95 research outputs found

    A Measure of Non-Markovianity for Unital Quantum Dynamical Maps

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    One of the most important topics in the study of the dynamics of open quantum system is information exchange between system and environment. Based on the features of a back-flow information from an environment to a system, an approach is provided to detect non-Markovianity for unital dynamical maps. The method takes advantage of non-contractive property of the von Neumann entropy under completely positive and trace preserving unital maps. Accordingly, for the dynamics of a single qubit as an open quantum system, the sign of the time-derivative of the density matrix eigenvalues of the system determines the non-Markovianity of unital quantum dynamical maps. The main characteristics of the measure is to make the corresponding calculations and optimization procedure simpler.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Add new comments and new co-autho

    Noisy Metrology: A saturable lower bound on quantum Fisher information

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    In order to provide a guaranteed precision and a more accurate judgement about the true value of the Cram\'{e}r-Rao bound and its scaling behavior, an upper bound (equivalently a lower bound on the quantum Fisher information) for precision of estimation is introduced. Unlike the bounds previously introduced in the literature, the upper bound is saturable and yields a practical instruction to estimate the parameter through preparing the optimal initial state and optimal measurement. The bound is based on the underling dynamics and its calculation is straightforward and requires only the matrix representation of the quantum maps responsible for encoding the parameter. This allows us to apply the bound to open quantum systems whose dynamics are described by either semigroup or non-semigroup maps. Reliability and efficiency of the method to predict the ultimate precision limit are demonstrated by {three} main examples.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The role of the total entropy production in dynamics of open quantum systems in detection of non-Markovianity

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    In the theory of open quantum systems interaction is a fundamental concepts in the review of the dynamics of open quantum systems. Correlation, both classical and quantum one, is generated due to interaction between system and environment. Here, we recall the quantity which well known as total entropy production. Appearance of total entropy production is due to the entanglement production between system an environment. In this work, we discuss about the role of the total entropy production for detecting non-Markovianity. By utilizing the relation between total entropy production and total correlation between subsystems, one can see a temporary decrease of total entropy production is a signature of non-Markovianity.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Quantum speed limit time in the presence of disturbance

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    Quantum theory sets a bound on the minimal time evolution between initial and target states. This bound is called as quantum speed limit time. It is used to quantify maximal speed of quantum evolution. The quantum evolution will be faster, if quantum speed limit time decreases. In this work, we study the quantum speed limit time of a quantum state in the presence of disturbance effects in an environment. We use the model which is provided by Masashi Ban in \href{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.99.012116}{Phys. Rev. A 99, 012116 (2019)}. In this model two quantum systems A\mathcal{A} and S\mathcal{S} interact with environment sequentially. At first, quantum system A\mathcal{A} interacts with the environment E\mathcal{E} as an auxiliary system then quantum system S\mathcal{S} interacts with disturbed environment immediately. In this work, we consider dephasing coupling with two types of environment with different spectral density: Ohmic and Lorentzian. We observe that, non-Markovian effects will be appear in the dynamics of quantum system S\mathcal{S} by the interaction of quantum system A\mathcal{A} with the environment. Given the fact that quantum speed limit time reduces due to non-Markovian effects, we show that disturbance effects will reduce the quantum speed limit time.Comment: comments are welcome, 14 pages, 5 figure

    Tunneling of conduction band electrons driven by a laser field in a double quantum dot: An open systems approach

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    In this paper, we investigate tunneling of conduction band electrons in a system of an asymmetric double quantum dot which interacts with an environment. First, we consider the case in which the system only interacts with the environment and demonstrate that as time goes to infinity they both reach an equilibrium, which is expected, and there is always a maximum and minimum for the populations of the states of the system. Then we investigate the case in which an external resonant optical pulse (a laser) is applied to the system interacting with the environment. However, in this case for different intensities we have different populations of the states in equilibrium and as the intensity of the laser gets stronger, the populations of the states in equilibrium approach the same constant.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Tightening the tripartite quantum memory assisted entropic uncertainty relation

