30 research outputs found

    Anodal Block in Evaluation of Nerve Conduction Changes in Anesthetized Rats: Preclinical Non-Randomized Experimental Study

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    Background. There is currently no gold standard for functional assessment of nerve regeneration. Different researchers use various methods to assess the functionality of the regenerated nerve directly and indirectly. Indirect methods have the advantage of being minimally invasive, and the benefit of direct methods is recording the signal directly in the nerve.Objectives. To identify significant parameters of neurogram changes in the sciatic nerve in an anaesthetized rat when the anode block is applied and to evaluate neurography as a method for functional assessment of nerve regeneration.Methods. A series of experiments was performed on 10 anaesthetized rats. A DC anode was placed on the exposed sciatic nerve, more proximal and more distal to the recording electrodes, and a common cathode in the form of a needle was introduced into one of the forelimbs. Needle nichrome electrodes were introduced into the nerve using a manipulator. An original neurogram and a neurogram against anode activation were recorded by closing the DC circuit of different voltages to block the afferent signal, efferent signal and afferent and efferent signals simultaneously.Results. When the anodal block of different voltages was applied to the afferent signal, efferent signal, and afferent and efferent signals simultaneously in all 10 experiments, the frequency-amplitude characteristics of the neurogram changed significantly as compared to the original neurogram. The amplitude of the neurogram increased considerably, while the frequency decreased, though not so dramatically. The changes in amplitude and frequency parameters were revealed to depend on the voltage value. In most cases, this relationship was directly proportional to the amplitude and inversely proportional to the frequency.Conclusion. Considering the nature of the dynamics of the neurogram when exposed to the anodal block, the most significant parameter of its change is the amplitude. Changes in nerve fibre composition during its regeneration after damage cause changes in afferent and efferent signals, which is likely to be displayed in the neurogram as compared to the initial state. Thus, the anodal block can be used as a model of nerve damage, and the analysis of the dynamics of neurogram parameters — as a method for functional assessment of nerve regeneration


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    The effect of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on the growth and activity of nitrate reductase (NR, EC, the synthesis of proline and the superoxide anion radical generation in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Gonar) seedlings grown under salinization with NaCl has been studied. The obtained data indicated that ALA (20, 40 and 80 mg L–1) increased the elongation and leaf blade expansion of barley seedlings exposed to 150 mM NaCl as compared to control plants, which were not treated with ALA. In the presence of the NR inductor – its substrate 20mM KNO3, exogenous ALA stimulated NR gene Nar 1 expression, increased the NR-protein content and enzymatic activities in plants grown in 150 mM NaCl solution. ALA also induced the accumulation of free proline and decreased the generation of superoxide anion radicals. Thus, this study demonstrates that ALA effects on salt-stressed barley seedlings involves the stimulation of NR activities both at transcriptional and translational levels and leads to complex physiological modifications, such as the improvements of plant growth and antiradical defense.Изучено влияние экзогенной 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты (АЛК) на рост, активность нитратредуктазы (НР, КФ, накопление пролина и генерацию супероксид анион-радикала в проростках ячменя (Hordeum vulgare L., сорт Гонар), выращенных в условиях засоления, создаваемого NaCl. Показано, что АЛК в концентрациях 20, 40 и 80 мг/л увеличивала длину проростков, уширяла листовую пластинку растений, подвергнутых действию 150 мМ NaCl, по сравнению с контрольными растениями, не обработанными АЛК. В присутствии индуктора НР – ее субстрата 20 мМ KNO3, экзогенная АЛК стимулировала экспрессию Nar 1 гена фермента, увеличивала содержание НР-белка и его активность в растениях, выращенных на 150 мМ NaCl. АЛК также индуцировала накопление свободного пролина и уменьшала способность растений генерировать супероксид анион-радикал. Таким образом, продемонстрировано, что наблюдаемые эффекты экзогенной АЛК на выращиваемые в условиях солевого стресса растения ячменя связаны со стимуляцией активности НР как на транскрипционном, так и на трансляционном уровнях и приводят к улучшению ростовых характеристик растений и повышению уровня антирадикальной защиты

    Современная тактика в диагностике и лечении раннего рака толстой кишки (обзор литературы)

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    According to the literature review, the use of modern endoscopes with high resolution and a narrow-band imagine function with optical magnification, as well as autofluorescence, chromoscopy, endosonography, makes it possible to establish a diagnosis of early colorectal cancer with a high degree of accuracy. Nowadays, endoscopic submucosal dissection and endoscopic mucosal resection are the methods of choice in the treatment of early (Tis, T1sm1N0M0) colon cancer.    По данным проведенного обзора литературы, применение современных эндоскопов с высокой разрешающей способностью и функцией узкоспектрального режима с оптическим увеличением, а также аутофлюоресценции, эндосонографии позволяет с высокой степенью точности установить диагноз раннего колоректального рака. Эндоскопическая диссекция в подслизистом слое и эндоскопическая резекция слизистой на современном этапе являются методами выбора в лечении раннего (Tis,T1sm1N0M0) рака толстой кишки

    Clinical features of post-COVID-19 period. Results of the international register “Dynamic analysis of comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 survivors (AKTIV SARS-CoV-2)”. Data from 6-month follow-up

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    Aim. To study the clinical course specifics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and comorbid conditions in COVID-19 survivors 3, 6, 12 months after recovery in the Eurasian region according to the AKTIV register. Material and methods.The AKTIV register was created at the initiative of the Eurasian Association of Therapists. The AKTIV register is divided into 2 parts: AKTIV 1 and AKTIV 2. The AKTIV 1 register currently includes 6300 patients, while in AKTIV 2 — 2770. Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 receiving in- and outpatient treatment have been anonymously included on the registry. The following 7 countries participated in the register: Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Uzbekistan. This closed multicenter register with two nonoverlapping branches (in- and outpatient branch) provides 6 visits: 3 in-person visits during the acute period and 3 telephone calls after 3, 6, 12 months. Subject recruitment lasted from June 29, 2020 to October 29, 2020. Register will end on October 29, 2022. A total of 9 fragmentary analyzes of the registry data are planned. This fragment of the study presents the results of the post-hospitalization period in COVID-19 survivors after 3 and 6 months. Results. According to the AKTIV register, patients after COVID-19 are characterized by long-term persistent symptoms and frequent seeking for unscheduled medical care, including rehospitalizations. The most common causes of unplanned medical care are uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) and chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) and/or decompensated type 2 diabetes (T2D). During 3- and 6-month follow-up after hospitalization, 5,6% and 6,4% of patients were diagnosed with other diseases, which were more often presented by HTN, T2D, and CAD. The mortality rate of patients in the post-hospitalization period was 1,9% in the first 3 months and 0,2% for 4-6 months. The highest mortality rate was observed in the first 3 months in the group of patients with class II-IV heart failure, as well as in patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In the pattern of death causes in the post-hospitalization period, following cardiovascular causes prevailed (31,8%): acute coronary syndrome, stroke, acute heart failure. Conclusion. According to the AKTIV register, the health status of patients after COVID-19 in a serious challenge for healthcare system, which requires planning adequate health system capacity to provide care to patients with COVID-19 in both acute and post-hospitalization period


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    The mathematical model of multidimensional regression analysis is presented. Its practical application for rolling production is examined. The algorithm of special characteristics determination is developed


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    The main types of materials used in the manufacture of packaging. Analyzed trends in further development of packaging materials. Shows how to improve the quality of plastic packaging materials in today's market

    The simulation of UHF-heating with different electro physical parameters process in pyramidal chamber

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    В среде FEMLAB проведено моделирование электромагнитных процессов и процессов СВЧ-нагрева в пирамидальной камере с одномерным раскрывом рупора в широком диапазоне изменения электрических параметров ε и σ нагрузки в виде диэлектрической пластины. Показано, что в диапазонах изменения ε=2–40, σ=0,1–10 в указанной конструкции камеры сохраняются устойчивое распределение поля в виде стоячей квази-Н10 волны и эффективный разогрев нагрузки при обеспечении однородности разогрева в поперечном относительно плоскости раскрыва рупора сечении

    Nest survival and productivity of the critically endangered Sociable Lapwing <em>Vanellus gregarious</em>

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    The Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius is a critically endangered species, probably declining from 5000 pairs to 500 pairs in 11 years. Fieldwork was conducted at two sites in Kazakhstan, May-August 2004, to identify causes of the species' decline. In total, 58 nests and a minimum of 36 broods in 16 colonies were found: colonies consisted of 1-8 nests that were on average 154 m apart, with 2.1 km between colonies. Although classified as biparental, the total proportion of time both parents spent incubating was low (77 +/- 2% se, n = 13 nests). Daily survival rates (Mayfield method) were very low during incubation (0.943 +/- 0.009 se) but high during the chick stage (0.986 +/- 0.004 se); incubation and chick-stage durations were found to be 28.5 and 29 days, respectively, so that the overall probability of any breeding attempt fledging chicks was 0.124 (0.055-0.274 95% confidence interval). A breeding attempt that produced fledglings, fledged 2.2 +/- 0.2 se chicks (n = 26) on average. Observed productivity predicted the population decline over the last 11 years well (using the maximum number of nesting attempts per pair of 1.4 that could have occurred in this study, and assuming an adult and first-year survival rate of 0.74 and 0.60, respectively, based on the means for Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus and Golden Plover Pluvialis apricalia). Nest survival during incubation (controlling for colony effects) may have been longer for nests in predominantly Artemisia rather than grass habitat. Mean nest survival for a colony was higher in areas with more bare ground and more nest predators, suggesting that predators were relatively unimportant in nest (egg or chick) mortality, but was lower in areas with high numbers of cattle, suggesting that trampling was important (64% of known-cause nest failures, n = 11, were trampled). Nests were preferentially sited in areas of Artemisia, where there was greater dung abundance, and probably shorter vegetation, suggesting that highly grazed vegetation is important for nesting. Chicks preferentially selected areas with a lower percentage of bare ground and possibly taller vegetation, suggesting that more vegetated areas are important for chicks. The results suggest that low egg survival due to nesting in areas of high grazer density may be responsible for the Sociable Lapwing's decline. Although grazers may create suitable vegetation for initial nesting, if those grazers remain at high density as in anthropogenic systems then they may reduce nest survival, probably through trampling. Experimentally maintaining grazing early but reducing it later in the breeding season is the logical first step in managing the species to increase egg survival and so to increase productivity.</p