1,268 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of cuprate perovskites in the normal state

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    Normal-state magnetic properties of cuprate high-T_c superconductors are interpreted based on the self-consistent solution of the t-J model of Cu-O planes. The solution method retains the rotation symmetry of spin components in the paramagnetic state and has no preset magnetic ordering. The obtained solution is homogeneous. The calculated temperature and concentration dependencies of the magnetic susceptibility are close to those observed in experiment. These results offer explanations for the observed scaling of the static uniform susceptibility and for the changes in the spin correlation length, spin-lattice and spin-echo decay rates in terms of the temperature and doping variations in the spin excitation spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    17O NMR study of q=0 spin excitations in a nearly ideal S=1/2 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, Sr2CuO3, up to 800 K

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    We used 17O NMR to probe the uniform (wavevector q=0) electron spin excitations up to 800 K in Sr2CuO3 and separate the q=0 from the q=\pm\pi/a staggered components. Our results support the logarithmic decrease of the uniform spin susceptibility below T ~ 0.015J, where J=2200 K. From measurement of the dynamical spin susceptibility for q=0 by the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T_{1}, we demonstrate that the q=0 mode of spin transport is ballistic at the T=0 limit, but has a diffusion-like contribution at finite temperatures even for T << J.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Probing anharmonic properties of nuclear surface vibration by heavy-ion fusion reactions

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    Describing fusion reactions between ^{16}O and ^{154}Dy and, between ^{16}O and ^{144}Sm by the sd−sd- and sdf−sdf- interacting boson model, we show that heavy-ion fusion reactions are strongly affected by anharmonic properties of nuclear surface vibrations and nuclear shape, and thus provide a powerful method to study details of nuclear structure and dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the FUSION 97 Conference, South Durras, Australia, March 1997 (J. Phys. G

    Physics of cuprates with the two-band Hubbard model - The validity of the one-band Hubbard model

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    We calculate the properties of the two-band Hubbard model using the Dynamical Cluster Approximation. The phase diagram resembles the generic phase diagram of the cuprates, showing a strong asymmetry with respect to electron and hole doped regimes, in agreement with experiment. Asymmetric features are also seen in one-particle spectral functions and in the charge, spin and d-wave pairing susceptibility functions. We address the possible reduction of the two-band model to a low-energy single-band one, as it was suggested by Zhang and Rice. Comparing the two-band Hubbard model properties with the single-band Hubbard model ones, we have found similar low-energy physics provided that the next-nearest-neighbor hopping term t' has a significant value (tâ€Č/t≈0.3t'/t \approx 0.3). The parameter t' is the main culprit for the electron-hole asymmetry. However, a significant value of t' cannot be provided in a strict Zhang and Rice picture where the extra holes added into the system bind to the existing Cu holes forming local singlets. We notice that by considering approximate singlet states, such as plaquette ones, reasonable values of t', which capture qualitatively the physics of the two-band model can be obtained. We conclude that a single-band t-t'-U Hubbard model captures the basic physics of the cuprates concerning superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, pseudogap and electron-hole asymmetry, but is not suitable for a quantitative analysis or to describe physical properties involving energy scales larger than about 0.5 eV.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Fusion barrier distributions in systems with finite excitation energy

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    Eigen-channel approach to heavy-ion fusion reactions is exact only when the excitation energy of the intrinsic motion is zero. In order to take into account effects of finite excitation energy, we introduce an energy dependence to weight factors in the eigen-channel approximation. Using two channel problem, we show that the weight factors are slowly changing functions of incident energy. This suggests that the concept of the fusion barrier distribution still holds to a good approximation even when the excitation energy of the intrinsic motion is finite. A transition to the adiabatic tunneling, where the coupling leads to a static potential renormalization, is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Physical Review

    Radiation correction to astrophysical fusion reactions and the electron screening problem

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    We discuss the effect of electromagnetic environment on laboratory measurements of the nuclear fusion reactions of astrophysical interest. The radiation field is eliminated using the path integral formalism in order to obtain the influence functional, which we evaluate in the semi-classical approximation. We show that enhancement of the tunneling probability due to the radiation correction is extremely small and does not resolve the longstanding problem that the observed electron screening effect is significantly larger than theoretical predictions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps figure

    Phase separation versus supersolid behavior in frustrated antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the competition between spin-supersolidity and phase separation in a frustrated spin-half model of weakly coupled dimers. We start by considering systems of hard-core bosons on the square lattice, onto which the low-energy physics of the herein investigated spin model can be mapped, and devise a criterion for gauging the interplay between supersolid order and domain wall formation based on strong coupling arguments. Effective bosonic models for the spin model are derived via the contractor renormalization (CORE) algorithm and we propose to combine a self-consistent cluster mean-field solution with our criterion for the occurrence of phase separation to derive the phase diagram as a function of frustration and magnetic field. In the limit of strong frustration, the model is shown to be unstable toward phase separation, in contradiction with recently published results. However, a region of stable supersolidity is identified for intermediate frustration, in a parameter range not investigated so far and of possible experimental relevance.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Published versio

    Addendum: Attenuation of the intensity within a superdeformed band

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    We investigate a random matrix model [Phys. Rev. C {\bf 65} 024302 (2002] for the decay-out of a superdeformed band as a function of the parameters: Γ↓/ΓS\Gamma^\downarrow/\Gamma_S, ΓN/D\Gamma_N/D, ΓS/D\Gamma_S/D and Δ/D\Delta/D. Here Γ↓\Gamma^\downarrow is the spreading width for the mixing of an SD state ∣0>|0> with a normally deformed (ND) doorway state ∣d>|d>, ΓS\Gamma_S and ΓN\Gamma_N are the electromagnetic widths of the the SD and ND states respectively, DD is the mean level spacing of the compound ND states and Δ\Delta is the energy difference between ∣0>|0> and ∣d>|d>. The maximum possible effect of an order-chaos transition is inferred from analytical and numerical calculations of the decay intensity in the limiting cases for which the ND states obey Poisson and GOE statistics. Our results show that the sharp attenuation of the decay intensity cannot be explained solely by an order-chaos transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review
