620 research outputs found

    Evolution method and "differential hierarchy" of colored knot polynomials

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    We consider braids with repeating patterns inside arbitrary knots which provides a multi-parametric family of knots, depending on the "evolution" parameter, which controls the number of repetitions. The dependence of knot (super)polynomials on such evolution parameters is very easy to find. We apply this evolution method to study of the families of knots and links which include the cases with just two parallel and anti-parallel strands in the braid, like the ordinary twist and 2-strand torus knots/links and counter-oriented 2-strand links. When the answers were available before, they are immediately reproduced, and an essentially new example is added of the "double braid", which is a combination of parallel and anti-parallel 2-strand braids. This study helps us to reveal with the full clarity and partly investigate a mysterious hierarchical structure of the colored HOMFLY polynomials, at least, in (anti)symmetric representations, which extends the original observation for the figure-eight knot to many (presumably all) knots. We demonstrate that this structure is typically respected by the t-deformation to the superpolynomials.Comment: 31 page

    Towards topological quantum computer

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    One of the principal obstacles on the way to quantum computers is the lack of distinguished basis in the space of unitary evolutions and thus the lack of the commonly accepted set of basic operations (universal gates). A natural choice, however, is at hand: it is provided by the quantum R-matrices, the entangling deformations of non-entangling (classical) permutations, distinguished from the points of view of group theory, integrable systems and modern theory of non-perturbative calculations in quantum field and string theory. Observables in this case are (square modules of) the knot polynomials, and their pronounced integrality properties could provide a key to error correction. We suggest to use R-matrices acting in the space of irreducible representations, which are unitary for the real-valued couplings in Chern-Simons theory, to build a topological version of quantum computing.Comment: 14 page

    Covariance of WDVV equations

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    The (generalized) WDVV equations for the prepotentials in 2d2d topological and 4,5d4,5d Seiberg-Witten models are covariant with respect to non-linear transformations, described in terms of solutions of associated linear problem. Both time-variables and the prepotential change non-trivially, but period matrix (prepotential's second derivatives) remains intact.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, no figures (misprints corrected

    Towards effective topological field theory for knots

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    Construction of (colored) knot polynomials for double-fat graphs is further generalized to the case when "fingers" and "propagators" are substituting R-matrices in arbitrary closed braids with m-strands. Original version of arXiv:1504.00371 corresponds to the case m=2, and our generalizations sheds additional light on the structure of those mysterious formulas. Explicit expressions are now combined from Racah matrices of the type R⊗R⊗Rˉ⟶RˉR\otimes R\otimes\bar R\longrightarrow \bar R and mixing matrices in the sectors R⊗3⟶QR^{\otimes 3}\longrightarrow Q. Further extension is provided by composition rules, allowing to glue two blocks, connected by an m-strand braid (they generalize the product formula for ordinary composite knots with m=1).Comment: 10 pages + table in Appendi

    Correlators in tensor models from character calculus

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    We explain how the calculations of arXiv:1704.08648, which provided the first evidence for non-trivial structures of Gaussian correlators in tensor models, are efficiently performed with the help of the (Hurwitz) character calculus. This emphasizes a close similarity between technical methods in matrix and tensor models and supports a hope to understand the emerging structures in very similar terms. We claim that the 2m2m-fold Gaussian correlators of rank rr tensors are given by rr-linear combinations of dimensions with the Young diagrams of size mm. The coefficients are made from the characters of the symmetric group SmS_m and their exact form depends on the symmetries of the model. As the simplest application of this new knowledge, we provide simple expressions for correlators in the Aristotelian tensor model as tri-linear combinations of dimensions.Comment: 9 page
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