56 research outputs found

    Internal control in the system of innovation management in the modern business environment

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    Introduction: At present, modern companies need to combine tasks of control and innovation development for successful functioning. Internal control should promote innovation activities and stimulate it. One of tasks of the internal control system at a company is timely identification and sustained support of innovation development. Methods: The authors use scientific methods of research, such as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the laws of dialectics. As special methods, the authors used methods of innovation theory and management theory. The study is based on the works of such scientists as J. A. Schumpeter, N. D. Kondratyev, D. C. North, M. E. Porter, and K. S. Mullakhmetov. Results: The authors consider requirements to modern innovation development of the company; substantiate role of control as the main function of management; reveal features of internal control in the system of innovation management; formulate recommendations to improvement of internal control for active change of key indicators of economic activity of the company and suggest to use flexible (adaptive) control for increase in competitiveness of the company in the conditions of innovation development. Discussion: Innovation activity involves changing the key indicators that can lead to loss of the current position in the market. Risk of loss of competitiveness poses more threat for the company, than risk of loss of current profits. The control system must consider benefits and risks of innovation activities of the company. It is necessary to control key indicators of the company and to strive for their growth. Closing statement: Flexible control in innovation management system of the company will allow reducing risks of strategic changes when preserving the current market positions, Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Realization of a Practice-oriented Approach in Training Teachers for the System of Special Inclusive Education

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    В статье рассматриваются различные трактовки и принципы реализации практико-ориентированного подхода в подготовке будущих дефектологов в Московском городском педагогическом университете.The article emphasizes the importance of modern transformations of the university professional training of future defectologists and the need for a new generation of teaching personnel. Based on the analysis of research in various branches of scientific knowledge and taking into account the trends in the development of the modern society, the study determines the urgency of training competitive specialists. Various inter-pretations and principles of the imple-mentation of the practice-oriented approach in the higher education system are described

    Особенности воспалительных паттернов бронхов и клинико-функциональная характеристика тяжелой неконтролируемой астмы у больных с холодовой гиперреактивностью дыхательных путей

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    The aim of this study was to investigate airway inflammation patterns and clinical and functional features of severe uncontrolled asthma.Methods. The study involved 25 patients aged 45 to 55 years with severe uncontrolled asthma. Medical history was analyzed. Lung function tests, cytological and cytochemical investigation of induced sputum were performed in all patients. Asthma control was assessed using the Asthma Control Test questionnaire.Results. The patients were divided into groups: with eosinophilic (> 2% of eosinophils; n = 11) or mixed (≥ 2% of eosinophils and ≥ 61% of neutrophils; n = 14) airway inflammation patterns according to induced sputum cytology. Oxidative function of leucocytes according to myeloper oxidase level in the cells and the degree of cytolysis were increased in the mixed inflammation group. More severe symptoms, more frequent asthma exacerbations, a tendency to worse asthma control and lower FEF50 and MEF25–75 were found in the mixed inflammation group. Coldinduced air way hyperresponsiveness was diagnosed in 12 patients of the mixed inflammation group and in 3 patients of the eosinophilic inflammation group. Severity of the disease, lung function abnormalities and coldinduced airway hyperresponsiveness in patients with severe uncontrolled asthma were related to the airway inflammation pattern.Conclusion. The mixed inflammation pattern was associated to more severe asthma course and worse control of the disease.Персистенция воспаления дыхательных путей у больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) способствует развитию тяжелого неконтролируемого течения болезни.Цель. Изучение особенностей воспалительных паттернов и клиникофункциональных параметров тяжелой неконтролируемой БА.Материалы и методы. В холодный период года (ноябрь – март) проведено обследование больных (n = 25) в возрасте от 45 до 55 лет с установленным диагнозом тяжелой неконтролируемой БА при помощи определения реактивности дыхательных путей на холодовой стимул по данным анамнестического тестирования, исследования функции внешнего дыхания по стандартной методике, цитологического и цитохимического исследования индуцированной мокроты (ИМ).Результаты. По данным анализа цитограмм ИМ больные были разделены на 2 группы: 1я (n = 11) – с эозинофильным (> 2 % эозинофилов), 2я (n = 14) – со смешанным (≥ 2 % эозинофилов + ≥ 61 % нейтрофилов) паттернами воспаления. Оксидативная функция лейкоцитов, оцениваемая по уровню миелопероксидазы в клетках, степени деструкции и интенсивности цитолиза, доминировала во 2й группе. У пациентов этой группы выявлены более выраженные симптомы и большее число случаев обострения БА, тенденция к снижению уровня контроля над болезнью по вопроснику Asthma Control Test, более значимое снижение максимальной объемной скорости в момент выдоха 25, 50 и 75 % форсированной жизненной емкости легких соответственно. Холодовая гиперреактивность дыхательных путей (ХГДП) по клинически значимым признакам установлена у больных 2й (n = 12) и 1й (n = 3) групп. Показано, что проявления тяжести течения болезни, нарушения вентиляционной функции легких и частота развития ХГДП у больных тяжелой неконтролируемой БА сопряжены с паттерном воспаления бронхов.Заключение. Смешанный воспалительный паттерн связан с утяжелением течения БА и более сложной проблемой контроля над болезнью

