1,740 research outputs found

    On the equivalence between the cell-based smoothed finite element method and the virtual element method

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    We revisit the cell-based smoothed finite element method (SFEM) for quadrilateral elements and extend it to arbitrary polygons and polyhedrons in 2D and 3D, respectively. We highlight the similarity between the SFEM and the virtual element method (VEM). Based on the VEM, we propose a new stabilization approach to the SFEM when applied to arbitrary polygons and polyhedrons. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the SFEM are studied with a few benchmark problems in 2D and 3D linear elasticity. Later, the SFEM is combined with the scaled boundary finite element method to problems involving singularity within the framework of the linear elastic fracture mechanics in 2D

    The transition from adiabatic inspiral to geodesic plunge for a compact object around a massive Kerr black hole: Generic orbits

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    The inspiral of a stellar mass compact object falling into a massive Kerr black hole can be broken into three different regimes: An adiabatic inspiral phase, where the inspiral timescale is much larger than the orbital period; a late-time radial infall, which can be approximated as a plunging geodesic; and a regime where the body transitions from the inspiral to plunge. In earlier work, Ori and Thorne have outlined a method to compute the trajectory during this transition for a compact object in a circular, equatorial orbit. We generalize this technique to include inclination and eccentricity.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev. D. New version addresses referee's comment

    Towards adiabatic waveforms for inspiral into Kerr black holes: II. Dynamical sources and generic orbits

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    This is the second in a series of papers whose aim is to generate ``adiabatic'' gravitational waveforms from the inspiral of stellar-mass compact objects into massive black holes. In earlier work, we presented an accurate (2+1)D finite-difference time-domain code to solve the Teukolsky equation, which evolves curvature perturbations near rotating (Kerr) black holes. The key new ingredient there was a simple but accurate model of the singular source term based on a discrete representation of the Dirac-delta function and its derivatives. Our earlier work was intended as a proof of concept, using simple circular, equatorial geodesic orbits as a testbed. Such a source is effectively static, in that the smaller body remains at the same coordinate radius and orbital inclination over an orbit. (It of course moves through axial angle, but we separate that degree of freedom from the problem. Our numerical grid has only radial, polar, and time coordinates.) We now extend the time-domain code so that it can accommodate dynamic sources that move on a variety of physically interesting world lines. We validate the code with extensive comparison to frequency-domain waveforms for cases in which the source moves along generic (inclined and eccentric) bound geodesic orbits. We also demonstrate the ability of the time-domain code to accommodate sources moving on interesting non-geodesic worldlines. We do this by computing the waveform produced by a test mass following a ``kludged'' inspiral trajectory, made of bound geodesic segments driven toward merger by an approximate radiation loss formula.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Stabilization policy in multi-country models

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    This paper analyzes the international transmission of economic distur-bances in a three-country world where two countries have no macroeconomic impact on a third country but are large enough to influence each other un-der fixed and flexible exchange rates. While the fixed exchange rate (FER) regime is shown to insulate the domestic economy from monetary shocks, the flexible exchange rate (FLER) regime is shown to be effective in dam-pening the impact of real shocks on domestic Output. As far as the shocks coming from the large country are concemed, the exchange rate flexibility serves as an important tool in reducing the variability of output

    Assessing the Horizontal Homogeneity of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (HHABL) Profile Using Different CFD Software

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    One of the main factors affecting the reliability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for the urban environment is the Horizontal Homogeneity of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (HHABL) profile—meaning the vertical profiles of the mean streamwise velocity, the turbulent kinetic energy, and dissipation rate are maintained throughout the streamwise direction of the computational domain. This paper investigates the preservation of the HHABL profile using three different commercial CFD codes—the ANSYS Fluent, the ANSYS CFD, and the Siemens STAR-CCM+ software. Three different cases were considered, identified by their different inlet conditions for the inlet velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and dissipation rate profiles. Simulations were carried out using the RANS k-ε turbulence model. Slight variations in the eddy viscosity models, as well as in the wall boundary conditions, were identified in the different software, with the standard wall function with roughness being implemented in the Fluent applications, the scalable wall function with roughness in the CFX applications, and the blended wall function option in the STAR-CCM+ simulations. There was a slight difference in the meshing approach in the three different software, with a prism-layer option in the STAR-CCM+ software, which allowed a finer mesh near the wall/ground boundary. The results show all three software are able to preserve the horizontal homogeneity of the ABL—less than 0.5% difference between the software—indicating very similar degrees of accuracy

    Towards adiabatic waveforms for inspiral into Kerr black holes: I. A new model of the source for the time domain perturbation equation

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    We revisit the problem of the emission of gravitational waves from a test mass orbiting and thus perturbing a Kerr black hole. The source term of the Teukolsky perturbation equation contains a Dirac delta function which represents a point particle. We present a technique to effectively model the delta function and its derivatives using as few as four points on a numerical grid. The source term is then incorporated into a code that evolves the Teukolsky equation in the time domain as a (2+1) dimensional PDE. The waveforms and energy fluxes are extracted far from the black hole. Our comparisons with earlier work show an order of magnitude gain in performance (speed) and numerical errors less than 1% for a large fraction of parameter space. As a first application of this code, we analyze the effect of finite extraction radius on the energy fluxes. This paper is the first in a series whose goal is to develop adiabatic waveforms describing the inspiral of a small compact body into a massive Kerr black hole.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted by PRD. This version removes the appendix; that content will be subsumed into future wor

    Accurate time-domain gravitational waveforms for extreme-mass-ratio binaries

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    The accuracy of time-domain solutions of the inhomogeneous Teukolsky equation is improved significantly. Comparing energy fluxes in gravitational waves with highly accurate frequency-domain results for circular equatorial orbits in Schwarzschild and Kerr, we find agreement to within 1% or better, which we believe can be even further improved. We apply our method to orbits for which frequency-domain calculations have a relative disadvantage, specifically high-eccentricity (elliptical and parabolic) "zoom-whirl" orbits, and find the energy fluxes, waveforms, and characteristic strain in gravitational waves.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; Changes: some errors corrected. Comparison with Frequency-domain now done in stronger fiel

    A volume-averaged nodal projection method for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model

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    We introduce a novel meshfree Galerkin method for the solution of Reissner-Mindlin plate problems that is written in terms of the primitive variables only (i.e., rotations and transverse displacement) and is devoid of shear-locking. The proposed approach uses linear maximum-entropy approximations and is built variationally on a two-field potential energy functional wherein the shear strain, written in terms of the primitive variables, is computed via a volume-averaged nodal projection operator that is constructed from the Kirchhoff constraint of the three-field mixed weak form. The stability of the method is rendered by adding bubble-like enrichment to the rotation degrees of freedom. Some benchmark problems are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and performance of the proposed method for a wide range of plate thicknesses
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