1,046 research outputs found

    Teaching English in Saudi Arabia Through the Use of Multimedia

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    The purpose of this project is to design model lesson plans which will require the use of available modern technology and movies, songs and graphic novels, etc, to enhance students’ communicative competence and motivate critical thinking. In fact, The project will be constructed to implement the use of technology in the Saudi Arabian traditional classrooms. It will serve as a model for teachers to build their own lesson plans accordingly, using a communicative language teaching approach. Finally, it is hoped that with this handbook, Saudi Arabian English language learners will develop critical thinking skills and enhance higher communicative competence in English. This project will have the following significant results. First, it will introduce authentic language to the students through movies. In addition, it will make the instruction student-centred rather than teacher-centered as it is now. It will also help students to acquire both academic and conversational vocabulary. Finally, It will serve as a bridge-building tool to complex reading through the use of graphic novels

    A note on embedding into product spaces

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    summary:Using factorization properties of an operator ideal over a Banach space, it is shown how to embed a locally convex space from the corresponding Grothendieck space ideal into a suitable power of EE, thus achieving a unified treatment of several embedding theorems involving certain classes of locally convex spaces

    Prevalencia de helmintos parásitos en peces (Salmo trutta y Schizothorax plagiostomus) en India

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    In Gurez Valley of Jammu & Kashmir, India, 210 specimens of Salmo trutta and 126 of Schizothorax plagiostomus examined during the present study, 49 (23.33%) and 35 (27.77%) respectively were infected with different types of helminth parasites. The recovered parasites during the study include Adenoscolex oreini and Rhabdochona guptii in S. trutta with a prevalence of 16.19%; 19.52% respectively; and A. oreini; R. guptii and Camallanus fotedari in S. plagiostomus with a prevalence of 19.84%; 22.22% and 18.25% respectively. A. orieni was most prevalent in both hosts during summer (20% & 23.68%), followed by autumn, spring and winter with a prevalence of 18.96% & 19.44%, 11.53% &17.85% and 10% & 16.66% respectively. The same trend was observed in case of R. guptii where the prevalence was 24.28% & 26.31%, 20.68% & 25%; 15.38% & 21.42 and 13.33% & 12.50% during summer, autumn, spring and winter respectively and in case of C. fotedari from S. plagiostomus same trend of prevalence like 23.66%; 22.22%; 14.28 and 8.33 was observed during summer ; autumn; spring and winter respectively. The prevalence of infection of R. guptii was a bit higher than A. oreini and C. fotedariEn el Valle de Gurez (Jammu & Kashmir, India), de 210 especimenes de Salmo trutta y 126 de Schizothorax plagiostomus examinados durante el presente estudio, 49 (23,33%) y 35 (27,77%) respectivamente, estaban infectados con diferentes tipos de helmintos parásitos. Los parásitos recuperados durante el estudio incluyeron Adenoscolex oreini y Rhabdochona guptii en S. trutta, con una prevalencia de 16,19% y 19,52% respectivamente; y Adenoscolex oreini, Rhabdochona guptii y Camallanus fotedari en S. plagiostomus, con una prevalencia de 19,84%; 22,22% y 18,25% respectivamente. A. oreini fue más prevalente en ambos huéspedes durante el verano (20% & 23,68%), seguido por el otoño, primavera e invierno, con prevalencias de 18,96% & 19,44%, 11,53% & 17,85% y 10% & 16,66% respectivamente. A. oreini fue más prevalente en ambos huéspedes durante el verano (20% & 23,68%), seguido por el otoño, primavera e invierno, con prevalencias de 18,96% & 19,44%, 11,53% & 17,85% y 10% & 16,66% respectivamente. La misma tendencia se observó en el caso de R. guptti, donde el predominio fue de 24,28% & 26,31%, 20,68% & 25%; 15,38% & 21,42 y 13,33% & 12,50% durante verano, otoño, primavera e invierno respectivamente, y en el caso de C. fotedari del S. plagiostomus, las mismas tendencias de predominio, de 23,66%; 22,22%; 14,28% y 8,33% se observaron durante verano; otoño; primavera e invierno respectivamente. El predominio de infección de R. guptii fue algo superior que los registrados en A. oreini y C. fotedar

