810 research outputs found

    Dependence of Spiral Galaxy Distribution on Viewing Angle in RC3

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    The normalized inclination distributions are presented for the spiral galaxies in RC3. The results show that, except for the bin of 81∘81^{\circ}-90∘90^{\circ}, in which the apparent minor isophotal diameters that are used to obtain the inclinations, are affected by the central bulges, the distributions for Sa, Sab, Scd and Sd are well consistent with the Monte-Carlo simulation of random inclinations within 3-σ\sigma, and Sb and Sbc almost, but Sc is different. One reason for the difference between the real distribution and the Monte-Carlo simulation of Sc may be that some quite inclined spirals, the arms of which are inherently loosely wound on the galactic plane and should be classified to Sc galaxies, have been incorrectly classified to the earlier ones, because the tightness of spiral arms which is one of the criteria of the Hubble classification in RC3 is different between on the galactic plane and on the tangent plane of the celestial sphere. Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually.Comment: 5 pages + 8 figures, LaTe

    Supernovae Rates: A Cosmic History

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    We discuss the cosmic history of supernovae on the basis of various assumptions and recent data on the star formation history. We show that supernova rates as a function of redshift can be used to place significant constraints on progenitor models, on the star formation history, and on the importance of dust obscuration. We demonstrate that it is unlikely that the current observational indications for the existence of a cosmological constant are merely an artifact of the dominance of different progenitor classes at different redshift intervals.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Supernova type Ia luminosities, their dependence on second parameters, and the value of H_0

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    A sample of 35 SNe Ia with good to excellent photometry in B and V, minimum internal absorption, and 1200 < v < \approx 30000 km/s is compiled from the literature. As far as their spectra are known they are all Branch-normal. For 29 of the SNe Ia also peak magnitudes in I are known. The SNe Ia have uniform colors at maximum, i.e. =-0.012 mag (sigma=0.051) and =-0.276 mag (sigma=0.078). In the Hubble diagram they define a Hubble line with a scatter of σM\sigma_M=0.21-0.16 mag, decreasing with wavelength. The scatter is further reduced if the SNe Ia are corrected for differences in decline rate Delta_m_15 or color (B-V). A combined correction reduces the scatter to sigma<=0.13 mag. After the correction no significant dependence remains on Hubble type or galactocentric distance. The Hubble line suggests some curvature which can be differently interpreted. A consistent solution is obtained for a cosmological model with Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7, which is indicated also by much more distant SNe Ia. Absolute magnitudes are available for eight equally blue (Branch-normal) SNe Ia in spirals, whose Cepheid distances are known. If their well defined mean values of M_B, M_V, and M_I are used to fit the Hubble line to the above sample of SNe Ia one obtains H_0=58.3 km/s/Mpc, or, after adjusting all SNe Ia to the average values of Delta_m_15 and (B-V), H_0=60.9 km/s/Mpc. Various systematic errors are discussed whose elimination tends to decrease H_0. The finally adopted value at the 90-percent level, including random and systematic errors, is H_0=58.5 +/- 6.3 km/s/Mpc. Several higher values of H_0 from SNe Ia, as suggested in the literature, are found to depend on large corrections for variations of the light curve parameter and/or on an unwarranted reduction of the Cepheid distances of the calibrating SNe Ia.Comment: 42 pages, including 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    Bars from the Inside Out: An HST Study of their Dusty Circumnuclear Regions

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    The results of bar-driven mass inflow are directly observable in high-resolution HST observations of their circumnuclear regions. These observations reveal a wealth of structures dominated by dust lanes, often with a spiral-like morphology, and recent star formation. Recent work has shown that some of these structures are correlated with the presence or absence of a bar. I extend this work with an investigation of circumnuclear morphology as a function of bar strength for a sample of 48 galaxies with both measured bar strengths and ``structure maps'' computed from HST images. The structure maps for these galaxies, which have projected spatial resolutions of 2 - 15 pc, show that the fraction of galaxies with grand-design (GD) circumnuclear dust spirals increases significantly with bar strength, while tightly wound dust spirals are only present in the most axisymmetric galaxies. GD structure is only found at the centers of galaxies classified as SB(s) or SB(rs) and not SB(r). SB(s) galaxies on average have stronger bars than SB(r) galaxies. There is also a modest increase in the fraction of loosely wound dust spirals at later morphological types, which may reflect an increase in the fraction of galaxies with circumnuclear, gaseous disks. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork strikes a New Note" held June 7-12th, 2004 in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. Version with higher resolution figures is available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~pmartini/professional/publications/safrica04.pd

    Allan Sandage and the Cosmic Expansion

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    This is an account of Allan Sandage's work on (1) The character of the expansion field. For many years he has been the strongest defender of an expanding Universe. He later explained the CMB dipole by a local velocity of 220 +/- 50 km/s toward the Virgo cluster and by a bulk motion of the Local supercluster (extending out to ~3500 km/s) of 450-500 km/s toward an apex at l=275, b=12. Allowing for these streaming velocities he found linear expansion to hold down to local scales (~300 km/s). (2) The calibration of the Hubble constant. Probing different methods he finally adopted - from Cepheid-calibrated SNe Ia and from independent RR Lyr-calibrated TRGBs - H_0 = 62.3 +/- 1.3 +/- 5.0 km/s/Mpc.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, Submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science, Special Issue on the Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale in the Gaia Er

