528 research outputs found

    On the Correspondence between Display Postulates and Deep Inference in Nested Sequent Calculi for Tense Logics

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    We consider two styles of proof calculi for a family of tense logics, presented in a formalism based on nested sequents. A nested sequent can be seen as a tree of traditional single-sided sequents. Our first style of calculi is what we call "shallow calculi", where inference rules are only applied at the root node in a nested sequent. Our shallow calculi are extensions of Kashima's calculus for tense logic and share an essential characteristic with display calculi, namely, the presence of structural rules called "display postulates". Shallow calculi enjoy a simple cut elimination procedure, but are unsuitable for proof search due to the presence of display postulates and other structural rules. The second style of calculi uses deep-inference, whereby inference rules can be applied at any node in a nested sequent. We show that, for a range of extensions of tense logic, the two styles of calculi are equivalent, and there is a natural proof theoretic correspondence between display postulates and deep inference. The deep inference calculi enjoy the subformula property and have no display postulates or other structural rules, making them a better framework for proof search

    Design and Analysis of a Face Mask Alternative

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    Due to the recent pandemic that plagued the country, face mask disposal has gained considerable attention. If something similar were to happen again, the creation of an alternative to the medically approved surgical masks is crucial to minimize disease spread induced by improper face mask disposal. This study aims to analyze and determine the proposed output’s effectiveness compared to conventional face masks. The materials for the trilayer output were nylon, paper towel, and cotton. The produced output and the control sample, the standard cloth mask, were sent to a lab for water resistance and absorbency tests. The test results revealed that neither the produced output nor the cloth mask could meet the recommended standards of a good face mask. As such, this research concluded that the production of an alternative face mask using the materials stated above in a manner identical to that of this study is ill-advisable. Additionally, the study affirmed that the standard cloth masks are not suitable as an efficient alternative to surgical masks. Overall, the paper intends to contribute to solving two of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are (3) Good and Health Well-being and (12) Responsible Consumption and Production

    On the Proof Theory of Regular Fixed Points

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    International audienceWe consider encoding finite automata as least fixed points in a proof theoretical framework equipped with a general induction scheme, and study automata inclusion in that setting. We provide a coinductive characterization of inclusion that yields a natural bridge to proof-theory. This leads us to generalize these observations to regular formulas, obtaining new insights about inductive theorem proving and cyclic proofs in particular

    Genetic Covariance Structure of Reading, Intelligence and Memory in Children

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    This study investigates the genetic relationship among reading performance, IQ, verbal and visuospatial working memory (WM) and short-term memory (STM) in a sample of 112, 9-year-old twin pairs and their older siblings. The relationship between reading performance and the other traits was explained by a common genetic factor for reading performance, IQ, WM and STM and a genetic factor that only influenced reading performance and verbal memory. Genetic variation explained 83% of the variation in reading performance; most of this genetic variance was explained by variation in IQ and memory performance. We hypothesize, based on these results, that children with reading problems possibly can be divided into three groups: (1) children low in IQ and with reading problems; (2) children with average IQ but a STM deficit and with reading problems; (3) children with low IQ and STM deficits; this group may experience more reading problems than the other two

    Tracheotomy care simulation training program for inpatient providers

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    Objectives: Tracheotomy complications can be life-threatening. Many of these complications may be avoided with proper education of health care providers. Unfortunately, access to high-quality tracheotomy care curricula is limited. We developed a program to address this gap in tracheotomy care education for inpatient providers. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of this training program in improving trainee knowledge and comfort with tracheotomy care. Methods: The curriculum includes asynchronous online modules coupled with a self-directed hands-on simulation activity using a low-cost tracheotomy care task trainer. The program was offered to inpatient providers including medical students, residents, medical assistants, nurses, and respiratory therapists. Efficacy of the training was assessed using pre-training and post-training surveys of learner comfort, knowledge, and qualitative feedback. Results: Data was collected on 41 participants. After completing the program, participants exhibited significantly improved comfort in performing tracheotomy care activities and 15% improvement in knowledge scores, with large effect sizes respectively and greater gains among those with little prior tracheotomy care experience. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that completion of this integrated online and hands-on tracheotomy simulation curriculum training increases comfort and knowledge, especially for less-experienced learners. This training addresses an important gap in tracheotomy care education among health care professionals with low levels of tracheotomy care experience and ultimately aims to improve patient safety and quality of care. This curriculum is easily transferrable as it requires only access to the online modules and low-cost simulation materials and could be used in other hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient clinics, and home settings

    Loss of epigenetic regulator TET2 and oncogenic KIT regulate myeloid cell transformation via PI3K pathway

