932 research outputs found

    Temperate Forage Grass-Legume Mixtures: Advances And Perspectives

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    The paper summarises some of the advances which have been made a) in increasing understanding of the grass-legume association, especially grass-white clover, so that the association can be more predictably exploited and b) in overcoming limitations in the use of such mixtures. The contribution which forage legumes make to the N economy of mixtures is reviewed with estimates approaching 400 kg N ha-1 for some. Uptake by grass of legume- derived N (N transfer) reduces soil mineral N levels and increases the proportion of fixed N in the total legume N relative to legume monoculture. Although N transfer also causes inconsistent contribution of legume to mixed swards, models of the effect of legume derived N on the interaction between grass and legume are helping to predict likely grass-legume balance, even when grazed. The higher nutritive value and intake of legumes relative to grass is due to a range of factors including faster rate of particle breakdown, faster digestion in the rumen, more non- ammonium N reaching the small intestine and higher efficiency of energy utilization although efficiency of N utilization is lower. Poor utilization is not an issue with birdsfoot trefoil and sainfoin due to their herbage having a high content of condensed tannins which protect protein from degradation in the rumen. Breeding programmes using conventional and biotechnological methods are aiming to improve nutritive value such as increasing protein quality and introducing condensed tannins into clovers and lucerne. Breeding of legumes to reduce antiquality factors, such as bloat, is underway. Breeding to reduce oestrogenic effects has been successful in red clover and subclover. Advances are leading to improved legume consistency in mixture including improvement in tolerance to biotic and environmental stress by breeding and increased understanding of the role of companion grasses. Research which underpins management techniques to improve predictability of grass-legume balance is also discussed, including the positive and negative role of the grazing animal. The potential and limitations of grass-legume swards to reduce N loss, including NO3 leaching, in whole farm systems is evaluated where grass/white clover can reduce leaching by 50% compared with a high fertilizer N system at only 20% reduction in output. Other factors which may result in increased reliance on forage legumes, in addition to the improvements in forage legumes resulting from research, include de-intensification policy decisions to reduce stocking rates, increased uptake of organic farming, increased cost of N fertilizer relative to commodity prices. Shared research effort between countries is advocated to supply adequate resources to solve some of the remaining problems in grass/legume associations and effective technology transfer should include development of decision support systems due to the complexity of the association

    Grass Growth Modelling: to Increase Understanding and Aid Decision Making On-Farm

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    Key points Crop and grass growth models have been developed over the last 50 years, or so, but general appreciation of their benefits and potential has been recognised only relatively recently. The most popular application of grass growth models has traditionally been for knowledge understanding. There is growing awareness of the potential of models in decision support systems (DSS) applications to aid pasture management and grassland budgeting on dairy farms. Although some models have been developed for DSS, their widespread uptake in industry has been slow; challenges still exist which need to be addressed in order to improve their precision and user-friendliness

    GrassCheck: Monitoring and Predicting Grass Production in Northern Ireland

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    Grass budgeting is a key management practice on dairy farms to balance grass supply on paddocks with grass demand by the grazing herd. Grass budgets must be pre-emptive to be effective. The uncertainty of grass production and the difficulty in quantifying both current and forecasted rates of growth hamper effective budgeting and paddock management. Grass growth rates are highly variable both in time and space. Therefore, they vary greatly between locations at any given time and also across the season at any given location. Figure 1 shows the pattern of growth rates recorded at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland (ARINI) in the two seasons before this project. The GrassCheck project was established in Northern Ireland to quantify current rates of grass growth and grass quality and to predict growth rates for up to 2 weeks in advance. The project will run from 2004 until 2006. This paper outlines the project and reports on its findings after one year

    The Effect of Sward Height and Bulk Density on Herbage Intake and Grazing Behaviour of Dairy Cows

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    The effects of sward height and bulk density on herbage intake and grazing behaviour of dairy cows during 1 hour grazing periods was investigated. Sward factors had a marked effect on dry matter (DM) intake/bite, which ranged from 0.4 to 1.1 g, and this was reflected in hourly intake rates. Intake/bite was largely influenced by sward height, reflecting increased bite depth in taller swards, with inherent differences between swards at low sward heights largely attributable to differences in bulk density (BD). The results indicate that DM intake rates up to 4.0 kg DM/hour can be achieved in short term grazing studies with dairy cows grazing tall (180 mm+), dense (3.0 kg DM/m3), leafy perennial ryegrass swards

    Normal human breast xenografts activate N-nitrosodimethylamine: identification of potential target cells for an environmental nitrosamine.

