28 research outputs found

    Колебания ледников Ключевской группы вулканов во второй половине XX – начале XXI вв.

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    Changes in sizes of the Klyuchevskaya volcanic group's glaciers had been estimated for the period from 1949–1950 to 2010–2015 using results of analysis of current satellite imagery, data of field observations and historic records. Changes in front positions for some glaciers were analyzed for different periods of time. According to results of comparison between our data and similar ones from the Glacier Inventory the glacier areas decreased by 0.7%. Calculations made with corrected data demonstrated the total increase of the glaciation area by 4.3%. Glaciation of the Klyuchevskoy volcano is characterized by dynamic instability and significant changeability. The Erman glacier, the largest one in this region, did constantly advance since 1945. In 1949‑2015, its area at the front increased by 4.96±0.39 km2, while the front advanced along the valley of the Sukhaya River by approximately 3675±15 m and by 3480±20 m along the valley of the Krutenkaya River. A number of «wandering glaciers» located on the North‑Eastern and Eastern slopes of the volcano, on the contrary, significantly reduced their areas. At the same time, formation of new flows of ice is noticed within the «ice belt». Under the influence of active volcanic processes, the configuration of glacier boundaries on the slopes of Klyuchevskoy volcano does actively change in not only the tongue areas but also in the accumulation areas. Changes in dynamics of the glaciation areas of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes don’t correspond to the present‑day climate changes. The interaction of modern volcanism and glaciation in the area as a whole is conducive to the preservation and development of glaciers, despite the deterioration of climatic conditions of their existence.По результатам анализа современных космических снимков, материалам полевых работ и историческим данным оценено изменение размеров ледников Ключевской группы вулканов с 1949–1950 по 2010–2015 гг. Прослежено изменение фронтов ряда ледников за разные периоды времени. Площадь ледников по сравнению с данными Каталога сократилась на 0,7%, но после коррекции данных выяснилось, что площадь оледенения выросла на 4,3%

    Открытие и исследования ледников Камчатки

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    History of finding and investigation of the present-day glaciers of the Kamchatka Peninsula is described. A degree of our knowledge of such glacier characteristics as the mass balance, sizes, and the area fluctuations for the second half of 20th – beginning of 21st century is discussed. A literature on the Kamchatka glaciations is reviewed. In accordance with purposes of the investigations, methods, and volumes of field researches five periods have been separated in the history. Изложена история открытия и исследований современных ледников Камчатки. Обсуждается изученность баланса массы, размеров и колебаний ледников полуострова за вторую половину XX – начало XXI вв. Приведён обзор литературы по изучению оледенения Камчатки. В исследованиях ледников этого района выделено пять периодов, различающихся объёмами выполненных работ, их целями и методами исследований.

    Распределение и морфология современных ледников Камчатки

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    The current glacierization of the Kamchatka Peninsula includes 643 glaciers with a total area 769.48±48.34 km2. A variety of combinations of macro-relief factors, climate and volcanism caused irregular distribution of glaciers on the Peninsula, as well as the great variability of its characteristics in different areas. In quantitative terms, the prevailing glaciers here are the corrie (31.3%) and corrie-valley (12.8%) ones, but the largest areas are occupied by the transection-valley (26.6% or 204.42±7.56 km2) and the corrie-valley (16.5% or 126.78±9.77 km2) glaciers. The average area of the Kamchatka's glaciers is 1.2 km2, and it varies from 0.7 km2 in non-volcanic regions to 2.87 km2 in zones of active volcanism. The part of the largest (> 5 km2) glaciers in the total number of them and the total area is maximal (10.9 and 67.1%, respectively) in regions of active volcanism, and it is minimal (2.2 and 21.6%) in non-volcanic territories. As for the small glaciers (0.1–0.5 km2), the proportion of them in the total number and area is maximal (55.1 and 18.7%, respectively) in non-volcanic regions, and minimal (20.7 and 1.5%) in regions of active volcanism. The Kamchatka glacierization is characterized by various morphological types of glaciers. The transaction-valley glaciers cover the largest areas in regions of both the active volcanism (33.7% or 89.03±2.26 km2) and in non-volcanic ones (31.8% or 41.45±2.04 km2). In the regions of Quaternary volcanism, the dominating in areas are the corrie-valley glaciers (24.3% or 91.09±7.04 km2). The regions of active volcanism are characterized by the greatest variety of morphological types of glaciers. The largest part of the glaciation area of Kamchatka falls on the glaciers of the Western (24.7%), South-Western (22.3%) and Eastern (20%) exposures. But the glaciers of the Western (23%), North-Western (20.7%) and Eastern (15.1%) exposures are also predominant by quantity. The greatest vertical extent and average heights are characteristic of glaciers in areas of active volcanism, while the smallest ones occur in non-volcanic areas.С использованием современных спутниковых снимков и цифровых моделей рельефа определены морфологические типы и экспозиция ледников Камчатки по состоянию на 2002–2015 гг. Выявлены преобладающие по числу и площади морфологические типы ледников, распределение оледенения по склонам разных экспозиций, изменение размеров ледников и их высотного положения

    «Взаимодействие элементов природной среды в высокоширотных условиях» Всероссийская научная конференция в Сочи (сентябрь 2019 г.)

