1 research outputs found

    Development of an experimental plant and a numerical model of an axial magnetic rotor suspension

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    This article presents the results of the work on the creation of an experimental plant, its testing, as well as the development of a computational model of a rotor magnetic suspension with the use of axial electromagnets. The main purpose of producing the plant was to test the results of the developed numerical finite element model. An automatic control system was developed for the experimental installation. The electrical circuit was assembled on the basis of a ESP32 microcontroller with a clock frequency of 240 MHz and a PWM with a capacity of 10 bits. A PID-regulator program was developed. The coefficients kP, kD, kI used in the code of the electronic control system program (PID-controller) were selected. An experimental study of the bearing capacity of the axial active magnetic bearing under the influence of an external axial force was conducted. The required power of the axial active magnetic bearing was determined. The maximum load-bearing capacity of the installation for the selected coefficients of the PID-controller was determined. An axisymmetric finite-element model of the axial active magnetic bearing was created in the open-source program FEMM 4.2. The load-bearing capacity of the installation for a given current intensity value was calculated. The results of the numerical modelling were compared with the experimental data obtained. The basic principles of creation and operation of the experimental plant and its numerical model are outlined