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    Normal human breast tissue maintained as xenografts in female Balb/c (nu/nu) athymic mice is capable of metabolising N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) to active intermediates that will react with DNA. Administration of NDMA to mice with slow-release implants of 17 beta-oestradiol which provide human physiological (luteal phase) circulating oestrogen levels and increase cell proliferation in the xenograft (Laidlaw et al., 1992), leads to an apparent increase in the extent of reaction with DNA compared to controls without oestrogen implants. In mice with oestrogen implants, measurements of the amounts of the promutagenic lesion, O6-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine formed in DNA clearly indicated a dose related increase in the extent of reaction. Detection of O6-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine using immunohistochemical procedures revealed that the nuclei of cells of the glandular epithelium, supportive tissue and adipose tissue, in decreasing order of prevalence, were positively stained for the presence of this DNA lesion. Epithelial cells, which are the putative target cells for carcinogenesis in the breast, are therefore prone to promutagenic damage as a result of exposure to an environmental nitrosamine

    Unitary Equivalence of the Metric and Holonomy Formulations of 2+1 Dimensional Quantum Gravity on the Torus

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    Recent work on canonical transformations in quantum mechanics is applied to transform between the Moncrief metric formulation and the Witten-Carlip holonomy formulation of 2+1-dimensional quantum gravity on the torus. A non-polynomial factor ordering of the classical canonical transformation between the metric and holonomy variables is constructed which preserves their classical modular transformation properties. An extension of the definition of a unitary transformation is briefly discussed and is used to find the inner product in the holonomy variables which makes the canonical transformation unitary. This defines the Hilbert space in the Witten-Carlip formulation which is unitarily equivalent to the natural Hilbert space in the Moncrief formulation. In addition, gravitational theta-states arising from ``large'' diffeomorphisms are found in the theory.Comment: 31 pages LaTeX [Important Revision: a section is added constructing the inner product/Hilbert space for the Witten-Carlip holonomy formulation; the proof of unitary equivalence of the metric and holonomy formulations is then completed. Other additions include discussion of relation of canonical and unitary transformations. Title/abstract change.

    Are All Particles Identical?

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    We consider the possibility that all particles in the world are fundamentally identical, i.e., belong to the same species. Different masses, charges, spins, flavors, or colors then merely correspond to different quantum states of the same particle, just as spin-up and spin-down do. The implications of this viewpoint can be best appreciated within Bohmian mechanics, a precise formulation of quantum mechanics with particle trajectories. The implementation of this viewpoint in such a theory leads to trajectories different from those of the usual formulation, and thus to a version of Bohmian mechanics that is inequivalent to, though arguably empirically indistinguishable from, the usual one. The mathematical core of this viewpoint is however rather independent of the detailed dynamical scheme Bohmian mechanics provides, and it amounts to the assertion that the configuration space for N particles, even N ``distinguishable particles,'' is the set of all N-point subsets of physical 3-space.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, no figure

    Fractional Exclusion Statistics and Anyons

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    Do anyons, dynamically realized by the field theoretic Chern-Simons construction, obey fractional exclusion statistics? We find that they do if the statistical interaction between anyons and anti-anyons is taken into account. For this anyon model, we show perturbatively that the exchange statistical parameter of anyons is equal to the exclusion statistical parameter. We obtain the same result by applying the relation between the exclusion statistical parameter and the second virial coefficient in the non-relativistic limit.Comment: 9 pages, latex, IFT-498-UN

    Classical phase space and statistical mechanics of identical particles

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    Starting from the quantum theory of identical particles, we show how to define a classical mechanics that retains information about the quantum statistics. We consider two examples of relevance for the quantum Hall effect: identical particles in the lowest Landau level, and vortices in the Chern-Simons Ginzburg-Landau model. In both cases the resulting {\em classical} statistical mechanics is shown to be a nontrivial classical limit of Haldane's exclusion statistics.Comment: 40 pages, Late