123 research outputs found

    Assessment of platelet function in patients with stroke using multiple electrode platelet aggregometry: a prospective observational study

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    Background There is a link between high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HPR) and adverse vascular events in stroke. This study aimed to compare multiple electrode platelet aggregometry (MEA), in healthy subjects and ischaemic stroke patients, and between patients naive to antiplatelet drugs (AP) and those on regular low dose AP. We also aimed to determine prevalence of HPR at baseline and at 3–5 days after loading doses of aspirin. Methods Patients with first ever ischaemic stroke were age and sex-matched to a healthy control group. Three venous blood samples were collected: on admission before any treatment given (baseline); at 24 h and 3–5 days after standard treatment. MEA was determined using a Mutliplate® analyser and agonists tested were arachidonic acid (ASPI), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen (COL). Results Seventy patients (mean age 73 years [SD 13]; 42 men, 28 women) were age and sex-matched to 72 healthy subjects. Thirty-three patients were on antiplatelet drugs (AP) prior to stroke onset and 37 were AP-naive. MEA results for all agonists were significantly increased in AP-naive patients compared to healthy subjects: ADP 98 ± 31 vs 81 ± 24, p < 0.005; ASPI 117 ± 31 vs 98 ± 27, p < 0.005; COL 100 ± 25 vs 82 ± 20, p < 0.005. For patients on long term AP, 33% (10/30) of patients were considered aspirin-resistant. At 3–5 days following loading doses of aspirin, only 11.1% were aspirin resistant based on an ASPI cut-off value of 40 AU*min. Conclusions Many patients receiving low dose aspirin met the criteria of aspirin resistance but this was much lower at 3–5 days following loading doses of aspirin. Future studies are needed to establish the causes of HPR and potential benefits of individualizing AP treatment based on platelet function testing

    Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine

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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has had devastating effects on the Ukrainian population and the global economy, environment, and political order. However, little is known about the psychological states surrounding the outbreak of war, particularly the mental well-being of individuals outside Ukraine. Here, we present a longitudinal experience-sampling study of a convenience sample from 17 European countries (total participants = 1,341, total assessments = 44,894, countries with >100 participants = 5) that allows us to track well-being levels across countries during the weeks surrounding the outbreak of war. Our data show a significant decline in well-being on the day of the Russian invasion. Recovery over the following weeks was associated with an individual’s personality but was not statistically significantly associated with their age, gender, subjective social status, and political orientation. In general, well-being was lower on days when the war was more salient on social media. Our results demonstrate the need to consider the psychological implications of the Russo-Ukrainian war next to its humanitarian, economic, and ecological consequences

    A global experience‐sampling method study of well‐being during times of crisis: The CoCo project

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    We present a global experience-sampling method (ESM) study aimed at describing, predicting, and understanding individual differences in well-being during times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This international ESM study is a collaborative effort of over 60 interdisciplinary researchers from around the world in the “Coping with Corona” (CoCo) project. The study comprises trait-, state-, and daily-level data of 7490 participants from over 20 countries (total ESM measurements = 207,263; total daily measurements = 73,295) collected between October 2021 and August 2022. We provide a brief overview of the theoretical background and aims of the study, present the applied methods (including a description of the study design, data collection procedures, data cleaning, and final sample), and discuss exemplary research questions to which these data can be applied. We end by inviting collaborations on the CoCo dataset

    Petrology of gamet-clinopyroxene rocks in a granulite facies environment, Bohemian Massif of Lower Austria

