22 research outputs found

    Shoot multiplication and in vitro rooting of Carlina onopordifolia Basser

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    This paper is the first published report describing micropropagation of Carlina onopordifolia, using shoot tip and hypocotyl explants. The explants were excised from 10-day-old seedlings and transferred to proliferation medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA; 1.0 or 3.0 mg l-1), kinetin (Kn; 1.0 or 3.0 mg l-1) or zeatin (ZEA; 1.0 or 3.0 mg l-1) in combination with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 0.1 mg l-1). The shoot tips were significantly better than hypocotyls as initial material for shoot regeneration. For shoot multiplication, MS medium supplemented with BA proved superior to the other cytokinins tested. Medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 BA gave the highest shoot propagation frequency (66.9%) and number of shoots per explant (2.5). Single shoots were separated from each other and rooted on MS supplemented with IBA for the whole period of culture, with longor short-pulse IBA application. The highest rooting frequency (84.8%) and root number (18.8) were for shortpulse (1 min) 1000 mg l-1 IBA solution. The higher IBA concentration stimulated callus formation and the development of short roots. The shoots were transferred to MS medium without growth regulators. Survival was highest (54.4%) for the plants from the short-pulse 100 mg l-1 IBA treatment. After 8 weeks of acclimatization the plantlets were removed to field conditions and grew normally

    Analiza zdolnosci do kwitnienia regenerantow Carlina acaulis subsp. simplex

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    Regenerated plants of Carlina acaulis subsp. simplex induced on shoot tips and fragments of hypocotyls, cotyledons and roots were used as an experimental material. Explants were isolated from 10-day-old, sterile seedlings and were put on growth media supplemented with BA(3 mg × dm⁻³), andNAA(0,l mg × dm⁻³). Plantlets were acclimatized to ex vitro conditions and planted to the field. Analysis of flowering ability, inflorescence stem morphology, and survival level was the objective of the study. The plants regenerated from shoot tips and cotyledons were able to flower in the first year after acclimatization, however no vital seeds were found, while in the case of hypocotyl- and root-regenerated plants flowering appeared in the second year after acclimatization. Number of flowering-able plants grew in time, reaching 100% level. Few percent of inflorescence stems displayed branches ending with additional capitula. The number of this type of plants decreased in successive years, while the average length of inflorescence stem increased. In the case of intensively flowering plants, the survival rate decreased in 3 consecutive years.Materiał eksperymentalny stanowiły regeneranty Carlina acaulis subsp. simplex, indukowane na wierzchołkach wzrostu oraz fragmentach hypokotyli, liścieni i korzeni. Eksplanty były izolowane z 10-dniowych sterylnych siewek i wykładane na pożywki uzupełnione w BA (3 mg × dm⁻³) i NAA (0,1 mg × dm⁻³). Regeneranty były aklimatyzowane do warunków ex vitro i wysadzane do gruntu. Celem badań była analiza: zdolności do kwitnienia, morfologii pędu kwiatostanowego oraz poziomu przeżywalności w 3 kolejnych sezonach wegetacyjnych. Rośliny zregenerowane z wierzchołków wzrostu i liścieni były zdolne do kwitnienia już w pierwszym roku po aklimatyzacji, ale nie stwierdzono żywotnych nasion. Natomiast rośliny zregenerowane z fragmentów hypokotyli i korzeni były zdolne do kwitnienia w drugim roku po aklimatyzacji. Liczba roślin zdolnych do kwitnienia rosła w kolejnych latach osiągając poziom 100%. Niewielki odsetek roślin wykazywał rozgałęzione pędy kwiatostanowe zakończone dodatkowymi koszyczkami. Liczba tego typu roślin zmniejszała się w kolejnych latach, rosła natomiast średnia długość pędów kwiatostanowych. W przypadku roślin intensywnie kwitnących po 3 latach uprawy spadał wskaźnik przeżywalności

    The influence of light and the place of its perception on the flowering of Pharbitis nil

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    The estimation of participation and density of forage species in several xerothermic communities of the Lublin Upland were carried out in 2004 and 2005. Most plants species visited by bees are grouped in plots of the Brachypodio-Teucrietum and the Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati communities. The nectariferous and polleniferous taxons are mostly perennials predominated by hemicryptophytes (79%), others are terophytes and geophytes (21%). Successive blooming of the nectariferous and polleniferous species in both associations ensures unbroken food flow from the early spring until the late summer and early autumn. Xerothermic swards make a valuable food potential to be important for the Apoidea before and after blooming of the main forage cultivated crops.Celem podjętych badań było określenie wpływu światła oraz miejsca jego percepcji na kwitnienie rośliny dnia krótkiego Pharbitis nil. Po wykiełkowaniu na- sion rozwijające się rośliny uprawiano przy długim fotoperiodzie, a następnie po wytworzeniu liścieni, pierwszego bądü drugiego liścia poddawano działaniu induk- cyjnej nocy. Wykazano, że miejscem percepcji bodüców fotoperiodycznych są zarów- no liścienie, jak i liście. Jednakże rośliny zawierające jedynie liścienie zawiązywały mniej pąków kwiatowych w porównaniu do tych, z usuniętymi liścieniami, a posiada- jącymi pierwszy, drugi lub obydwa liście. Ponadto ustalono, że na odpowiedü kwit- nieniową nie ma istotnego wpływu powierzchnia poddawanych indukcji liści. Rów- nież zawiązywanie się kwiatostanów szczytowych z 2, 3 lub 4 kwiatami nie zależało od miejsca percepcji (pierwszy bądü drugi liśÊ) bodüca fotoperiodycznego

    Micropropagation of Senecio macrophyllus M.Bieb.