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    All-Russian Scientific Conference «The interaction of the natural environment elements in high latitude areas», Sochi, September 2019.25–28 сентября 2019 г. в Сочи проходила Всероссийская научная конференция «Взаимодействие элементов природной среды в высокоширотных условиях»

    Сокращение ледников северной части Срединного хребта на Камчатке в период с 1950 по 2016–2017 гг.

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    The Northern part of the Sredinny (Middle) Range is the largest glaciation area in Kamchatka in terms of the numbers and areas of glaciers. As of 2016–2017, there were 465 glaciers in this area with a total area of about 255±17 km2. Amongst the morphological types, the cirque (corrie), slope, and corrie-valley glaciers predominate (64%), but more than half of the total area (54%) is covered by the corrie-valley and transaction glaciers. The average area of glaciers over this region is 0.55 km2, while for the transection ones it is 8.3 km2. The main part (77.4%) of the glaciers in the region is located in the altitude range of 1200–1800 m. The firn line on both slopes of the Central Range lies within the altitude range of 880–1910 m. Analysis of changes in the size of the recent glaciation in comparison with the data of the mid-twentieth century indicates that the trend towards its reduction, established in the second half of the twentieth century, remains at the present time. The loss of the area of glaciers in the region registered in the USSR Glacier Inventory (1950), by 2016–2017 amounts to almost 125 km2 (35.6%). Note, that losses for the first 15 years of the twenty-first century turn out to be approximately equal to the total sum of losses for second half of the twentieth century. It means that at the beginning of the twenty-first century the rate of reduction of glaciers is 4.3 times greater, i.e. about 1.45% of the area per year. The glaciers of the South-Eastern (62.9%) and Southern (43.6%) exposures reduced the most (significantly more than others). Loss of the total area was the greatest in small glaciers with sizes smaller 0.1 km2 (> 70%) and the smallest in large glaciers exceeding 5 km2 (< 11%). The process of disintegration of large glaciers into smaller ones did also accelerate, that increased total number of glaciers. The increase in the rate of glaciers area reduction in the region at the beginning of the twenty-first century was mainly caused by the rise in summer air temperatures, that also intensified in these years. Similar values of the relative reduction of glacier areas are observed in the North Chui Range (Altay), in the Bernese and Pennine Alps, in the Polar Ural, in the Nordenskjold Land (Svalbard), etc.Приводятся данные о размерах, морфологии и высотных параметрах ледников северной части Срединного хребта на Камчатке в 2016–2017 гг. Дана оценка изменения оледенения района за три временных периода: с 1950 по 2016–2017 гг., c 1950 по 2002 гг., c 2002 по 2016–2017 гг. Установлены резкое увеличение скорости сокращения ледников с 2002 по 2016–2017 гг. (1,45% площади в год) по сравнению с 1950–2002 гг. (0,34% площади в год), а также интенсификация распада ледников (вместо 152 ледников, зарегистрированных во второй половине ХХ в., обнаружены 187 ледников в 2002 г. и 249 ледников в 2016–2017 гг.)

    Опыт применения высокочастотного георадара для ландшафтной снегомерной съёмки в окрестностях городов Кировск (Хибины) и Апатиты

