3 research outputs found

    Морфофункциональная характеристика отека-набухания коры головного мозга белых крыс после тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы без и на фоне применения L-лизина эсцината

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    Aim of study The study is devoted to a morphometric assessment of the manifestations of edema-swelling of the somatosensory cortex (SSC) of the brain of white rats after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) without using L-lysine escinate and when using it as a therapeutic effect.Material and methods We stained sections with hematoxylin-eosin and performed morphometric methods. On thin (4 μm) serial frontal sections of SSC, neurons and microvessels in the control (intact animals, n=5) were examined in 1 (n= 5), 3 (n=5), 5 (n=5), 7 (n=5) and 14 (n=5) days after injury without treatment (n=25, comparison group) and with treatment (n=25, main group). In color raster images (lens x100), using the plug-in filter “Find Maxima”, maximum brightness areas (MBA) were determined , which were then analyzed using the “Analyze Particles” program from ImageJ 1.52 s. MBA corresponded to SSC sites with a high degree of hydration of nerve tissue - edema-swelling. Statistical hypotheses were tested using nonparametric criteria.Results and discussion In control animals, a low degree of hydration of SSC tissue was noted (relative area 3-8%). In the comparison group, 1 and 3 days after STBI, foci of edema-swelling covered up to 30% of SSC, in 5 days - up to 15%, in 7 days - up to 20%, in 15 - up to 18%. Significant heteromorphism and heterogeneity of changes in the neuropil around neurons and blood vessels was noted. In the dynamics of the post-traumatic period, the proportion of large foci of edema-swelling (intra- and perineuronal, perivascular) decreased. In the main group, one day after STBI, there was a statistically significantly smaller number of foci of edema-swelling and their total relative area. The values range of these variables significantly decreased. L-lysine escinat affected the water balance most effectively in the acute post-traumatic period (day 1 and 3). The drug “smoothed out” the manifestation peaks (number, focal area) of edema-swelling: the values of the studied morphometric indicators were statistically significantly different. Consequently, morphometric signs of hydropic dystrophy after STBI were detected in both studied groups during the 15 days of observation.Conclusion The degree of SSC nervous tissue hydration increased after STBI. L-lysine escinate statistically significantly reduced manifestations of hydropic dystrophy. The drug significantly affected the degree of hydration of neural tissue observed in the early post-traumatic period.Цель Исследование посвящено морфометрической оценке проявлений отека-набухания соматосенсорной коры (ССК) головного мозга белых крыс после тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы (ТЧМТ) на фоне использования в качестве лечебного воздействия L-лизина эсцината.Методы исследования Использована окраска срезов гематоксилином-иозином и методы морфометрии. На тонких (4 мкм) серийных фронтальных срезах ССК изучены нейроны и микрососуды в контроле (интактные животные, n=5), через 1 (n=5), 3 (n=5), 5 (n=5), 7 (n=5) и 14 (n=5) суток после травмы без лечения (n=25, группа сравнения) и с лечением (n=25, основная группа). На цветных растровых изображениях (объектив х100) с помощью плагин-фильтра “Find Maxima” определяли зоны максимальной яркости, которые затем анализировали с помощью “Analyze Particles” из программы ImageJ 1.52s. Зоны соответствовали участкам ССК с высокой степенью гидратации нервной ткани - отек-набухание. Статистические гипотезы проверяли с помощью непараметрических критериев.Результаты и обсуждение У контрольных животных отмечена низкая степень гидратации нервной ткани ССК (относительная площадь 3−8%). В группе сравнения через 1 и 3 суток после ТЧМТ очаги отека-набухания охватывали до 30% ССК, через 5 суток - до 15%, через 7 суток - до 20%, через 15 - до 18%. Отмечалась значительная гетероморфность и гетерогенность изменений в нейропиле, вокруг нейронов и сосудов. В динамике посттравматического периода доля крупных очагов отека-набухания (интра- и перинейрональных, периваскулярных) снижалась. В основной группе через одни сутки после ТЧМТ было статистически значимо меньшее количество очагов отека-набухания и их общая относительная площадь была меньше, чем в группе сравнения. Значительно уменьшался разброс значений данных переменных. Наиболее эффективно L-лизина эсцинат действовал на водный баланс в остром посттравматическом периоде (1-е и 3-и сутки). Препарат «сглаживал»  пики проявлений (количество, площадь очагов) отека-набухания: значения изученных морфометрических показателей статистически значимо отличались. Следовательно, морфометрическиепризнаки гидропической дистрофии после ТЧМТ выявлялись в обеих изученных группах на протяжении 15 суток наблюдения.Заключение После ТЧМТ увеличивалась степень гидратации нервной ткани ССК. L-лизин эсцинат статистически значимо уменьшал проявления гидропической дистрофии. Особенно выраженное влияние препарата на степень гидратации нервной ткани отмечено в раннем посттравматическом периоде

    Morphofunctional Characteristic of Edema-Swelling of the Cerebral Cortex of White Rats After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Without the Use of L-Lysine Escinate and Against the Background of Its Use

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    Aim of study The study is devoted to a morphometric assessment of the manifestations of edema-swelling of the somatosensory cortex (SSC) of the brain of white rats after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) without using L-lysine escinate and when using it as a therapeutic effect.Material and methods We stained sections with hematoxylin-eosin and performed morphometric methods. On thin (4 μm) serial frontal sections of SSC, neurons and microvessels in the control (intact animals, n=5) were examined in 1 (n= 5), 3 (n=5), 5 (n=5), 7 (n=5) and 14 (n=5) days after injury without treatment (n=25, comparison group) and with treatment (n=25, main group). In color raster images (lens x100), using the plug-in filter “Find Maxima”, maximum brightness areas (MBA) were determined , which were then analyzed using the “Analyze Particles” program from ImageJ 1.52 s. MBA corresponded to SSC sites with a high degree of hydration of nerve tissue - edema-swelling. Statistical hypotheses were tested using nonparametric criteria.Results and discussion In control animals, a low degree of hydration of SSC tissue was noted (relative area 3-8%). In the comparison group, 1 and 3 days after STBI, foci of edema-swelling covered up to 30% of SSC, in 5 days - up to 15%, in 7 days - up to 20%, in 15 - up to 18%. Significant heteromorphism and heterogeneity of changes in the neuropil around neurons and blood vessels was noted. In the dynamics of the post-traumatic period, the proportion of large foci of edema-swelling (intra- and perineuronal, perivascular) decreased. In the main group, one day after STBI, there was a statistically significantly smaller number of foci of edema-swelling and their total relative area. The values range of these variables significantly decreased. L-lysine escinat affected the water balance most effectively in the acute post-traumatic period (day 1 and 3). The drug “smoothed out” the manifestation peaks (number, focal area) of edema-swelling: the values of the studied morphometric indicators were statistically significantly different. Consequently, morphometric signs of hydropic dystrophy after STBI were detected in both studied groups during the 15 days of observation.Conclusion The degree of SSC nervous tissue hydration increased after STBI. L-lysine escinate statistically significantly reduced manifestations of hydropic dystrophy. The drug significantly affected the degree of hydration of neural tissue observed in the early post-traumatic period