145 research outputs found

    History of Lake Ladoga and its Connection With the Baltic Sea

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    Noospheric Vocation of Greater Eurasia in the XXI Century

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    The article reveals the theoretical position on the noospheric vocation of “Greater Eurasia” in the 21st century. Opposition to the “Big West” as a global imperialism system of the world financial capitalocracy on the part of Greater Eurasia acquires a noospheric and socialist “dimension” in the 21st century. Russia is called upon to head the Noosphere Breakthrough of humanity in the XXI century, as a Eurasian civilization, occupying an important place in the Greater Eurasia’s structure, and as the birthplace of the socialism first appearance in the world and the doctrine of the Biosphere transition into the Noosphere by V. I. Vernadsky, and as a center of stability and instability in the world. Greater Eurasia is called upon to become the “locomotive” of noospheresocialist transformations of the human existence foundations. The alternative to this is the death of mankind, which is market-capitalistic for reasons and ecological for foundations

    Russia — a Eurasian Civilization

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    The article argues that Russia as a “Eurasian civilization”, precisely as a “Eurasian” one, is the only civilization in the world. In the process of civilizational-Eurasian genesis, the historical synthesis of the “Western” (European) and “Eastern” (Asian) principles, expressed in its special value genome, is performed in it. Due to the “cold” climate in the Eurasian territory occupied by Russia, it is the highest energy-cost civilization and, therefore, — a civilization with the dominant role of the cooperation law. The Russian people, due to the peculiarity of their value aspirations, which F. M. Dostoevsky defined as “all-humanity”, became the founder of Russian civilization and the bearer of polyethnic cooperation (the Russian super-ethnos according to L. N. Gumilyov). As a “civilization of the Truth”, Russia is called upon to become a leader in the implementation of the noospheric strategy of mankind ecological survival, outside of which ecological destruction awaits them in the 21st century

    The watershed reconstruction of the Onego paleolake with GIS

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    The article presents the results of the palaeohydrological analysis of the river system reorganization in the North-West of Russia, the Karelian Isthmus. This study aimed at the hydrological calculation of the runoff through the Heinjoki water connection of Lake Ladoga, the Gulf of Finland and PalaeoVuoksa during different periods of the Holocene. The methods of the equation of water balance, hydraulic-morphometric dependencies and the method of geographical analogy were used in this research. The main result of the carried work is the refinement of the existing regional flow model. In particular, the role of the Heinjoki Strait and the Neva River channel in different stages of the Holocene is considered. The authors came to the conclusion that Lake Ladoga always had a runoff to the Baltic Sea. It is shown that most probably in the period of 10,200-3,500 years ago the runoff was carried out through the Heinjoki waterway. The study underlines that the isostatic factor played a significant role in the forming of the water flow. The change in the runoff direction from the Heinjoki waterway to the Neva River is mainly related to the isostatic uplift of the Karelian Isthmus and the northern part of Lake Ladoga. Quantitative parameters of the Heinjoki palaeoflow (flow rate, annual runoff, runoff layer, runoff coefficient) seem to be roughly equivalent to the modern parameters of the flow of the Neva River. The article is dedicated to our colleague, a talented geographer and teacher, PhD Oleg Borisovich Averichkin (1979-2010) who first performed the calculations of the paleorunoff of Lake LadogaThe article presents the results of the palaeohydrological analysis of the river system reorganization in the North-West of Russia, the Karelian Isthmus. This study aimed at the hydrological calculation of the runoff through the Heinjoki water connection of Lake Ladoga, the Gulf of Finland and PalaeoVuoksa during different periods of the Holocene. The methods of the equation of water balance, hydraulic-morphometric dependencies and the method of geographical analogy were used in this research. The main result of the carried work is the refinement of the existing regional flow model. In particular, the role of the Heinjoki Strait and the Neva River channel in different stages of the Holocene is considered. The authors came to the conclusion that Lake Ladoga always had a runoff to the Baltic Sea. It is shown that most probably in the period of 10,200-3,500 years ago the runoff was carried out through the Heinjoki waterway. The study underlines that the isostatic factor played a significant role in the forming of the water flow. The change in the runoff direction from the Heinjoki waterway to the Neva River is mainly related to the isostatic uplift of the Karelian Isthmus and the northern part of Lake Ladoga. Quantitative parameters of the Heinjoki palaeoflow (flow rate, annual runoff, runoff layer, runoff coefficient) seem to be roughly equivalent to the modern parameters of the flow of the Neva River. The article is dedicated to our colleague, a talented geographer and teacher, PhD Oleg Borisovich Averichkin (1979-2010) who first performed the calculations of the paleorunoff of Lake Ladog