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    The results of processing of a profile snow-measuring survey of snow cover in the Khibiny Mountains are presented. The survey was performed during the period of maximum snow accumulation (March of 2020) on the main elements of the landscape: mixed forest on the plain, open woodlands at the bottom of valleys, plateaus, wooded slopes, and upper slopes without woody vegetation. The averaged values of snow storage for different types of the landscapes were obtained for the period of the maximum snow accumulation in the snowy winter of 2019/20. The maximum snow storage (> 700 mm w.e.) was determined for areas on the high plateaus and open woodlands at the bottom of valleys. Minimum snow storage (> 400 mm w.e.) was recorded in areas of mixed forest on the plain and on an ice cover of lakes. Measurements of snow depth were carried out by the standard method (a handspike) and the ground-based radio-echo sounding using georadar with the frequency of 1600 MHz. The accuracy of this method allows measuring of the snow depth with accuracy of 1 cm for a dense snow and 2 cm for a loose one. Thus, the accuracy of measuring the snow depth with the radar is comparable to the accuracy of a handspike. A large number of radar measurements of snow depth on the profiles makes possible to determine the spatial variability of this value and its statistical characteristics. As a result, a vertical gradient of snow accumulation was defined as 25 mm w.e. per 100 m. The smallest spatial variability of snow depth was observed on profiles in the forests on the plain, in woodlands, and on the upper slopes. On profiles with complex relief (plateau, lower slopes), the spatial variability of snow depth is significant – the standard deviation was within limits of 30%. Based on the results of processing the field data, a map of snow storage over the studying area during the period of maximum snow accumulation was constructed. When constructing the map, we took into account the averaged data of the measurements for each type of landscape, the boundaries of woody vegetation, the height, steepness of slopes, and the high-altitude gradient of snow accumulation. It was found that features of the spatial distribution of snow cover were primarily due to the location of natural landscape complexes. The role of changes in snow storages with altitude was found to be insignificant.Исследовано пространственное распределение снежного покрова с помощью высокочастотного георадара в период максимальных снегозапасов в Хибинских горах в многоснежную зиму 2019/20 г. Наблюдения в смешанном лесу, редколесье на дне долин, на плато, залесённых и оголённых склонах показали, что распределение снежного покрова обусловлено прежде всего естественными границами природных ландшафтных комплексов. Изменение снегозапасов с высотой выражено лишь на отдельных протяжённых склонах

    Изменения оледенения северной части Срединного хребта на Камчатке во второй половине ХХ в.

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    The paper examines changes in surface area of glaciers in the north of Middle Ridge (Kamchatka Peninsula) occurred in the 1950s to the present. For this purpose, we used ASTER satellite imageries (2002), data of the USSR Glacier Inventory and aerial photographs of 1950. Vector boundaries of glacier maps were created by the decoding of ASTER images. The received estimates show glaciers decline in this area of Kamchatka. The glacier area of Middle Ridge, presented in the USSR Glacier Inventory, diminished by 16.6%. Reduced glacier area is subject to change major climatic factors. During this period the average summer air temperatures is increasing and the amount of solid precipitation reduced.По спутниковым снимкам ASTER, материалам Каталога ледников СССР и аэрофотоснимкам 1950 г. оценено изменение площадей ледников северной части Срединного хребта на Камчатке с 1950 по 2002 г. За это время площадь ледников здесь сократилась на 16,6%, а 36 ледников, представленных в Каталоге ледников СССР, на снимках ASTER не обнаружены. Более всего сократились ледники с ориентацией на юг и юго-восток. Сокращение ледников соответствует изменениям основных климатических факторов: в этот период средние летние температуры воздуха возрастали, а количество твёрдых осадков сокращалось

    Сокращение оледенения хребта Улахан-Чистай (горы Черского) в 1970–2018 гг.

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    The paper presents new data on the state of glaciers of the Ulakhan-Chistay Ridge (Chersky mountains) in 2018. Estimates of changes in the glaciation obtained in this region over the period 1970-2018 are based on the analysis of different in time satellite surveys and historical data. In 2018, the glaciation of this area was represented by 90 glaciers with a total area of 54.0±5.2 km2. Among the morphological types, corrie and valley glaciers predominate. The largest areas are occupied by valley and compound valley glaciers. The main part (67.5%) of the total glaciation area is concentrated within the altitude range 2000–2400 m. The changes in the glaciation area were analyzed over following four periods: 1970–2018, 1970–2001, 2001–2012, and 2012–2018. For 1970–2018, the area local glaciers registered in the USSR Glacier Catalog and identified on the present-day satellite images decreased from 82.2 to 53.9±5.2 km2, that is by 28.3 km2 (34.4%). In this value, 12.4 km2 were lost in 1970–2001, 8.4 km2 – in 2001–2012, and 7.5 km2 – in 2012–2018. By 2018, small glaciers with an area of less than 0.1 km2 (73%) had shrunk the most, and the least – large glaciers with an area exceeding 2 km2 (17%). The glaciers of the north-eastern exposure decreased the most significantly (49.3%). The average rate of area reduction increased from 0.49%/year in 1970–2001 to 1.34%/year in 2001–2018 (1.09%/year in 2001–2012, 2.04%/year in 2012–2018). Glaciers shrank against the background of a gradual rising in summer air temperatures (about 1.5 °C over the past 50 years) with a slight change in the winter precipitation. The more intensive shrinking of glaciers over the past two decades was caused by the stable positive anomaly of summer air temperatures, which remained since 2005 to the present.Представлены данные о размерах, морфологии и высотных характеристиках оледенения хр. Улахан-Чистай (горная система Черского) в 2018 г. Проанализированы изменения площади ледников за четыре периода: 1970–2018, 1970–2001, 2001–2012 и 2012–2018 гг. Рассмотрено высотное распределение оледенения в 2001, 2012 и 2018 гг. Установлено существенное увеличение средней скорости сокращения площади ледников в XXI в. по сравнению с последней третью XX в.: 0,49%/год в 1970–2001 гг.; 1,09%/год в 2001–2012 гг.; 2,04%/год в 2012–2018 гг

    Прорыв ледниково-подпрудного озера Спартаковское и изменения выводного ледника купола Семёнова–Тян-Шанского в 2021 г. (Северная Земля)

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    In the second half of August 2021, outburst flood from the Spartakovskoe Lake, one of the largest glacierdammed lakes in the Russian sector of the Arctic, occurred on the Bolshevik Island (the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago). The lake hollow was drained. The volume of water discharged from the lake into the Spartak fjord was about 376 ± 21 mln. m3 . Only 5 years have passed since the last outburst of the lake in August 2016. The lake hollow was filled with water faster than in the period 2006–2016. The volume of runoff into the lake increased significantly due to more intensive surface ablation on the glaciers of the drainage basin during the anomalously warm summers in 2018–2021. For the up-floating of the ice dam restraining the lake overflowing, the height of the water edge in the lake before the outburst should have been about 113 m. Compared to the state of 2016, the maximum possible water level in the lake has dropped by about 10 m. That was a result of lowering of the glacier surface and, accordingly, a decrease in the thickness of the dam ice. The cartographic method was used to find a location of the area of the greatest depression of the dam surface, the occurrence was conditioned by the development of the under-ice runoff channel in 2016. It can be assumed that during the lake outburst in the second half of August 2021, its location was approximately the same as in 2016. The water level in the lake will no longer be able to rise to the watershed with the Bazovaya River basin (123 m). The flow from the lake to the Bazovaya River is now impossible. The glacial-dammed Lake Spartakovskoe is now a part of only the Kara Sea basin. Under the present-day climatic conditions, the surface of the ice dam decreases and, accordingly, the volume of runoff into the lake increases. In the future, this will probably result in more frequent outburst of the lake, a decrease in its volume, and accordingly, a reduction of the water volume discharging into the lake.Во второй половине августа 2021 г. на острове Большевик (Северная Земля) произошел прорыв ледниково-подпрудного озера Спартаковское. Объём спущенной из озера во фьорд Спартак воды составил около 376 ± 21 млн м3 . Озёрная котловина наполнялась водой в 2016–2021 гг. существенно быстрее, чем в 2006–2016 гг. за счёт усиления поверхностной абляции на ледниках водосборного бассейна в условиях аномально теплого лета в 2018–2021 гг. Система “ледяная плотина–озеро” пришла к новому состоянию – сток в долину реки Базовая происходить более не может

    Современные изменения площади ледников западной части Земли Норденшельда (архипелаг Шпицберген)

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    Climate warming in Svalbard, starting in the 1920s, caused a signifcant reduction in the mountain glaciation of the Nordenskjold Land. Te most extensive changes took place in the Western part of this territory due to the influence of the warm Spitsbergen current creating here the high temperature background. In addition, due to elevation of the level of the climatic snow line, many glaciers have actually lost the area of accumulation. From 1936 to 2017, the area of glaciers in the Western part of this region decreased by 169.5 km2 or 49.5%. Large valley glaciers and numerous small glaciers have lost the greatest area. Te relative losses of the area of glaciers were revealed to be proportional to sizes of them. In average over the past 80 years, glaciers with areas smaller 0.5 km² reduced by 76%, while big glaciers with areas larger 5 km2 – by only 34%. At present, there are 152 glaciers with a total area of 172.73±9.31 km2 in the Western territory of the Land of Nordenskjold (West of the Bolterdalen valley). According to the aerial photography of 2008–2009, the total area of glaciation of the Land of Nordenskjold covers 428 km2. High present-day rates of the retreating of local glaciers are apparently caused by extreme thinning of glacial tongues. At the same time, shrinking of glaciers located in the West of the Peninsula turned out to be more intensive than that of glaciers in its center. Although the Eastern territories receive less precipitation than glaciers near the coast of the Greenland Sea, the Eastern glaciers were found to be more resistant to reduction due to higher locations of them.Приведены данные об изменении площади оледенения западной части Земли Норденшельда с 1936 по 2017 г. Сокращение ледников в результате повышения летних температур воздуха зависело от их размеров, высотного положения и экспозиции и в целом составило 169,5 км², или 49,5%. Больше всего сократились площади ледников на побережье Гренландского моря