708 research outputs found

    On the role of the QB protein of PS II in photoinhibition

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    AbstractPreillumination of spinach thylakoid membranes under strictly anaerobic conditions (i.e. in the presence of glucose oxidase) and in the absence of an electron acceptor inactivates specifically photosystem (PS) II. Inhibition can be complete within 3 min depending on the glucose oxidase concentration and light intensity. Artificial donor or acceptor systems do not restore PS II. Atrazine binding affinity is not diminished. No degradation of peptide subunits is observed. Trypsinized PS II preparations, in which the QB-binding site has been destroyed, can also be inactivated by light. It is concluded that photoinhibition of thylakoid membranes under anaerobic conditions inactivates the reaction center of PS II. This photoinactivation does not depend on the degradation of a peptide subunit. Not only the QB site but also a modified (trypsinized) QA site can induce photoinhibition

    Optimizing the ensemble for equilibration in broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulations

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    We present an adaptive algorithm which optimizes the statistical-mechanical ensemble in a generalized broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulation to maximize the system's rate of round trips in total energy. The scaling of the mean round-trip time from the ground state to the maximum entropy state for this local-update method is found to be O([N log N]^2) for both the ferromagnetic and the fully frustrated 2D Ising model with N spins. Our new algorithm thereby substantially outperforms flat-histogram methods such as the Wang-Landau algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator

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    Topological phases in frustrated quantum spin systems have fascinated researchers for decades. One of the earliest proposals for such a phase was the chiral spin liquid put forward by Kalmeyer and Laughlin in 1987 as the bosonic analogue of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Elusive for many years, recent times have finally seen a number of models that realize this phase. However, these models are somewhat artificial and unlikely to be found in realistic materials. Here, we take an important step towards the goal of finding a chiral spin liquid in nature by examining a physically motivated model for a Mott insulator on the Kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry. We first provide a theoretical justification for the emergent chiral spin liquid phase in terms of a network model perspective. We then present an unambiguous numerical identification and characterization of the universal topological properties of the phase, including ground state degeneracy, edge physics, and anyonic bulk excitations, by using a variety of powerful numerical probes, including the entanglement spectrum and modular transformations.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; partially supersedes arXiv:1303.696

    Strong-disorder renormalization for interacting non-Abelian anyon systems in two dimensions

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    We consider the effect of quenched spatial disorder on systems of interacting, pinned non-Abelian anyons as might arise in disordered Hall samples at filling fractions \nu=5/2 or \nu=12/5. In one spatial dimension, such disordered anyon models have previously been shown to exhibit a hierarchy of infinite randomness phases. Here, we address systems in two spatial dimensions and report on the behavior of Ising and Fibonacci anyons under the numerical strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG). In order to manage the topology-dependent interactions generated during the flow, we introduce a planar approximation to the SDRG treatment. We characterize this planar approximation by studying the flow of disordered hard-core bosons and the transverse field Ising model, where it successfully reproduces the known infinite randomness critical point with exponent \psi ~ 0.43. Our main conclusion for disordered anyon models in two spatial dimensions is that systems of Ising anyons as well as systems of Fibonacci anyons do not realize infinite randomness phases, but flow back to weaker disorder under the numerical SDRG treatment.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Two-dimensional quantum liquids from interacting non-Abelian anyons

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    A set of localized, non-Abelian anyons - such as vortices in a p_x + i p_y superconductor or quasiholes in certain quantum Hall states - gives rise to a macroscopic degeneracy. Such a degeneracy is split in the presence of interactions between the anyons. Here we show that in two spatial dimensions this splitting selects a unique collective state as ground state of the interacting many-body system. This collective state can be a novel gapped quantum liquid nucleated inside the original parent liquid (of which the anyons are excitations). This physics is of relevance for any quantum Hall plateau realizing a non-Abelian quantum Hall state when moving off the center of the plateau.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of the Wang-Landau algorithm and complexity of rare events for the three-dimensional bimodal Ising spin glass

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    We investigate the performance of flat-histogram methods based on a multicanonical ensemble and the Wang-Landau algorithm for the three-dimensional +/- J spin glass by measuring round-trip times in the energy range between the zero-temperature ground state and the state of highest energy. Strong sample-to-sample variations are found for fixed system size and the distribution of round-trip times follows a fat-tailed Frechet extremal value distribution. Rare events in the fat tails of these distributions corresponding to extremely slowly equilibrating spin glass realizations dominate the calculations of statistical averages. While the typical round-trip time scales exponential as expected for this NP-hard problem, we find that the average round-trip time is no longer well-defined for systems with N >= 8^3 spins. We relate the round-trip times for multicanonical sampling to intrinsic properties of the energy landscape and compare with the numerical effort needed by the genetic Cluster-Exact Approximation to calculate the exact ground state energies. For systems with N >= 8^3 spins the simulation of these rare events becomes increasingly hard. For N >= 14^3 there are samples where the Wang-Landau algorithm fails to find the true ground state within reasonable simulation times. We expect similar behavior for other algorithms based on multicanonical sampling.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure