31 research outputs found

    Emergence of electromotive force in precession-less rigid motion of deformed domain wall

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    Recently it has been recognized that the electromotive force (emf) can be induced just by the spin precession where the generation of the electromotive force has been considered as a real-space topological pumping effect. It has been shown that the amount of the electromotive force is independent of the functionality of the localized moments. It was also demonstrated that the rigid domain wall (DW) motion cannot generate electromotive force in the system. Based on real-space topological pumping approach in the current study we show that the electromotive force can be induced by rigid motion of a deformed DW. We also demonstrate that the generated electromotive force strongly depends on the DW bulging. Meanwhile results show that the DW bulging leads to generation of the electromotive force both along the axis of the DW motion and normal to the direction of motion

    Modified spin-orbit couplings in uniaxially strained graphene

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    Intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interactions in strained graphene is studied within the tight-binding (TB) approach. Dependence of Slater-Koster (SK) parameters of graphene on strain are extracted by fitting the \emph{ab initio} band structure to the TB results. A generalized low-energy effective Hamiltonian in the presence of spin-orbit couplings is proposed for strained graphene subjected to an external perpendicular electric field. Dependence of the modified Rashba strength and other parameters of effective Hamiltonian on the strain and electric field are calculated. In order to analyze the influence of the applied strain on the electronic properties of the graphene, one must take into account the lattice deformation, modifications of the hopping amplitudes and shift of the Dirac points. We find that using the strain it is possible to control the strength of Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit couplings as well as energy gap at the shifted Dirac points. Meanwhile, the strain slightly modifies the topology of low-energy dispersion around the Dirac points. We describe the SOCs induced energy splitting as a function of strain

    The role of the Rashba coupling in spin current of monolayer gapped graphene

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    In the current work we have investigated the influence of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling on spin-current of a single layer gapped graphene. It was shown that the Rashba coupling has a considerable role in generation of the spin-current of vertical spins in mono-layer graphene. The behavior of the spin-current is determined by density of impurities. It was also shown that the spin-current of the system could increase by increasing the Rashba coupling strength and band-gap of the graphene and the sign of the spin-current could be controlled by the direction of the current-driving electric field