3,553 research outputs found

    \u201cJudicial Independence vs. Judicial Accountability. Judicial Selection Models for Constitutional Courts. A comparative analysis\u201d

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    Abstract La cronaca politica degli ultimi anni riporta un numero rilevante di confronti, dal tono piu\u300 o meno conflittuale, tra le istituzioni politiche e quelle giurisdizionali. Di particolare rilevanza e\u300 che tale sorta di opposizione tra giustizia e politica coinvolga non solo l\u2019operato delle magistrature ordinarie ma anche quello delle Corti costituzionali: le supreme garanti e guardiane di quei principi sui quali dovrebbe fondarsi l\u2019intero ordinamento. A dispetto di cio\u300, esistono importanti occasioni in cui le autorita\u300 politiche e quelle giurisdizionali intrecciano i loro interessi, ed una di queste e\u300 proprio il momento in cui vengono reclutati i giudici costituzionali. Tuttavia, se una considerevole mole di ricerca e\u300 stata condotta sia sulla diffusione del judicial review, sia sulla cosiddetta \u201cjudicialization of politics\u201d, molta meno attenzione e\u300 stata invece dedicata ai processi ed alle regole di selezione ed elezione dei giudici costituzionali. Il lavoro qui presentato intende, piuttosto, sottolineare la rilevanza di tali previsioni, ritenendole espressione di valori intimamente connessi allo status ed al ruolo dei giudici nel sistema e nell\u2019equilibrio costituzionale. Si ritiene, in particolare, che due valori di fondo siano sottesi a tali meccanismi, proponendosi spesso come alternativi: quello dell\u2019indipendenza e quello della responsabilita\u300 degli organi della giurisdizione costituzionale. Attraverso l\u2019analisi comparata delle procedure di selezione dei giudici costituzionali e supremi di quattro paesi (Francia, Italia, Germania e Stati Uniti), l\u2019obiettivo di questo lavoro e\u300 quello di individuare quale sia, tra l\u2019indipendenza e la responsabilita\u300, il valore privilegiato, evidenziando le connessioni e le implicazioni che tale scelta ha sulla rispettiva forma di Stato

    The Customs Union Issue: Why do we Observe so few of them?

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    The number of preferential trade agreements has greatly increased over the past two decades, yet most existing bilateral arrangements take the form of free trade areas, and less than ten percent can be considered to be fully fledged customs unions. This paper develops a political economy model of trade policy under imperfect competition to provide a positive explanation for the prevalence of free trade areas. In a three-country setting, a representative from each prospective member is elected to determine the tariffs to be applied on imported goods. Under a customs union, the necessity to coordinate tariffs leads voters to strategically delegate power to more protectionist representatives. Contrary to most of the existing literature, we show that strategic delegation may imply that free trade areas increase welfare compared to customs unions. Moreover, the model also indicates that free trade areas are more likely to be politically viable than customs unions.strategic delegation, preferential trade agreements

    Dielectric response of modified Hubbard models with neutral-ionic and Peierls transitions

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    The dipole P(F) of systems with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) in a static electric field F is applied to one-dimensional Peierls-Hubbard models for organic charge-transfer (CT) salts. Exact results for P(F) are obtained for finite systems of N = 14 and 16 sites that are almost converged to infinite chains in deformable lattices subject to a Peierls transition. The electronic polarizability per site, \alpha_{el} = (\partial P/\partial F)_0, of rigid stacks with alternating transfer integrals t(1 +/- \delta) diverges at the neutral-ionic transition for \delta = 0 but remains finite for \delta > 0 in dimerized chains. The Peierls or dimerization mode couples to charge fluctuations along the stack and results in large vibrational contributions, \alpha_{vib}, that are related to \partial P/\partial \delta and that peak sharply at the Peierls transition. The extension of P(F) to correlated electronic states yields the dielectric response \kappa of models with neutral-ionic or Peierls transitions, where \kappa peaks >100 are found with parameters used previously for variable ionicity \rho and vibrational spectra of CT salts. The calculated \kappa accounts for the dielectric response of CT salts based on substituted TTFs (tetrathiafulvalene) and substituted CAs (chloranil). The role of lattice stiffness appears clearly in models: soft systems have a Peierls instability at small \rho and continuous crossover to large \rho, while stiff stacks such as TTF-CA have a first-order transition with discontinuous \rho that is both a neutral-ionic and Peierls transition. The transitions are associated with tuning the electronic ground state of insulators via temperature or pressure in experiments, or via model parameters in calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; J.Chem.Phys., in pres

    Substitutability and Protectionism: Latin America’s Trade Policy and Imports from China and India

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    This paper examines the trade policy response of Latin American governments to the rapid growth of China and India in world markets. To explain higher protection in sectors where a large share is imported from these countries, we extend the ‘protection for sale’ model to allow for different degrees of substitutability between domestically produced and imported varieties. The extension suggests that higher levels of protection towards Chinese goods can be explained by high substitutability between domestically produced goods and Chinese goods, whereas lower levels of protection towards goods imported from India can be explained by low substitutability with domestically produced goods. The data supports the extension to the ‘protection for sale’ model, which performs better than the original specification in terms of explaining Latin America's structure of protection.Latin America, protectionism

    Egg parasitoid exploitation of plant volatiles induced by single or concurrent attack of a zoophytophagous predator and an invasive phytophagous pest

