446 research outputs found

    Strong-Coupling Calculation of Fluctuation Pressure of a Membrane Between Walls

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    We calculate analytically the proportionality constant in the pressure law of a membrane between parallel walls from the strong-coupling limit of variational perturbation theory up to third order. Extrapolating the zeroth to third approximations to infinity yields the pressure constant alpha=0.0797149. This result lies well within the error bounds of the most accurate available Monte-Carlo result 0.0798 +- 0.0003.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/28

    Systematic Semiclassical Expansion for Harmonically Trapped Ideal Bose Gases

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    Using a field-theoretic approach, we systematically generalize the usual semiclassical approximation for a harmonically trapped ideal Bose gas in such a way that its range of applicability is essentially extended. With this we can analytically calculate thermodynamic properties even for small particle numbers. In particular, it now becomes possible to determine the critical temperature as well as the temperature dependence of both heat capacity and condensate fraction in low-dimensional traps, where the standard semiclassical approximation is not even applicable.Comment: Author Information under http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_di

    Quantum Fluctuations in Dipolar Bose Gases

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    We investigate the influence of quantum fluctuations upon dipolar Bose gases by means of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. Thereby, we make use of the local density approximation to evaluate the dipolar exchange interaction between the condensate and the excited particles. This allows to obtain the Bogoliubov spectrum analytically in the limit of large particle numbers. After discussing the condensate depletion and the ground-state energy correction, we derive quantum corrected equations of motion for harmonically trapped dipolar Bose gases by using superfluid hydrodynamics. These equations are subsequently applied to analyze the equilibrium configuration, the low-lying oscillation frequencies, and the time-of-flight dynamics. We find that both atomic magnetic and molecular electric dipolar systems offer promising scenarios for detecting beyond mean-field effects.Comment: Published in PR
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