    The 'Route from the Varangians to the Greeks': truth or fiction

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    The 'route from the Varangians to the Greeks' is widely known and often mentioned in research, popular science and educational literature. Much less often is it mentioned that the existence of the trade route is seriously doubted and needs additional evidence. The discussion about the actuality of a 'route from the Varangians to the Greeks' has intensified in the recent decade; it mostly involves historians who draw on chronicles, archive materials and literary sources. Although relevant geographical studies focus on small territories and have a limited scope, only they can give a definitive answer to the question of whether it was possible to sail the rivers of the East European Plain between the Baltic and Black Seas in the 8th-11th centuries AD. Of particular importance are studies on the watersheds marking the principal legs of the route. If the watersheds were traversable, the 'route from the Varangians to the Greeks' was navigable, and the impassability of watersheds would preclude navigation along the route. Methodologically, the study employs methods and approaches used in physiographical field studies, which have not been applied earlier to the watershed sections of the 'route from the Varangians to the Greeks'. The central result of the research is the reconstruction of the hydrological features and hydrographic situation of the watershed between the basins of the Neva (River Lovat) and the Western Dvina (River Usvyacha) during the existence of the 'route from the Varangians to the Greeks'. This reconstruction and the study of the watershed territories, the system of land communication routes and toponymic features of this territory conclusively demonstrate that the 'way from the Varangians to the Greeks', or the Baltic-Black Sea waterway, could actually exist


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    Researches of changes in the water level of Lake Ilmen are important for studying the development of the river network in its basin, since it is the basis of erosion for them. The purpose of the work was to assess the level regime of Lake Ilmen during the Holocene, including the modern period. The level regime of the lake is determined not only by the inflow of waters from the catchment, but is also regulated by the runoff of the Volkhov River flowing out of it, which, which prior to the construction of the Volkhov Hydroelectric Power Station in 1926, depended on the marks of the Pchevsky and Veletsky rapids in the downstream. During the Holocene, the marks of the Pchevsky and Veletsky rapids were decreasing, because they been eroded by the Volkhov River. An approximate reconstruction of the change in rapids marks has been carried out, depending on the humidity of the climate in previous centuries. Evaluation of a varying degree humidification over a century / millennium is rather arbitrary and was taken as the ratio of the number of rainy years to years with droughts based on annals data. By the beginning of our era, the minimum water level of the lake was not less than 19.5 m. The maximum water level most likely did not exceeding the mark of 24.5 m, considering the similarity of climate to the last centuries, that is, the amplitude of the water levels was less than modern. Only climatic features determined the water level regime of the lake starting from the second half of the first millennium to the present day. On the grounds of the fact that the minimum bottom marks of some rivers, flowing into lake Ilmen (in particular Lovat’, Msta and Shelon’), are lower not only than the minimum water level of the lake, but also than the minimum marks of its bottom, we can do a preliminary conclusion that the water level of Lake Ilmen in the past was rather lower than at present and was at modern mark of 16-17 m Baltic system.Исследования изменений уровня озера Ильмень важны для изучения развития речной сети в его бассейне, так как он является базисом эрозии для них. Цель работы состояла в оценке уровенного режима озеро Ильмень в течение голоцена, включая современный период. Уровенный режим озера определяется не только поступлением вод с водосбора, но и регулируется стоком вытекающей из него реки Волхов, который до строительства 1926 году Волховской ГЭС зависел от отметок Пчевских и Велецких порогов в низовьях реки. В течение голоцена Пчевские и Велецкие пороги размывались рекой Волхов, в результате чего их отметки понижались. Выполнена ориентировочная реконструкция изменения отметок порогов в зависимости от увлажненности климата в предыдущие столетия. Оценка той или иной степени увлажнения климата за столетний/тысячелетний период достаточно условна и принималась как отношение количества дождливых годов к годам с засухами на основании летописных данных. К началу нашей эры минимальный уровень озера находился на отметках не ниже 19,5 м. Максимальный уровень, учитывая схожесть климата с последними столетиями, скорее всего, не превышал отметки в 24,5 м, то есть амплитуда уровней была меньше современной. Начиная со второй половины первого тысячелетия до наших дней, уровенный режим озера определялся только климатическими особенностями. На основании того, что минимальные отметки дна некоторых рек, в частности Ловати, Мсты и Шелони, впадающих в Ильмень, находятся не только ниже минимального уровня озера, но и минимальных отметок его дна, можно сделать предварительный вывод, что уровень озера Ильмень в прошлом был несколько ниже, нежели в настоящее время и составлял современные 16-17 м балтийской системы.   Литература Барышников Н.Б., Попов И.В. Динамика русловых потоков и русловые процессы: учебное пособие. Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1988. 454 с. Борисенков Е.П., Пасецкий В.М. Тысячелетняя летопись необычайных явлений природы. М.: Мысль, 1988. 522 с. Былинский Е.Н. Влияние снижения уровней Ильменского и Ладожского озера на развитие продольных профилей притоков оз. Ильмень и Волхова // Вестн. Моск. ун-та: Сер. биологии, почвоведения, геологии, географии. 1959. № 3. С. 221-231 Васильева Н.В., Субетто Д.А., Вербицкий В.Р., Кротова-Путинцева А.Е. 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    In search for fingerprints of an extraterrestrial event: Trace element characteristics of sediments from the lake Medvedevskoye (Karelian Isthmus, Russia)

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    Concentration and distribution of trace elements across the sequence of the Late Pleistocene sediments from the lake Medvedevskoye suggest the addition of materials other than those from a common source for the lake sediments of the region. The sediments of the lake Medvedevskoye carry some geochemical fingerprints which could be related the ET event that occurred at ca. 12.9 ka. Because such fingerprints are extremely subtle, the NW Russia can be considered to be the most remote eastern region of the extent of the Late Pleistocene airborne ET material. The sediments of the lake Medvedevskoye can also contain volcanic material from the eruption of the Laacher See (Germany) volcano and probably from other Late Pleistocene volcanoes of Western Europe and/or Iceland. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd