128 research outputs found

    Ferromagnetic-superconducting hybrid films and their possible applications: A direct study in a model combinatorial film

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    Model combinatorial films (CFs) which host a pure superconductor adjacent to a ferromagneticsuperconducting hybrid film (HF) are manufactured for the study of the influence of ferromagnetic nanoparticles (FNs) on the nucleation of superconductivity. Careful resistance measurements were performed simultaneously on two different sites of the CFs. Enhancement of superconductivity and magnetic memory effects were observed only on the hybrid site of the CFs but were absent on their purely superconducting part. Our results give direct proof that the FNs modulate the superconducting order parameter in an efficient and controlled way giving us the possibility of miscellaneous practical applications.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Manipulating superconductivity through the domain structure of a ferromagnet: experimental aspects and theoretical implications

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    In the present work we study experimentally the influence that the domain structure of a fer- romagnet (FM) has on the properties of a superconductor (SC) in bilayers and multilayers of La0.60Ca0.40MnO3/Nb and FePt/Nb proximity hybrids. Specific experimental protocols that were employed in the performed magnetization measurements enabled us to directly uncover a generic property of FM/SC hybrids: in the absence of an external magnetic field, the multidomain struc- ture of the FM promotes the nucleation of superconductivity, while its monodomain state strongly suppresses it. Our experimental findings support recent theoretical studies proposing that when an inhomogeneous exchange field is offered by the FM to the SC the superconducting pairs are not susceptible to pair-breaking.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stray-fields-based magnetoresistance mechanism in Ni80Fe20-Nb-Ni80Fe20 trilayers

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    We report on the transport and magnetic properties of hybrid trilayers and bilayers that consist of low spin-polarized Ni80Fe20 exhibiting in-plane but no uniaxial anisotropy and low-Tc Nb. We reveal a magnetoresistance effect that is pronounced. In our trilayers the magnetoresistance exhibits an increase of two orders of magnitude when the superconducting state is reached: from the conventional normal-state values 0.6 % it goes up to 1000 % for temperatures below Tc. In contrast, in the bilayers the effect is only minor since from 3% in the normal state increases only to 70 % for temperatures below Tc. Magnetization data of both the longitudinal and transverse magnetic components are presented. Most importantly, we present data not only for the normal state of Nb but also in its superconducting state. Strikingly, these data show that below its Tc SC the Nb interlayer under the influence of the outer Ni80Fe20 layers attains a magnetization component transverse to the external field. By comparing the transport and magnetization data we propose a candidate mechanism that could motivate the pronounced magnetoresistance effect observed in the trilayers. Adequate magnetostatic coupling of the outer Ni80Fe20 layers is motivated by stray fields that emerge naturally in their whole surface due to the multidomain magnetic structure that they attain near coercivity. Atomic force microscopy is employed in order to examine the possibility that such magnetostatic coupling could be promoted by interface roughness. Referring to the bilayers, although out-of-plane rotation of the magnetization of the single Ni80Fe20 layer is still observed, in these structures magnetostatic coupling does not occur due to the absence of a second Ni80Fe20 one so that the observed magnetoresistance peaks are only modest.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Peak effect in single crystal MgB2_2 superconductor for H∥c{\bf H}\parallel c-axis

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    We have studied the phase diagram of MgB2_2 superconductor using a single crystal for H∥c{\bf H}\parallel c-axis. For the first time we report the existence of peak effect in the screening current in MgB2_{2} single crystal for H∥c{\bf H}\parallel c-axis. In the magnetic field regime 10<H<13.510<H<13.5 kOe the local fundamental diamagnetic moment displays a very narrow diamagnetic step, with a temperature width of the same size as the zero dc-magnetic field transition. For higher field this step is transformed to a peak which is related with the peak effect in the screening current. Finally, for H<10H<10 kOe the diamagnetic step is transformed to a gradual transition. Our findings for the vortex matter phase diagram for the MgB2_2 are closely related with theoretical predictions concerning the vortex matter phase diagram of a type II superconductor in the presence of weak point disorder.Comment: Has been submitted for publication in PRL since 21 February 200

    139La NMR evidence for phase solitons in the ground state of overdoped manganites

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    Hole doped transition metal oxides are famous due to their extraordinary charge transport properties, such as high temperature superconductivity (cuprates) and colossal magnetoresistance (manganites). Astonishing, the mother system of these compounds is a Mott insulator, whereas important role in the establishment of the metallic or superconducting state is played by the way that holes are self-organized with doping. Experiments have shown that by adding holes the insulating phase breaks into antiferromagnetic (AFM) regions, which are separated by hole rich clumps (stripes) with a rapid change of the phase of the background spins and orbitals. However, recent experiments in overdoped manganites of the La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO(3) (LCMO) family have shown that instead of charge stripes, charge in these systems is organized in a uniform charge density wave (CDW). Besides, recent theoretical works predicted that the ground state is inhomogeneously modulated by orbital and charge solitons, i.e. narrow regions carrying charge (+/-)e/2, where the orbital arrangement varies very rapidly. So far, this has been only a theoretical prediction. Here, by using 139La Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) we provide direct evidence that the ground state of overdoped LCMO is indeed solitonic. By lowering temperature the narrow NMR spectra observed in the AFM phase are shown to wipe out, while for T<30K a very broad spectrum reappears, characteristic of an incommensurate (IC) charge and spin modulation. Remarkably, by further decreasing temperature, a relatively narrow feature emerges from the broad IC NMR signal, manifesting the formation of a solitonic modulation as T->0.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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