    A Branch and Bound Approach to Optimal Allocation in Stratified Sampling

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    For practical applications of any allocations, integer values of the sample sizes are required. This could be done by simply rounding off the non-integer sample sizes to the nearest integral values. When the sample sizes are large enough or the measurement cost in various strata are not too high, the rounded off sample allocation may work well. However for small samples in some situations the rounding off allocations may become infeasible and non-optimal. This means that rounded off values may violate some of the constraints of the problem or there may exist other sets of integer sample allocations with a lesser value of the objective function. In such situations we have to use some integer programming technique to obtain an optimum integer solution. Keywords:  Stratified sampling, Non-linear Integer Programming, Allocation Problem,  Langrangian Multiplier, Branch & Bound Techniqu

    Clone variation of seed traits, germination and seedling growth in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. clonal seed orchard

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    A clonal seed orchard (CSO) of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. at Hoshiarpur, India consisting of 20 clones originating from different agro-climatic conditions of four northern states (Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttarakhand) was the source of seeds for variability studies. There was lot of variation in seed size, seed weight, germination percent, germination value and growth rate in nursery of different clones over the years. Seed length, seed width and seed weight were positively correlated to each other but seed size had no effect on germination percent and germination value under laboratory conditions. However, seed weight was found positively correlated with germination percent in nursery with the seed lot of 2008 collection. The genetic parameters for seed traits and seedling growth also showed a wide range of variations in the orchard clones. Heritability values were found to be over 50 percent for seed weight and seed length. However, only seed weight showed high heritability value coupled with more genetic gain across the years, which indicate the presence of good amount of heritable additive component in seed weight. There was no consistency in the seed characters, germination and seedling growth parameters studied across the two years. Effect of clones was dominant and accounted for variation in seed size, seed weight, seed germination and growth parameters. Seed size or seed weight should not be used as criteria for grading of bulked seed lots of different clones, as it can narrow down genetic diversity by rejecting small seeds. The impact of these genetic differences in handling of seed lots during bulking and grading for mass propagation of nursery planting stock of D. sissoo is also discussed

    Distribución y patología causada por Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Yamaguti 1934 (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidae). Revisión bibliográfica

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    La tenia asiática o tenia asiática de pez, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, es oriunda de Asia Oriental y en las últimas décadas se ha extendido ampliamente a lo largo del mundo por diversas actividades humanas desarrolladas en todos los continentes. Ejemplos de tales actividades son los traslados de peces para satisfacer demandas de la piscicultura, el comercio de los ejemplares, la disputa por áreas acuáticas, el control de los mosquitos y más recientemente la pesca de peces. Además, las aves que se alimentan de peces infectados, pueden transportar huevos del cestode y diseminarlos a través de la defecación. Estimativamente, B. acheilognathi se ha reportado en unas 200 especies de peces de agua dulce, y este amplio rango de hospedadores colaboró en su establecimiento, aunque el parásito es principalmente reportado en las carpas salvajes y cultivadas. Ello constituye un problema para la acuacultura y se sospecha que afecta adversamente y pone en peligro a las especies silvestres. Es considerado como un patógeno de importancia regional (PRI) por el Servicio de Peces y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2015). El principal vector de su propagación parece ser la introducción de su huésped natural, la carpa asiática Ctenopharyngodon idella, para su uso en acuacultura o para el control de vegetación acuática. En la actualidad, el principal vehículo de expansión de este parásito es la carpa común (koi carp, pez mosquito), aunque probablemente también intervengan otros peces. La tenia asiática es patógena para los peces de agua dulce, especialmente carpas jóvenes y alevines, pudiendo causar gran pérdida económica en los criaderos y granjas de peces. Tiene habilidad para colonizar nuevas regiones y adaptarse a un amplio espectro de peces hospederos. Ella representa uno de los ejemplos más impresionantes y deplorables de un parásito ampliamente diseminado por el hombre, asistido por movimientos de peces. El grado de diseminación y éxito de la colonización fue favorecido por la distribución cosmopolita de los huéspedes intermediario y definitiv