3 research outputs found

    The Importance of Creating Habilitation Programs for Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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    Aim of the study: to analyze the data of studies aimed at studying and substantiating the urgent need to create in Russia comprehensive habilitation programs for people with fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and other mental disorders.Methods. The results of Russian and foreign studies have been analyzed concerning the following problems: observation and diagnosis of people with fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; studying the experience of foreign countries in addressing issues of prevention and overcoming of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; studying the experience of Russian specialists (obstetricians-gynecologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, correctional teachers, etc.) working with the diagnosis of “Alcohol syndrome in the fetus”; assessing the socio-economic impact of organizing programs for the prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders by comparison with similar indicators in other countries.Results. The presented analysis of the data indicates that there is an urgent need for timely diagnosis of the disease, the search/creation of new drugs, for the treatment of the consequences of alcohol syndrome and the organization of training of specialists in this area. The article shows the importance of providing lifelong medical and social assistance to people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as well as to their families. The effectiveness of the creation of a system of measures for the prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders throughout the country has been confirmed.Conclusion. The development at the state level and implementation of prevention programs will significantly reduce the birth rate of children diagnosed with “Alcohol syndrome in the fetus” and, thus, reduce the costs of the state and society on overcoming the consequences of FAS/FASD. At the same time, timely and well-organized habilitation of people with FAS/FASD will significantly improve the social situation in society as a whole, as well as reduce the psychological burden on every family faced with this problem

    Assessment of the course of the gestational process using survey method and depending on the laboratory confirmed prenatal alcohol use (cross-section study)

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    Background. Studying the problem of alcohol consumption by pregnant women using modern laboratory research methods has valuable theoretical and practical significance. The aim of the study. To determine the characteristics of the pregnancy course in women consuming alcohol in the prenatal period confirmed by survey and laboratory tests, depending on the phosphatidylethanol levels. Materials and methods. We examined 863 women under observation at the Irkutsk Regional Perinatal Center for the period from 2014 to 2021. To confirm the fact of alcohol consumption in the prenatal period, 545 women were surveyed, 318  women were examined using laboratory analysis. The diagnostic biomarker for  alcohol was  PEth:16:0/18:1. To assign pregnant women to  the control group, a PEth concentration of ≤ 8 ng/ml was taken. If the PEth concentration was > 8 ng/ml, pregnant women were classified as heavy drinkers. Clinical and laboratory indicators of the course of pregnancy and childbirth were carried out in comparative groups. Results. It has been established that every second woman of reproductive age took alcohol before pregnancy. 24.2 % of women did not stop consuming alcohol in  the  prenatal period. At the same time, the risk of congenital malformations was high, since 20.4 % of women consumed alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy. Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that in women who consumed alcohol in the prenatal period, the following pathological conditions are statistically significantly more common: anemia, congenital heart defects in fetuses, prematurity of gestational age, labor anomalies, uterus subinvolution. Based on the results of laboratory confirmation of alcohol consumption, it was established that parity of birth, intrauterine growth retardation, and  premature birth were statistically significantly more often in pregnant women who drink. Conclusion. Thus, in order to obtain the most meaningful and high-quality results, it is necessary to  conduct larger studies. In addition, maternal blood biomarkers should be used to confirm levels of alcohol consumption throughout all trimesters of pregnancy

    Нейромаркетинговое исследование процесса принятия решений при выборе еды в интернет-магазине: гендерные особенности и стереотипы поведения

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    The expansion of the dialogue space and individual freedoms of consumers, due to the active development of digital technologies and their integration into all spheres of human activity, requires the study of gender characteristics in the «human-computer» communication process. Undoubtedly, the globalization of trade processes, the development of remote technologies, led to the integration of traditional and information society into a single digital space, which led to a change in behavioral mechanisms, a reorientation to new forms of social interaction in the Internet environment. Enterprises are forced to transfer business processes to the digital space, as a result of which there is an increasing amplification of omnichannel consumer behavior, there is less differentiation between “online” and “offline” shopping, and there are a number of features of consumer behavior in the virtual environment. This paper presents theoretical and applied research on gender consumer behavior features when choosing ready-to-eat meals on a virtual shelf. Using a set of neuromarketing techniques as the hypothesis of gender asymmetry of consumer visual perception in the choice of ready-to-eat meals was proved. The importance of taste preferences and the appearance of dishes was proved. The hypothesis that the price of goods on a virtual shelf is not the main factor in the choice was confirmed, thus, consumers seek to meet their needs, rather than to maximize the utility of decision-making process about the purchase of goods. The obtained results will enable expansion of the theoretical and applied research of effective product promotion in the online environmentРасширение диалогового пространства и индивидуальных свобод потребителей, обусловленное активным развитием цифровых технологий и их интегрированием во все сферы жизнедеятельности человека, требует изучения гендерных особенностей в коммуникативном процессе «человек-компьютер ». Бесспорно, глобализация торговых процессов, развитие дистанционных технологий обусловили интегрирование традиционного и информационного социума в единое цифровое пространство, что привело к изменению поведенческих механизмов, переориентаций на новые формы социального взаимодействия в интернет-среде. Предприятия вынуждены переводить бизнес-процессы в цифровое пространство, в результате чего наблюдается все большее усиление омникального потребительского поведения, меньше разграничиваются онлайн- и офлайн-покупки, однако наблюдается ряд особенностей потребительского поведения в виртуальной среде. В статье представлены теоретические и прикладные исследования гендерных особенностей поведения потребителей при выборе готовых блюд на виртуальной полке. С помощью комплекса нейромаркетинговых методик доказана гипотеза о гендерной асимметрии потребительского визуального восприятия при выборе готовых блюд. Доказана значимость вкусовых предпочтений и внешнего вида блюд. Подтверждена гипотеза, что цена товаров на виртуальной полке не является основным фактором при выборе, вследствие чего потребители стремятся к удовлетворению своих потребностей, а не к максимизации полезности решений в процессе принятия решений о покупке товаров. Полученные результаты позволят расширить теоретические и прикладные исследования в области эффективного продвижения товаров в интернет-сред