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    Mutations in KIT and TET2 are associated with myeloid malignancies. We show that loss of TET2-induced PI3K activation and -increased proliferation is rescued by targeting the p110α/δ subunits of PI3K. RNA-Seq revealed a hyperactive c-Myc signature in Tet2-/- cells, which is normalized by inhibiting PI3K signaling. Loss of TET2 impairs the maturation of myeloid lineage-derived mast cells by dysregulating the expression of Mitf and Cebpa, which is restored by low-dose ascorbic acid and 5-azacytidine. Utilizing a mouse model in which the loss of TET2 precedes the expression of oncogenic Kit, similar to the human disease, results in the development of a non-mast cell lineage neoplasm (AHNMD), which is responsive to PI3K inhibition. Thus, therapeutic approaches involving hypomethylating agents, ascorbic acid, and isoform-specific PI3K inhibitors are likely to be useful for treating patients with TET2 and KIT mutations

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles

    Q-switched brillouin fibre laser with multi-wall carbon nanotube saturable absorber

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    A Q-switched Brillouin fibre laser (BFL) is successfully demonstrated using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film as a passive saturable absorber (SA) for the first time. The SA is obtained by sandwiching the developed MWCNTs-PVA film between two FC/PC fibre connectors after depositing index-matching gel onto the fibre ends. The proposed Q-switched BFL incorporates a 5 km long dispersion shifted fibre in a ring cavity structure to generate Stokes shifted by 0.08 nm from the Brillouin pump wavelength. The BFL starts to generate a Q-switching pulse train at threshold pump power of 5 dBm. As the BP power is varied from 5.0 to 6.0 dBm, the repetition rate of the Q-switched BFL exhibits an increasing trend from 27.75 to 30.21 kHz, whereas the pulse width exhibits a decreasing trend from 3.25 mu s to 1.11 mu s. The maximum pulse energy of 0.13 nJ is obtained at maximum BP power of 6.0 dBm

    Potentials of Internet of Things for effective public relations activities: Are professionals ready?

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    The research explored public relations professionals’ views on the potentials of adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) for their functions. High level of competitiveness in business engendered by globalization and technological advancement has made relationship-building sacrosanct to business survival. The advent of Internet-based communication has increased the sophistication of the target audience of public relations, which requires a matching upgrade of the technological versatility of practitioners. Decisions on customer satisfaction are increasingly based on data and the best sources of data are the customers themselves. Consequently, the IoT offers an unprecedented avenue for data gathering through the “assistance” of customers themselves. This study, therefore, adopted an online survey to evaluate the views of 100 public relations professionals on their need for IoT, and a t-test was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that independent public relations firms or agencies were more likely to adopt IoT for their activities than in-house departments. It was recommended that public relations professionals should explore actively the benefits of IoT for advanced operations

    Cytogenetic and molecular predictors of response in patients with myeloid malignancies without del[5q] treated with lenalidomide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While lenalidomide (LEN) shows high efficacy in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with del[5q], responses can be also seen in patients presenting without del[5q]. We hypothesized that improved detection of chromosomal abnormalities with new karyotyping tools may better predict response to LEN.</p> <p>Design and methods</p> <p>We have studied clinical, molecular and cytogenetic features of 42 patients with MDS, myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), MDS/MPN overlap syndromes and secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML) without del[5q] by metaphase cytogenetics (MC) who underwent therapy with LEN.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or single nucleotide polymorphism array (SNP-A)-based karyotyping marginally increased the diagnostic yield over MC, detecting 2/42 (4.8%) additional cases with del[5q], one of whom were responded to LEN. Responses were more often observed in patients with a normal karyotype by MC (60% vs abnormal MC; 17%, <it>p </it>= .08) and those with gain of chromosome 8 material by either of all 3 karyotyping methods (83% vs all other chromosomal abnormalities; 44% <it>p </it>= .11). However, 5 out of those 6 patients received combined LEN/AZA therapy and it may also suggest those with gain of chromosome 8 material respond well to AZA. The addition of FISH or SNP-A did not improve the predictive value of normal cytogenetics by MC. Mutational analysis of <it>TET2, UTX, CBL, EZH2, ASXL1, TP53, RAS, IDH1/2</it>, and <it>DNMT-3A </it>was performed on 21 of 41 patients, and revealed 13 mutations in 11 patients, but did not show any molecular markers of responsiveness to LEN.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Normal karyotype and gain of chromosome 8 material was predictive of response to LEN in non-del[5q] patients with myeloid malignancies.</p