275 research outputs found

    Classical Cosmological Tests for Galaxies of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    Images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field are analyzed to obtain a catalog of galaxies for which the angular sizes, surface brightness, photometric redshifts, and absolute magnitudes are found. The catalog contains a total of about 4000 galaxies identified at a high signal-to-noise ratio, which allows the cosmological relations angular size{redshift and surface brightness-redshift to be analyzed. The parameters of the evolution of linear sizes and surface brightness of distant galaxies in the redshift interval 0.5-6.5 are estimated in terms of a grid of cosmological models with different density parameters. The distribution of photometric redshifts of galaxies is analyzed and possible superlarge inhomogeneities in the radial distribution of galaxies are found with scale lengths as large as 2000 Mpc.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Digital compensation of the side-band-rejection ratio in a fully analog 2SB sub-millimeter receiver

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    In observational radio astronomy, sideband-separating receivers are preferred, particularly under high atmospheric noise, which is usually the case in the sub-millimeter range. However, obtaining a good rejection ratio between the two sidebands is difficult since, unavoidably, imbalances in the different analog components appear. We describe a method to correct these imbalances without making any change in the analog part of the sideband-separating receiver, specifically, keeping the intermediate-frequency hybrid in place. This opens the possibility of implementing the method in any existing receiver. We have built hardware to demonstrate the validity of the method and tested it on a fully analog receiver operating between 600 and 720GHz. We have tested the stability of calibration and performance vs time and after full resets of the receiver. We have performed an error analysis to compare the digital compensation in two configurations of analog receivers, with and without intermediate frequency (IF) hybrid. An average compensated sideband rejection ratio of 46dB is obtained. Degradation of the compensated sideband rejection ratio on time and after several resets of the receiver is minimal. A receiver with an IF hybrid is more robust to systematic errors. Moreover, we have shown that the intrinsic random errors in calibration have the same impact for configuration without IF hybrid and for a configuration with IF hybrid with analog rejection ratio better than 10dB. Compensated rejection ratios above 40dB are obtained even in the presence of high analog rejection. The method is robust allowing its use under normal operational conditions at any telescope. We also demonstrate that a full analog receiver is more robust against systematic errors. Finally, the error bars associated to the compensated rejection ratio are almost independent of whether IF hybrid is present or not

    Conceptual Problems of Fractal Cosmology

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    This report continues recent Peebles-Turner debate "Is cosmology solved?" and considers the first results for Sandage's program for "Practical cosmology". A review of conceptual problems of modern cosmological models is given, among them: the nature of the space expansion; recession velocities of distant galaxies more than velocity of light; cosmological Friedmann force; continuous creation of gravitating mass in Friedmann's equation; cosmological pressure is not able to produce a work; cosmological gravitational frequency shift; Friedmann-Holtsmark paradox; the problem of the cosmological constant; Einstein's and Mandelbrot's Cosmological Principles; fractality of observed galaxy distribution; Sandage's 21st problem: Hubble - de Vaucouleurs paradox; quantum nature of gravity force.Comment: 17 pages, no Figures, report presented at Gamow Memorial Conference, August 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russi

    Optical morphology of distant RATAN-600 radio galaxies from subarcsecond resolution NOT images

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    We present direct imaging data of 22 ultra steep spectrum radio sources obtained at (or near) a subarcsecond seeing. The basic sample of 40 double radio sources was selected from the RATAN-600 catalogue. The FRII-structure has been confirmed with VLA and preliminary optical identifications which come from the 6 m-telescope. As the RATAN-600 flux limit at 3.9 GHz (\approx 10mJy) is fainter than that of major surveys, the sample may have high-zz contents. This is also suggested by the faint magnitudes in the Hubble diagram. The final aim is to create a homogeneous sample of high-zz radio galaxies in a well defined strip around the sky, with faint radio limit and subarcsecond morphology down to mR=24m_{R}=24. We could confirm 16 identifications down to mRm_{R}\sim24. Most of the extended objects have multicomponent structures as expected from other surveys of high-redshift radio galaxies. We found five unresolved objects even with a subarcsecond seeing. Of the remaining six objects, three are extremely faint and the other three have such a complex environment that further observations are needed to confirm the optical identification.Comment: A&AS in pres

    Classical evolution of fractal measures on the lattice

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    We consider the classical evolution of a lattice of non-linear coupled oscillators for a special case of initial conditions resembling the equilibrium state of a macroscopic thermal system at the critical point. The displacements of the oscillators define initially a fractal measure on the lattice associated with the scaling properties of the order parameter fluctuations in the corresponding critical system. Assuming a sudden symmetry breaking (quench), leading to a change in the equilibrium position of each oscillator, we investigate in some detail the deformation of the initial fractal geometry as time evolves. In particular we show that traces of the critical fractal measure can sustain for large times and we extract the properties of the chain which determine the associated time-scales. Our analysis applies generally to critical systems for which, after a slow developing phase where equilibrium conditions are justified, a rapid evolution, induced by a sudden symmetry breaking, emerges in time scales much shorter than the corresponding relaxation or observation time. In particular, it can be used in the fireball evolution in a heavy-ion collision experiment, where the QCD critical point emerges, or in the study of evolving fractals of astrophysical and cosmological scales, and may lead to determination of the initial critical properties of the Universe through observations in the symmetry broken phase.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, version publiced at Physical Review

    Low-Noise Sis Receivers for New Radio-Astronomy Projects

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    We have developed, manufactured, and tested a waveguide mixer in the range 211-275 GHz on the basis of the superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) tunnel structures. The methods of manufacturing high-quality tunnel structures on quartz substrates have been worked out. To extend the receiver band, the Nb/AlOx/Nb and Nb/AlN/NbN tunnel junctions with a high current density of up to 20 kA/cm2 are employed. The dependence of the characteristics of the receiving elements on the signal frequency is simulated for the intermediate-frequency band 4-12 GHz. The measurements demonstrate a good agreement of the input band of the receiving structures with the calculated results. The uncorrected noise temperature of the receiver amounts to 24 K at a frequency of 265 GHz, which is only two times higher than the quantum limit. The receivers under development are intended for a number of newly-built ground-based radio telescopes ("Suffa" and LLAMA), as well as for the "Millimetron" space program

    An Antenna with a Feeder for a Superconducting Terahertz Josephson Oscillator with Phase Locking

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    A principal layout of a Josephson terahertz radiation oscillator integrated with a transmitting antenna-lens system and a harmonic mixer (HM) for phase locking of radiation has been proposed and was successfully implemented. Two antenna-feeder systems designed for the central frequencies of 0.3 and 0.6 THz and located on the same chip with the oscillator are numerically simulated and fabricated. A microstrip transmission line between the oscillator and the antenna is used as the feeder. A study was carried out on matching the oscillator power and HM for two designs; the frequency range of pumping HM was 0.25-0.45 and 0.5-0.68 THz for the designs at 0.3 and 0.6 THz, respectively. Good agreement was obtained between experimental results and numerical simulations. A study of the spectral characteristics of the radiation of the oscillator into the external space for the 0.6 THz design using a superconducting integrated spectrometer was carried out. The linewidth of an emission line in free-running regime was of the order of several megahertz; in the phase locking regime down to tens of kilohertz with a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 20 dB was obtained


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    The review evaluates the use of the most common molecular biological markers to predict the course of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. It is proposed to use the markers Ki-67 and p53 as criteria and to take into account the specific features of the angioarchitectonics of a tumor

    The Non-Uniform Distribution of Galaxies from Data of the SDSS DR7 Survey

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    We have analyzed the spatial distribution of galaxies from the release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey of galactic redshifts (SDSS DR7), applying the complete correlation function (conditional density), two-point conditional density (cylinder), and radial density methods. Our analysis demonstrates that the conditional density has a power-law form for scales lengths 0.5-30 Mpc/h, with the power-law corresponding to the fractal dimension D = 2.2+-0.2; for scale lengths in excess of 30 Mpc/h, it enters an essentially flat regime, as is expected for a uniform distribution of galaxies. However, in the analysis applying the cylinder method, the power-law character with D = 2.0+-0.3 persists to scale lengths of 70 Mpc/h. The radial density method reveals inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of galaxies on scales of 200 Mpc/h with a density contrast of two, confirming that translation invariance is violated in the distribution of galaxies to 300 Mpc/h, with the sampling depth of the SDSS galaxies being 600 Mpc/h.Comment: 22 page