19 research outputs found

    Ketidakpatuhan pendepositan perakuan siap dan pematuhan bagi rumah sesebuah milik individu

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    The implementation of non-deposit of the certificate of completion and compliance for sole possession of the residential lots. Starting in 2007 Certificate of Occupancy has been replaced with a Certificate of Completion and Compliance or known as the CCC. With the abolition of SK.M, CCC became effective for all applications beginning of the year. CCC was created to facilitate the application and provide power for permatuhan PSP PSP where feasible to certify the CCC. Prior to CCC deposited some stage needs to be fulfilled, namely G1 staggered form so that G 21. The forms needs to be fulfilled by qualifications and their respective consultants. In the form of the PSP have gradually through the components for a registered contractor is entitled to the certificate. During the preparation of the form of noncompliance when appointment of contractors who do not enroll in and PSP is no form validation certificates. In due form and rated the failed fulfilled then the PSP will not be able to deposit rating of CCC to the local authorities. This problem occurs is caused cooperation between the PSP, the contractor and the owner also did not reach consensus among themselves. Each chose his own path in the construction are on the run. With the occurrence of such case, the non-compliance occurs when the uniformity of the building plans approved for construction on site. Because of the various parties, including industry players affected by the impact when the residence is not up to the criteria of PBT and instructions KPKT as was gazetted in 2007

    A Review On Oil-Based Nanofluid As Next-Generation Insulation For Transformer Application

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    Due to the increasing demand on developing good insulation, several researchers have performed experimental studies to prove the effectiveness and capabilities of transformer oil. This is done by suspending nanosized solid particles in the oil (nanofluid) for transformer applications. In brief, this paper presents a compilation of research studies which is divided into three parts. Part I discuss the preparation of the nanofluid which involves different types of nanomaterials, the optimal amount of concentrations, and applicable synthesisation methods for producing stably suspended nanofluids. In Part II, the nanofluid’s performances including the electrical breakdown voltages, impulse tests, and thermal and dielectric behaviour are reviewed in depth and compared. Part III emphasizes the limitation of nanofluids. Most researchers have agreed that appropriate concentrations of nanomaterials and the preparation method for nanofluids mainly affect the performance of nanofluids especially in terms of electrical properties. Meanwhile, types of nanomaterials and base oil also play a vital role in producing nanofluids as a better alternative transformer oil. However, among a few researchers, there are concerns regarding the issue of agglomeration and inconsistencies of findings that need to be resolved. Therefore, a few aspects must be taken into consideration to produce the next generation of high heat dissipation insulation


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    Program Studi (Prodi) Teknik Informatika berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat melalui Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat merupakan pendidikan yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penelitian yang sebenarnya merupakan persiapan mengahadapi kenyataan nyata. Penelitian juga merupakan kontribusi dari perguruan tinggi, khususnya dosen, kepada masyarakat. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat   dilaksanakan dengan cara memberikan penyuluhan untuk kepada masyarakat kantor pemerintahan desa gorowong  karena setelah diketahui bahwa kurangnya informasi dan penggunaan teknologi di desa tersebut. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah mengedukasi dan memberikan contoh penggunakaan teknologi smart key/smart home. Materi dan praktek yang kita berikan merupakan salah satu pengetahuan yang  penting sebagai bekal  untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang teknologi modern khususnya di pemerintahan desa gorowong pada era teknologi yang semakin canggih sekarang ini. yang mana tidak hanya menyampaikan materi tetapi juga melakukan praktek penggunaan dari smart key dan smart home tersebut. Dari pengabdian ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat desa gorowong mampu mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana cara menggunakannya.

    Antologi Strategi Pembelajaran Jasmani Olahraga Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi

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    Pendidikan jasmani merupakan bagian integral pada semua tingkat satuan pendidikan, baik dari tingkat sekolah dasar, menengah hingga pendidikan tinggi. Tujuan pendidikan tidak hanya sekedar capaian jasmani nya saja, melainkan bersifat menyeluruh. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan jasmani memiliki kedudukan yang penting dalam pembelajaran, sehingga harus dilaksanakan dengan seksama. Maka dari itu, pembelajaran yang kelak akan disampaikan oleh calon-calon pengajar yang duduk di Peguruan Tinggi, khususnya mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (PJKR) perlu memahami berbagai cara dan strategi agar tujuan pembelajaran tercapai, khususnya pada era milenial dan pada masa pandemic saat ini. Penyusunan materi pada modul Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani ini berdasarkan beberapa rujukan dari beberapa materi yang telah disusun oleh para pakar pendidikan, khusunya dalam pendidikan olahraga, pendidikan jasmani dan pendidikan lainnya dalam lingkup tingkat satuan pendidikan mendasar dan menengah hingga pendidikan tinggi, yang kemudian diteliti oleh para mahasiswa PJKR selama perkuliahan. Sehingga antologi modul ini adalah kumpulan hasil penelitian dari para mahasiswa PJKR di lingkungan FKIP Universitas Suryakancana pada semester genap 2020/2021


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    Prosiding ini berisi kumpulan artikel dari narasumber dan peserta INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR on ISLAMIC STUDIES AND EDUCATION (ISoISE) dalam rangka Visiting and International Conference tahun 2020 dari Dosen dan Mahasiswa Program Magister Pascasarjana UIN Sutha Jambi – Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia pada 20 Februari 202

    Paediatric COVID-19 mortality: a database analysis of the impact of health resource disparity

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    Background The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric populations varied between high-income countries (HICs) versus low-income to middle-income countries (LMICs). We sought to investigate differences in paediatric clinical outcomes and identify factors contributing to disparity between countries.Methods The International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 database was queried to include children under 19 years of age admitted to hospital from January 2020 to April 2021 with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Univariate and multivariable analysis of contributing factors for mortality were assessed by country group (HICs vs LMICs) as defined by the World Bank criteria.Results A total of 12 860 children (3819 from 21 HICs and 9041 from 15 LMICs) participated in this study. Of these, 8961 were laboratory-confirmed and 3899 suspected COVID-19 cases. About 52% of LMICs children were black, and more than 40% were infants and adolescent. Overall in-hospital mortality rate (95% CI) was 3.3% [=(3.0% to 3.6%), higher in LMICs than HICs (4.0% (3.6% to 4.4%) and 1.7% (1.3% to 2.1%), respectively). There were significant differences between country income groups in intervention profile, with higher use of antibiotics, antivirals, corticosteroids, prone positioning, high flow nasal cannula, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation in HICs. Out of the 439 mechanically ventilated children, mortality occurred in 106 (24.1%) subjects, which was higher in LMICs than HICs (89 (43.6%) vs 17 (7.2%) respectively). Pre-existing infectious comorbidities (tuberculosis and HIV) and some complications (bacterial pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and myocarditis) were significantly higher in LMICs compared with HICs. On multivariable analysis, LMIC as country income group was associated with increased risk of mortality (adjusted HR 4.73 (3.16 to 7.10)).Conclusion Mortality and morbidities were higher in LMICs than HICs, and it may be attributable to differences in patient demographics, complications and access to supportive and treatment modalities