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    The uncertainty principle determines the distinction between the classical and quantum worlds. This principle states that it is not possible to measure two incompatible observables with the desired accuracy simultaneously. In quantum information theory, Shannon entropy has been used as an appropriate measure to express the uncertainty relation. According to the applications of entropic uncertainty relation, studying and trying to improve the bound of this relation is of great importance. Uncertainty bound can be altered by considering an extra quantum system as the quantum memory BB which is correlated with the measured quantum system AA. One can extend the bipartite quantum memory assisted entropic uncertainty relation to tripartite quantum memory assisted entropic uncertainty relation in which the memory is split into two parts. In this work, we obtain a lower bound for the tripartite quantum memory assisted entropic uncertainty relation. Our lower bound has two additional terms compared to the lower bound in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 020402 (2009)] which depending on the conditional von Neumann entropy, the Holevo quantity and mutual information. It is shown that the bound obtained in this work is more tighter than other bounds. In addition, using our lower bound, a lower bound for the quantum secret key rate has been obtained. The lower bound is also used to obtain the states for which the strong subadditivity inequality and Koashi-Winter inequality is satisfied with equality.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, comments and suggestions are welcome

    The entropy production of thermal operations

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    According to the first and second laws of thermodynamics and the definitions of work and heat, microscopic expressions for the non-equilibrium entropy production have been achieved. Recently, a redefinition of heat has been presented in [\href{Nature Communicationsvolume 8, Article number: 2180 (2017)}{Nat. Commun. 8, 2180 (2017)}]. We are going to determine how this redefinition of heat could affect the expression of the entropy production. Utilizing this new definition of heat, it could be found out that there is a new expression for the entropy production for thermal operations. It could be derived if the initial state of the system and the bath is factorized, and if the total entropy of composite system is preserved, then the new entropy production will be equal to mutual information between the system and the bath. It is shown that if the initial state of the system is diagonal in energy bases, then the thermal operations cannot create a quantum correlation between the system and the bath.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure

    Quantum Thermodynamic Force and Flow

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    Why do quantum evolutions occur and why do they stop at certain points? In classical thermodynamics affinity was introduced to predict in which direction an irreversible process proceeds. In this paper the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical affinity is found. It is shown that the quantum version of affinity can predict in which direction a process evolves. A new version of the second law of thermodynamics is derived through quantum affinity for energy-incoherent state interconversion under thermal operations. we will also see that the quantum affinity can be a good candidate to be responsible, as a force, for driving the flow and backflow of information in Markovian and non-Markovian evolutions. Finally we show that the rate of quantum coherence can be interpreted as the pure quantum mechanical contribution of the total thermodynamic force and flow. Thus It is seen that, from a thermodynamic point of view, any interaction from the outside with the system or any measurement on the system may be represented by a quantum affinity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Time-invariant Discord: High Temperature Limit and Initial Environmental Correlations

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    We present a thorough investigation of the phenomena of frozen and time-invariant quantum discord for two-qubit systems independently interacting with local reservoirs. Our work takes into account several significant effects present in decoherence models, which have not been yet explored in the context of time-invariant quantum discord, but which in fact must be typically considered in almost all realistic models. Firstly, we study the combined influence of dephasing, dissipation and heating reservoirs at finite temperature. Contrarily to previous claims in the literature, we show the existence of time-invariant discord at high temperature limit in the weak coupling regime, and also examine the effect of thermal photons on the dynamical behaviour of frozen discord. Secondly, we explore the consequences of having initial correlations between the dephasing reservoirs. We demonstrate in detail how the time-invariant discord is modified depending on the relevant system parameters such as the strength of the initial amount of entanglement between the reservoirs.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum speed limit time for correlated quantum channel

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    Memory effects play a fundamental role in the dynamics of open quantum systems. There exist two different views on memory for quantum noises. In the first view, the quantum channel has memory when there exist correlations between successive uses of the channels on a sequence of quantum systems. These types of channels are also known as correlated quantum channels. In the second view, memory effects result from correlations which are created during the quantum evolution. In this work we will consider the first view and study the quantum speed limit time for a correlated quantum channel. Quantum speed limit time is the bound on the minimal time which is needed for a quantum system to evolve from an initial state to desired states. The quantum evolution is fast if the quantum speed limit time is short. In this work, we will study the quantum speed limit time for some correlated unital and correlated non-unital channels. As an example for unital channels we choose correlated dephasing colored noise. We also consider the correlated amplitude damping and correlated squeezed generalized amplitude damping channels as the examples for non-unital channels. It will be shown that the quantum speed limit time for correlated pure dephasing colored noise is increased by increasing correlation strength, while for correlated amplitude damping and correlated squeezed generalized amplitude damping channels quantum speed limit time is decreased by increasing correlation strength.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, comments and suggestions are welcom
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