38 research outputs found

    Review of "Data Structures: Theory and Practice by A. T. Berztiss", Second edition, 1975

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    Should Integrity Constraints Be Global Or Local?

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    Data base integrity constraints are commonly expressed as predicates over data base states or state changes (global constraints) or as preconditions of transactions that are to change data base states (local constraints). We argue that business reengineering, and the lack of sophistication of users favor local constraints, but that global constraints may also be necessary. Local constraints are expressed as preconditions of transactions in our specification language SF. Primarily to foster discussion, we extend the concept of integrity by introducing completeness and robustness as two new integrity classes, and define a number of additional discussion topics. 1 Introduction The concept of data base has undergone significant changes. To some extent the changes have been caused by technological advances, e.g., by an increased dependence on client-server architectures, to some extent by the business reengineering movement, which has contributed a new interpretation of the relationship be..

    The why and how of discrete structures

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    Formal Verification of Programs

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    e, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. Comments on this curriculum module may also be directed to the module authors. Alfs T. Berztiss Mark A. Ardis Department of Computer Science Software Engineering Institute University of Pittsburgh Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Copyright Ó 1988 by Carnegie Mellon University Draft For Public Review Formal Verification of Programs Acknowledgements Contents We would like to thank Susan Gerhart, David Gries, Jan Capsule Description 1 Storbank Pedersen, Mary Shaw, and Jeanette Wing for Philosophy 1 their many helpful comments and suggestions. Objectives 1 Prerequisite Knowledge 2 Module Content 3 Outline 3 Annotated Outline 3 Teaching Considerations 11 Suggested Schedules 11 Worked Examples and Exercises 11 Bibliography 12 SEI-CM-20-1.0 Draft For Public Review<F65

    A Software Process Model for Business Reengineering

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    A major component of any business reengineering effort is the identification of business processes, and the development of software to support these processes. The development of the software is itself a process, commonly called the software process. One reason for reengineering a business is to decentralize its mode of operation, or to make a decentralized mode more effective. We contend that a properly defined general software process model is essential for the development of support software for a reengineered decentralized enterprise. We have developed a sixteen-step plan for business reengineering, and an enterprise model composed of eight submodels. In this paper we bring together the enterprise model, relevant steps of the business reengineering plan, and the Capability Maturity Model of the Software Engineering Institute to define a software process model for business reengineering. Keywords Business process, business reengineering, capability maturity model, enterprise model..

    Data processing and computer science theory

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    Detection of cycle in real-time system specification

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    String representations of graphs

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