    Integrative network analysis identified key genes and pathways in the progression of hepatitis C virus induced hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background: Incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been increasing in the United States and Europe during recent years. Although HCV-associated HCC shares many pathological characteristics with other types of HCC, its molecular mechanisms of progression remain elusive. Methods: To investigate the underlying pathology, we developed a systematic approach to identify deregulated biological networks in HCC by integrating gene expression profiles with high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. We examined five stages including normal (control) liver, cirrhotic liver, dysplasia, early HCC and advanced HCC. Results: Among the five consecutive pathological stages, we identified four networks including precancerous networks (Normal-Cirrhosis and Cirrhosis-Dysplasia) and cancerous networks (Dysplasia-Early HCC, Early-Advanced HCC). We found little overlap between precancerous and cancerous networks, opposite to a substantial overlap within precancerous or cancerous networks. We further found that the hub proteins interacted with HCV proteins, suggesting direct interventions of these networks by the virus. The functional annotation of each network demonstrates a high degree of consistency with current knowledge in HCC. By assembling these functions into a module map, we could depict the stepwise biological functions that are deregulated in HCV-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. Additionally, these networks enable us to identify important genes and pathways by developmental stage, such as LCK signalling pathways in cirrhosis, MMP genes and TIMP genes in dysplastic liver, and CDC2-mediated cell cycle signalling in early and advanced HCC. CDC2 (alternative symbol CDK1), a cell cycle regulatory gene, is particularly interesting due to its topological position in temporally deregulated networks. Conclusions: Our study uncovers a temporal spectrum of functional deregulation and prioritizes key genes and pathways in the progression of HCV induced HCC. These findings present a wealth of information for further investigation

    Internal control in the system of innovation management in the modern business environment

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    Introduction: At present, modern companies need to combine tasks of control and innovation development for successful functioning. Internal control should promote innovation activities and stimulate it. One of tasks of the internal control system at a company is timely identification and sustained support of innovation development. Methods: The authors use scientific methods of research, such as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the laws of dialectics. As special methods, the authors used methods of innovation theory and management theory. The study is based on the works of such scientists as J. A. Schumpeter, N. D. Kondratyev, D. C. North, M. E. Porter, and K. S. Mullakhmetov. Results: The authors consider requirements to modern innovation development of the company; substantiate role of control as the main function of management; reveal features of internal control in the system of innovation management; formulate recommendations to improvement of internal control for active change of key indicators of economic activity of the company and suggest to use flexible (adaptive) control for increase in competitiveness of the company in the conditions of innovation development. Discussion: Innovation activity involves changing the key indicators that can lead to loss of the current position in the market. Risk of loss of competitiveness poses more threat for the company, than risk of loss of current profits. The control system must consider benefits and risks of innovation activities of the company. It is necessary to control key indicators of the company and to strive for their growth. Closing statement: Flexible control in innovation management system of the company will allow reducing risks of strategic changes when preserving the current market positions, Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Internal control in the system of innovation management in the modern business environment

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    Introduction: At present, modern companies need to combine tasks of control and innovation development for successful functioning. Internal control should promote innovation activities and stimulate it. One of tasks of the internal control system at a company is timely identification and sustained support of innovation development. Methods: The authors use scientific methods of research, such as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the laws of dialectics. As special methods, the authors used methods of innovation theory and management theory. The study is based on the works of such scientists as J. A. Schumpeter, N. D. Kondratyev, D. C. North, M. E. Porter, and K. S. Mullakhmetov. Results: The authors consider requirements to modern innovation development of the company; substantiate role of control as the main function of management; reveal features of internal control in the system of innovation management; formulate recommendations to improvement of internal control for active change of key indicators of economic activity of the company and suggest to use flexible (adaptive) control for increase in competitiveness of the company in the conditions of innovation development. Discussion: Innovation activity involves changing the key indicators that can lead to loss of the current position in the market. Risk of loss of competitiveness poses more threat for the company, than risk of loss of current profits. The control system must consider benefits and risks of innovation activities of the company. It is necessary to control key indicators of the company and to strive for their growth. Closing statement: Flexible control in innovation management system of the company will allow reducing risks of strategic changes when preserving the current market positions, Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Internal control in the system of innovation management in the modern business environment

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    Introduction: At present, modern companies need to combine tasks of control and innovation development for successful functioning. Internal control should promote innovation activities and stimulate it. One of tasks of the internal control system at a company is timely identification and sustained support of innovation development. Methods: The authors use scientific methods of research, such as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the laws of dialectics. As special methods, the authors used methods of innovation theory and management theory. The study is based on the works of such scientists as J. A. Schumpeter, N. D. Kondratyev, D. C. North, M. E. Porter, and K. S. Mullakhmetov. Results: The authors consider requirements to modern innovation development of the company; substantiate role of control as the main function of management; reveal features of internal control in the system of innovation management; formulate recommendations to improvement of internal control for active change of key indicators of economic activity of the company and suggest to use flexible (adaptive) control for increase in competitiveness of the company in the conditions of innovation development. Discussion: Innovation activity involves changing the key indicators that can lead to loss of the current position in the market. Risk of loss of competitiveness poses more threat for the company, than risk of loss of current profits. The control system must consider benefits and risks of innovation activities of the company. It is necessary to control key indicators of the company and to strive for their growth. Closing statement: Flexible control in innovation management system of the company will allow reducing risks of strategic changes when preserving the current market positions, Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Musical Education of Children of an Early Age with Disabilities

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    В статье рассматривается музыкальное развитие детей раннего возраста с ОВЗ.The paper considers the fundamentals of the theory and practice of musical development of young children, the stages of formation and types of children's musical activity; and the tasks of conducting musical rehabilitation-educational classes.Separate authored methods and approaches to the development of children at an early age by means of music are presented; and its emotional essence and rhythmic organization are emphasized. Considerable attention is paid to the importance of accumulated musical impressions received by the child at the earliest stages of their life