    Classical Cosmological Tests for Galaxies of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    Images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field are analyzed to obtain a catalog of galaxies for which the angular sizes, surface brightness, photometric redshifts, and absolute magnitudes are found. The catalog contains a total of about 4000 galaxies identified at a high signal-to-noise ratio, which allows the cosmological relations angular size{redshift and surface brightness-redshift to be analyzed. The parameters of the evolution of linear sizes and surface brightness of distant galaxies in the redshift interval 0.5-6.5 are estimated in terms of a grid of cosmological models with different density parameters. The distribution of photometric redshifts of galaxies is analyzed and possible superlarge inhomogeneities in the radial distribution of galaxies are found with scale lengths as large as 2000 Mpc.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Distances from the Correlation between Galaxy Luminosities and Rotation Rates

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    A large luminosity--linewidth template sample is now available, improved absorption corrections have been derived, and there are a statistically significant number of galaxies with well determined distances to supply the zero point. A revised estimate of the Hubble Constant is H_0=77 +-4 km/s/Mpc where the error is the 95% probability statistical error. Systematic uncertainties are potentially twice as large.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Invited chapter for the book `Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles', Eds. F. Caputo and A. Heck (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht

    The Metallicity Dependence of the Fourier Components of RR Lyrae Light Curves is the Oosterhoff/Arp/Preston Period Ratio Effect in Disguise

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    The correlation of particular Fourier components of the light curves of RR Lyrae variables with metallicity, discovered by Simon and later by Kovacs and his coworkers, is shown to have the same explanation as the period ratios (period shifts in log P) between RRab Lyrae variables that have the same colors, amplitudes, and light-curve shapes but different metallicities. A purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the model which predicts the period-metallicity relations is the mediating parameters of colors, amplitudes, and light-curve shapes also explains the Simon/Kovacs et al. correlation between period, Phi_31, and metallicity. The proof is made by demonstrating that the combination of the first and third phase terms in a Fourier decomposition of RRab light curves, called Phi_31 by Simon and Lee, varies monotonically across the RR Lyrae instability strip in the same way that amplitude, color, and rise time vary with period within the strip. The premise of the model is that if horizontal branches at the RR Lyrae strip are stacked in luminosity according to the metallicity, then there necessarily must be a log period shift between RR Lyraes with different metallicities at the same Phi_31 values. However, there are exceptions to the model. (...)Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in The A

    Dark Energy and the quietness of the Local Hubble Flow

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    The linearity and quietness of the Local (<10Mpc< 10 Mpc) Hubble Flow (LHF) in view of the very clumpy local universe is a long standing puzzle in standard and in open CDM cosmogony. The question addressed in this paper is whether the antigravity component of the recently discovered dark energy can cool the velocity flow enough to provide a solution to this puzzle. We calculate the growth of matter fluctuations in a flat universe containing a fraction ΩX(t0)\Omega_X(t_0) of dark energy obeying the time independent equation of state pX=wρXp_X = w \rho_X. We find that dark energy can indeed cool the LHF. However the dark energy parameter values required to make the predicted velocity dispersion consistent with the observed value vrms≃40km/secv_{rms}\simeq 40km/sec have been ruled out by other observational tests constraining the dark energy parameters ww and ΩX\Omega_X. Therefore despite the claims of recent qualitative studies dark energy with time independent equation of state can not by itself explain the quietness and linearity of the Local Hubble Flow.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. D. Minor corrections, one figure adde

    The Age of the Oldest Stars in the Local Galactic Disk From Hipparcos Parallaxes of G and K Subgiants

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    We review the history of the discovery of field subgiant stars and their importance in the age dating of the Galactic disk. We use the cataloged data from the Hipparcos satellite in this latter capacity. Based on Hipparcos parallaxes accurate to 10% or better, the absolute magnitude of the lower envelope of the nearly horizontal subgiant sequence for field stars in the H-R diagram for B-V colors between 0.85 and 1.05 is measured to be M_V = 4.03 +/- 0.06. The age of the field stars in the solar neighborhood is found to be 7.9 +/- 0.7 Gyr by fitting the theoretical isochrones for [Fe/H] = +0.37 to the lower envelope of the Hipparcos subgiants. The same grid of isochrones yields ages, in turn, of 4.0 +/- 0.2 Gyr, 6.2 +/- 0.5 Gyr, and 7.5 to 10 Gyr for the old Galactic clusters M67, NGC188, and NGC6791. The ages of both the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood and of NGC6791 are, nevertheless, likely between 3 and 5 Gyr younger than the oldest halo globular clusters, which have ages of 13.5 Gyr. The most significant results are (1) the supermetallicity of the oldest local disk stars, and (2) the large age difference between the most metal-poor component of the halo and the thick and thin disk in the solar neighborhood. These facts are undoubtedly related and pose again the problem of the proper scenario for the timing of events in the formation of the halo and the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood. [Abstract Abridged]Comment: 44 pages, 12 Figures; accepted for publication in PASP; high resolution versions of Figures 1, 2, 6 and 9 available at http://bubba.ucdavis.edu/~lubin/Sandage