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    Whole rock and mineral analyses are presented for gamet-clinopyroxene rocks found intimately associated with possible mantle derived gametiferous peridotite bodies in a high pressure granulite facies terrain. Although garnets are pyropic (48-76 % pyrope) these rocks are not true eclogites since their constituent clinopyroxenes are not omphacites but rather Al-augites or Cr-diopsides with AlIV/AlVI ratios, mostly > 1.0. Element partitioning considerations between garnet-clinopyroxene and clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene pairs are taken to indicate arrested equilibration under pressure-temperature conditions compatible with those previously deduced for the surrounding granulite facies rocks. However, mineral zoning profiles and exsolution textures clearly indicate that the current metamorphic mineral assemblages have formed in response to cooling from an earlier temperature (and pressure ?) maximum. It is considered that these garnet-clinopyroxene rocks may represent the partially recrystallised crystalline products of trapped upper mantle partial melts of olivine tholeiite to picrite composition in which highly aluminous pyroxenes were the dominant original phases formed on the liquidus. The present metamorphic character and lithological associations of such rocks may accordingly bear witness to deep-seated tectonic interactions between the upper mantle and lower continental crust during a profound compressional orogenic event.Des analyses de roches totales et de minéraux sont données pour des roches à grenat et clinopyroxène découvertes intimement associées à des massifs de péridotite à grenat probablement issues du manteau et incorporées dans un domaine granulitique de haute pression. Bien que leurs grenats soient riches en pyrope (48-76 % pyrope) ces roches ne sont pas de vraies éclogites étant donné que leurs clinopyroxènes ne sont pas des omphacites, mais plutôt des augites alumineuses ou des diopsides chromifères avec des rapports AlIV/AlVI bien supérieurs à 1. Les informations fournies par les coefficients de partage entre les couples grenat-clinopyroxène et clinopyroxène-orthopyroxène permettent d'établir des conditions de pression et température de formation compatibles avec celles déjà trouvées pour les roches granulitiques encaissantes. Cependant, les structures zonées des minéraux et les figures d'exsolution indiquent clairement que les paragenèses métamorphiques courantes ont été formées lors d'un épisode de refroidissement intervenant après un premier maximum de température (et de pression ?). On considère que ces roches à grenat-clinopyroxène peuvent représenter le matériel cristallin piégé partiellement recristallisé issu des produits de fusion partielle du manteau supérieur, de composition tholéitique à olivine, à picritique, dans lesquels les pyroxènes riches en alumine furent les phases initiales principales formées sur le liquidus. Le caractère métamorphique actuel et les associations lithologiques de telles roches peuvent éclairer d'un jour nouveau les interactions tectoniques profondes entre le manteau supérieur et la partie inférieure de la croûte continentale lors d'un événement orogénique intense, de type compressif.Scharbert Heinz G., Carswell Dennis A. Petrology of gamet-clinopyroxene rocks in a granulite facies environment, Bohemian Massif of Lower Austria. In: Bulletin de Minéralogie, volume 106, 6, 1983. Eclogites et ultrabasites à grenat - First International Eclogite Conference

    Literatur: Neue B�cher

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    Plan de gestion pour le projet Life : réintroduction de la grande alose (Alosa alosa) dans le système rhénan

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    The present report aims on providing an overview on the background, achievements and perspectives of the LIFE Allis shad project. Special emphasis is given to shad rearing, marking and stocking techniques, which were developed and further improved within the LIFE project, the experiences with shad re-establishing project in the US and comparisons to the LIFE project as the first project dealing with Allis shad, and finally how the measures will be conducted after the projects termination, how the projects progress will be monitored and which criteria are set to re-evaluate, to alter or to stop the schemes

    An 8-week injury prevention exercise program combined with change-of-direction technique training limits movement patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury risk

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    Abstract Knee ligament sprains are common during change-of-direction (COD) maneuvers in multidirectional team sports. This study aimed to compare the effects of an 8-week injury prevention exercise program containing COD-specific exercises and a similar program containing linear sprint exercises on injury- and performance-related variables during a 135° COD task. We hypothesized that the COD-specific training would lead to (H1) stronger reductions in biomechanical variables associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk during COD, i.e. knee abduction moment and angle, hip internal rotation angle and lateral trunk lean, and (H2) more effective improvements in COD performance according to the COD completion time, executed angle, ground contact time, and approach speed. Twenty-two sports science students (40% female) completed biomechanical assessments of COD movement strategies before and after participating in two supervised 25-min training sessions per week over 8 weeks. We observed significant ‘training x group’ interaction effects in support of H1: the COD-specific training but not the linear sprint training led to reduced peak knee abduction moments (interaction, p = 0.027), initial knee abduction (interaction, p < 0.001), and initial lateral trunk lean angles (interaction, p < 0.001) compared to baseline. Although the COD-specific training resulted in sharper executed angles (interaction, p < 0.001), the sprint-specific training group showed reduced COD completion (interaction, p = 0.037) and ground contact times (interaction, p < 0.001). In conclusion, a combination of generic and COD-specific injury prevention training resulted in COD technique adaptations that can help to avoid ACL injury-prone COD movements but may negatively affect COD speed

    Etat de la population de grande alose dans le bassin Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne

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    International audienceSynthèse de l'état de la population de grande alose sur le bassin Gironde -Garonne-Dordogne, à partir d'indicateurs (comptage aux obstacles, stock reproducteur, juvéniles dévalants