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    This is the first protocol for in vitro micropropagation of Senecio macrophyllus. Shoot tips and fragments of the cotyledon, hypocotyls and roots were isolated from 10-day-old sterile seedlings. The morphological response was tested on MS medium supplemented with different types of cytokinins: BA (2.2 μM, 4.4 μM or 13.3 μM), KN (4.7 μM or 13.9 μM) and ZEA (4.6 μM or 13,7 μM) in combination with 0.54 μM NAA or 0.27 μM NAA (with 2.2 μM BA only), but only shoot tips were capable of shoot organogenesis. Shoot proliferation was highest for explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 4.4 μM BA in combination with 0.54 μM NAA. The shoots formed were then multiplied on the same medium. Rooting was achieved on full- and half-strength MS medium without auxin, but shoots cultured on medium BA-supplemented began inducing roots a week later than shoots obtained on media with other types of cytokinins. Well-rooted plantlets were transferred to ex vitro conditions. The survival rate of rooted plants was 100% for plants cultured in a mixture of vermiculite and sand, and 92% for those planted in soil after 4 weeks of acclimatization. In the first year the plants grew intensively under field conditions and were able to develop a leaf rosette. In the second year the plants were able to flower and produce viable seeds

    Mikrorozmnażanie i wpływ kultur in vitro na rozwój regenerantów Cirsium panonicum (L. f.) link

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    Cirsium pannonicum is a protected species in Poland. The sources of threats are both spontaneous successional changes in vegetation leading to overgrowth of xerothermic grasslands and human activity. Active methods of protection are therefore indispensable for preservation of the species. Micropropagation in an in vitro culture may be one of the useful tools to protect the species actively. The objective of present work was to develop an efficient system for C. pannonicum in vitro propagation and comparison of morphological traits and the ability to flower in plants obtained by micropropagation and from seeds. Isolated shoot tips from 10-day-old seedlings were cultured on MS medium supplemented with: 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), kinetin (KN) or zeatin (ZEA) at concentration of 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 mg. L⁻¹ in combination with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 0.1 mg. L⁻¹). The highest shooting frequency 93.6% and shoot multiplication rate 2.8 shoots/explant was obtained on medium supplemented with 2.0 mg. L⁻¹ BA and 0.1 mg. L⁻¹ NAA. In subsequent subcultures, average 3.3 axillary shoots per explant on MS with 3.0 mg. L⁻¹ BA was recorded, the difference was not statistically significant. The highest rooting frequency 86.1% was observed on 1/2 MS medium. Regenerated plants produced leaf rosettes and inflorescence stems typical for this species. However, compared to plants developed from seeds, these were fewer, much shorter and contained a greater number of capitula on individual stems. In the first year after acclimatization into the field condition, approximately 64% of individuals flowered. During the next years, all plants flowered in a period typical for the species. The flowers were fertile and the seeds were viable.Cirsium pannonicum jest gatunkiem objętym ochroną w Polsce. ħródłem zagrożenia są zarówno spontaniczne sukcesyjne zmiany roślinności prowadzące do zarastania muraw kserotermicznych, jak i działalność człowieka. W celu zachowania gatunku wymagane jest stosowanie aktywnych metod ochrony. Mikrorozmnażanie kulturze in vitro może być jednym z przydatnych narzędzi aktywnej ochrony tego gatunku. Celem niniejszej pracy było opracowanie efektywnego systemu rozmnażania in vitro Cirsium pannonicum i porównanie cech morfologicznych i zdolności do kwitnienia roślin uzyskanych poprzez mikrorozmnażanie i z nasion. Izolowane z 10-dniowych siewek wierzchołki pędów były kultywowane na pożywce uzupełnionej o: 6-benzyloaminopurynę (BA), kinetynę (KN) lub zeatynę (ZEA) w stężeniu 1,0, 2,0 lub 3,0 mg. L⁻¹ w kombinacji z kwasem naftalenooctowym (NAA; 0,1 mg. L⁻¹). Najwyższy odsetek eksplantatów wykazujących organogenezę pędów (93,6%) i wskaźnik namnażania pędów 2,8 pędu/eksplantat uzyskano na pożywce zawierającej 2,0 mg. L⁻¹ BA i 0,1 mg. L⁻¹ NAA. W kolejnych pasażach odnotowano średnio 3,3 pędów pachwinowych na eksplantat na pożywce MS z 3,0 mg. L⁻¹ BA, różnice nie były statystycznie istotne. Najlepsze ukorzenianie 86,1% zaobserwowano na pożywce 1/2 MS. Regeneranty tworzyły typowe dla gatunku rozety liściowe i pędy kwiatostanowe. Jednak, w porównaniu z roślinami kontrolnymi rozwijającymi się z nasion, pędów było mniej, były one krótsze i zawierały większą liczbę koszyczków na pojedynczym pędzie. W pierwszym roku po aklimatyzacji do warunków polowych zakwitło około 64% osobników. Podczas kolejnych lat kwitły wszystkie rośliny w typowym dla gatunku okresie. Kwiaty były płodne, a nasiona żywotne

    Do arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect metallothionein MT2 expression in Brassica napus L. roots?