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    Zoophytophagous insect predators can induce physiological responses in plants by activating defence signalling pathways, but whether plants can respond to facultative phytophagy by recruiting natural enemies remains to be investigated. In Y-tube olfactometer bioassays, using a system including a Vicia faba plant, the zoophytophagous predator Podisus maculiventris and the egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi, we first demonstrated that T. podisi females are attracted by broad bean plants damaged by feeding activity of P. maculiventris and on which host egg masses had been laid, while they are not attracted by undamaged plants or plants damaged by feeding activity alone. In a second experiment, we evaluated the impact of the invasive phytophagous pest Halyomorpha halys on this plant volatile-mediated tritrophic communication. Results showed that the invasive herbivorous adults do not induce plants to recruit the native egg parasitoid, but they can disrupt the local infochemical network. In fact, T. podisi females are not attracted by volatiles emitted by plants damaged by H. halys feeding alone or combined with oviposition activity, nor are they attracted by plants concurrently infested by P. maculiventris and H. halys, indicating the specificity in the parasitoid response and the ability of the invasive herbivore in interrupting the semiochemical communication between plants and native egg parasitoids. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing that zoophytophagous predator attacks induce indirect plant defences similarly to those defence strategies adopted by plants as a consequence of single or concurrent infestations of herbivorous insects


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of trust in streamers on live shopping consumers’ purchase intention in Indonesia. Data collection was obtained from 150 respondents through an online questionnaire and used a structural equation modeling method with SmartPLS 4.0 data processing. The results of hypothesis testing show that utilitarian value, hedonic value, and value similarity are proven to have a significant positive effect on trust in streamers, while trust in streamers is also proven to have a significant positive effect on purchase intention. Meanwhile, trust in streamers is not proven to have a negative relationship with product fit uncertainty and product quality uncertainty even though they have a significant effect while product fit uncertainty and product quality uncertainty are proven to not affect purchase intention. This finding has important managerial implications for live shopping business owners that the right price and product quality, fast delivery, and lower delivery service costs, as well as the comfort and pleasure that consumers get in live shopping, will increase the trust in streamers. Similar ways of thinking, similar tastes, and similar preferences between streamers and consumers also play an important role in increasing trust in streamers in live shopping. They are expected to be aware of the importance of factors that can build consumers’ trust in streamers because trust in streamers has been proven to increase consumers’ purchase intention

    Use of Medicines by Community Dwelling Elderly in Ontario

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    OBJECTIVE: Prescription medicine use by the elderly is of growing concern as indicated by a large literature focused on rising costs, patient compliance and the appropriateness of use. However, prescriptions account for only a portion of medicines used by the elderly, who have increasing access to non-prescription medicines and natural health products. The objective of this paper is to describe overall medicine use among the elderly in Ontario. METHODS: Using the National Population Health Survey (1996/97), we describe self-reported use of prescription, non-prescription and alternative medicines among elderly Ontarians aged 65+, and we compare use among four age sub-groups and by gender. Analysis is focused on the prevalence of, and the relative balance of use of different types of medicines. RESULTS: About one quarter of the respondents reported using no prescription or non-prescription medicines in the two days prior to being surveyed; a large majority reported using two or fewer medicines only, and use of non- prescription medicines was reported more often than prescription medicines (56% vs 48%). Use of natural health products by seniors is relatively low, but we observe a trend toward increased use in younger age groups. DISCUSSION: The findings place the consumption of prescription medicines by the elderly into a broader context that reveals that much of medicine use by the elderly involves non-prescribed products. We highlight the need to better understand seniors' decision-making regarding the different types of medicines available, and the financial costs and health risks of the medicine regimes of elderly persons.elderly, medicine-use, prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, natural health products, NPHS

    Performance Comparison of Various STM Concurrency Control Protocols Using Synchrobench

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    Writing concurrent programs for shared memory multiprocessor systems is a nightmare. This hinders users to exploit the full potential of multiprocessors. STM (Software Transactional Memory) is a promising concurrent programming paradigm which addresses woes of programming for multiprocessor systems. In this paper, we implement BTO (Basic Timestamp Ordering), SGT (Serialization Graph Testing) and MVTO(Multi-Version Time-Stamp Ordering) concurrency control protocols and build an STM(Software Transactional Memory) library to evaluate the performance of these protocols. The deferred write approach is followed to implement the STM. A SET data structure is implemented using the transactions of our STM library. And this transactional SET is used as a test application to evaluate the STM. The performance of the protocols is rigorously compared against the linked-list module of the Synchrobench benchmark. Linked list module implements SET data structure using lazy-list, lock-free list, lock-coupling list and ESTM (Elastic Software Transactional Memory). Our analysis shows that for a number of threads greater than 60 and update rate 70%, BTO takes (17% to 29%) and (6% to 24%) less CPU time per thread when compared against lazy-list and lock-coupling list respectively. MVTO takes (13% to 24%) and (3% to 24%) less CPU time per thread when compared against lazy-list and lock-coupling list respectively. BTO and MVTO have similar per thread CPU time. BTO and MVTO outperform SGT by 9% to 36%

    Future of hyponatremia research

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    Chemical Ecology of Floral Resources in Conservation Biological Control

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    Conservation biological control aims to enhance populations of natural enemies of insect pests in crop habitats, typically by intentional provision of flowering plants as food resources. Ideally, these flowering plants should be inherently attractive to natural enemies to ensure that they are frequently visited. We review the chemical ecology of floral resources in a conservation biological control context, with a focus on insect parasitoids. We highlight the role of floral volatiles as semiochemicals that attract parasitoids to the food resources. The discovery that nectar-inhabiting microbes can be hidden players in mediating parasitoid responses to flowering plants has highlighted the complexity of the interactions between plants and parasitoids. Furthermore, because food webs in agroecosystems do not generally stop at the third trophic level, we also consider responses of hyperparasitoids to floral resources. We thus provide an overview of floral compounds as semiochemicals from a multitrophic perspective, and we focus on the remaining questions that need to be addressed to move the field forward