI-XIV centuries are known on the territory. Among the most known archaeological objects the archaeological complex of Lavy on the Bystraya Sosna River is most important. In the late of the 11th c. this complex became the center of own rural area and the center of trade and craft activity.Results. We come to conclusion, that political borders of principalities were defined by various sources of settling of territory in the Pool of the Top Don. The analysis of the system of settlement at the microregional level allowed studying of settlements both in the system of landscape and within the settlement expanse.Conclusion. From the end of the 11th – till the middle of the 13th cc. the lands of the Right bank of the Top Don were occupied from the principality of Chernigov-Severskiy. The lands across the Don River and its Left bank were occupied from territory of the principality of Ryazan. During the second half of the 13th – 14th cc. the Right bank of the Top Don was in structure of the principalities of Verkhovskye, and its Left bank was in the structure of the principality of Ryazan. To the middle of the 12th century in Top Don the border between principalities was established passed from source of the Don River to the mouth of the Bystraya Sosna River

    Energy Deposition Studies for the Hi-Lumi LHC Inner Triplet Magnets

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    A detailed model of the High Luminosity LHC inner triplet region with new large-aperture Nb3Sn magnets, field maps, corrector packages, and segmented tungsten inner absorbers was built and implemented into the FLUKA and MARS15 codes. In the optimized configuration, the peak power density averaged over the magnet inner cable width is safely below the quench limit. For the integrated luminosity of 3000 fb -1, the peak dose in the innermost magnet insulator ranges from 20 to 35 MGy. Dynamic heat loads to the triplet magnet cold mass are calculated to evaluate the cryogenic capability. In general, FLUKA and MARS results are in a very good agreement.Comment: 4 pp. Presented paper at the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, June 15 -20, 2014, Dresden, German

    Advanced Hough-based method for on-device document localization

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    The demand for on-device document recognition systems increases in conjunction with the emergence of more strict privacy and security requirements. In such systems, there is no data transfer from the end device to a third-party information processing servers. The response time is vital to the user experience of on-device document recognition. Combined with the unavailability of discrete GPUs, powerful CPUs, or a large RAM capacity on consumer-grade end devices such as smartphones, the time limitations put significant constraints on the computational complexity of the applied algorithms for on-device execution. In this work, we consider document location in an image without prior knowledge of the document content or its internal structure. In accordance with the published works, at least 5 systems offer solutions for on-device document location. All these systems use a location method which can be considered Hough-based. The precision of such systems seems to be lower than that of the state-of-the-art solutions which were not designed to account for the limited computational resources. We propose an advanced Hough-based method. In contrast with other approaches, it accounts for the geometric invariants of the central projection model and combines both edge and color features for document boundary detection. The proposed method allowed for the second best result for SmartDoc dataset in terms of precision, surpassed by U-net like neural network. When evaluated on a more challenging MIDV-500 dataset, the proposed algorithm guaranteed the best precision compared to published methods. Our method retained the applicability to on-device computations.Comment: This is a preprint of the article submitted for publication in the journal "Computer Optics