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are the most widespread root fungal symbionts, forming associations with the vast majority of plant species. Ectomycorrhizal development alters gene expression in plant symbionts. In this work we examined the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores on the growth and development of Brassica and on the expression of BnMT2 in winter rape. In a pot experiment, rape seedlings growing on different types of sterile and nonsterile soils were inoculated simultaneously with mycorrhizal fungi spores of Acaulospora longula, Glomus geosporum, Glomus mosseae and Scutellospora calospora. As compared with control plants growing in the absence of spores, ten-week-old seedlings of Brassica napus L. in sterile soil inoculated with arbuscular spores had longer shoots and higher fresh biomass of above-ground plant parts. In other types of substrates enriched with mycorrhizal fungi spores, the plants were smaller than non-inoculated plants. The presence of AMF spores stimulated the elongation growth of hypocotyls in both analyzed substrates. BnMT2 expression was highest in plants growing on the sterile substrate. Generally, the presence of mycorrhizal fungi spores appeared to have an adverse effect on the growth of rape plants

    An Efficient System for Regenerating Taraxacum Pieninicum Pawł. from Seedling Explants

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    An efficient micropropagation system for Taraxacum pieninicum using seedling explants germinated in vitro is described. Shoot tips and fragments of cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots were isolated from several-day-old seedlings. The highest response, 100% frequency with 12.3 axillary shoots/explant, was from shoot tips on medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 BA and 0.05 mg L-1 NAA. In subsequent subcultures the number of shoots was significantly higher on all explants cultured on medium containing 0.25 and 0.5 mg L-1 BA, and the multiplication rate was highest (20 shoots/explant) in the 4th passage. Shoots rooted on MS and 1/2 MS medium; the highest rooting frequency was 90% and the highest number of roots 2.7/shoot. Rooted plants showed 96.2% survival in sterile soil:sand, and 100% survival in hydroponic culture. Regenerated plants flowered in the second year after acclimatization and yielded viable seeds. This protocol for obtaining complete plants through micropropagation may prove useful for conservation of the genetic resources of this and other endangered species

    An efficient system for regenerating Taraxacum pieninicum Pawl. from seedling explants

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    An efficient micropropagation system for Taraxacum pieninicum using seedling explants germinated in vitro is described. Shoot tips and fragments of cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots were isolated from several-day-old seedlings. The highest response, 100% frequency with 12.3 axillary shoots/explant, was from shoot tips on medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 BA and 0.05 mg L-1 NAA. In subsequent subcultures the number of shoots was significantly higher on all explants cultured on medium containing 0.25 and 0.5 mg L-1 BA, and the multiplication rate was highest (20 shoots/explant) in the 4th passage. Shoots rooted on MS and 1/2 MS medium; the highest rooting frequency was 90% and the highest number of roots 2.7/shoot. Rooted plants showed 96.2% survival in sterile soil:sand, and 100% survival in hydroponic culture. Regenerated plants flowered in the second year after acclimatization and yielded viable seeds. This protocol for obtaining complete plants through micropropagation may prove useful for conservation of the genetic resources of this and other endangered species

    Microbial assisted phytoextraction of Cd²⁺ by Salix viminalis under in vitro culture conditions

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    Microbially assisted phytoremediation is considered as the most promising eco-friendly solution for recultivation of heavy metal polluted soils. In vitro experiments can be favorable systems that allow assessing compatibility and efficiency of both partners (e.g. plant-microorganism) which reduces time and space in the initial stages of this technology. The main objective of this study was: (1) to calculate the Cd2+ accumulation factors (e.g. BCF, Ti, AF) using willow (Salix viminalis L.) inoculated with three Streptomyces sp. strains under in vitro conditions and (2) to compare obtained results with that derived from pot experiments by Złoch et al. (2017). Our results reveal significantly increase in Cd2+ accumulation capacity of Streptomyces spp. inoculated wil- low plants, indicating microbial stimulation of phytoextraction. Additionally, inoculated plants showed higher biomass production and lower lipids peroxidation level. The results revealed significant increase of MEA, BCF, Ti, MER by Strep-1 and Strep-2 in the above-ground parts of inoculated plants. Moreover, of the three strains tested, Strep-1 (Streptomyces sp. SIIB-Zn-R8) demonstrated the highest impact on the Cd2+ phytoextraction efficiency. In conclusion, the proposed in vitro model system allowed predicting Cd2+ phytoextraction capacity per- formed using inoculated willow plants with the significant reduction of both time and space