5 research outputs found

    Гематологические показатели крупного рогатого скота при паразитарных дерматитах

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    The purpose of the research is study of the animal's body clinical status and changes in hematological parameters before and after treatment against sarcoptoidosis of cattle. Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on bull calves and heifers aged 6–10 months, medium finish, of 100–120 kg of body weight. The test animals were divided into three groups: two test groups and one control group of 15 animals each. Before the experiment and at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment with acaricides, scrapings from the affected skin and blood were taken from animals of all groups for research. The first test group animals were treated with ivermectin subcutaneously at a dose of 5 ml per animal, and the second test group was treated with cydectin subcutaneously at a dose of 5 ml per animal. The control animals were not treated. Results and discussion. The conducted hematological studies found a decrease in erythrocytes and hemoglobin in sarcoptoidosis, which indicated a decrease in oxygen supply to the body, and, consequently, organs and tissues. The white blood cell differential was observed to have a noticeable decrease in monocytes and lymphocytes.Цель исследований: изучение клинического статуса организма животного, изменений гематологических показателей до применения и после лечения при саркоптоидозах крупного рогатого скота.Материалы и методы. Опыт проводили на бычках и телочках в возрасте 6–10 мес., средней упитанности, живой массой 100–120 кг. Подопытных животных разделили на три группы: две опытные и одну контрольную по 15 голов в каждой. До опыта и через 7, 14 и 21 сут после обработки акарицидными препаратами у животных всех групп брали соскобы с пораженных участков кожного покрова и кровь для исследования. Животные первой опытной группы были обработаны ивермектином подкожно в область предплечья в дозе из расчета 5 мл на животное, а второй опытной группы – цидектином подкожно в дозе из расчета 5 мл на животное в область предплечья. Животных контрольной группы не обрабатывали. Результаты и обсуждение. В процессе проведенных гематологических исследований было установлено снижение количества эритроцитов и гемоглобина при саркоптоидозах, что свидетельствовало о снижении поступления кислорода в организм, а, следовательно, и в органы и ткани. В лейкоцитарной формуле наблюдали заметное снижение числа моноцитов и лимфоцитов

    Hematological parameters of cattle with dermatitis associated with parasitic infection

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    The purpose of the research is study of the animal's body clinical status and changes in hematological parameters before and after treatment against sarcoptoidosis of cattle. Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on bull calves and heifers aged 6–10 months, medium finish, of 100–120 kg of body weight. The test animals were divided into three groups: two test groups and one control group of 15 animals each. Before the experiment and at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment with acaricides, scrapings from the affected skin and blood were taken from animals of all groups for research. The first test group animals were treated with ivermectin subcutaneously at a dose of 5 ml per animal, and the second test group was treated with cydectin subcutaneously at a dose of 5 ml per animal. The control animals were not treated. Results and discussion. The conducted hematological studies found a decrease in erythrocytes and hemoglobin in sarcoptoidosis, which indicated a decrease in oxygen supply to the body, and, consequently, organs and tissues. The white blood cell differential was observed to have a noticeable decrease in monocytes and lymphocytes