299 research outputs found

    Orientation, substructure, and optical properties of rutile films

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    The orientation, optical properties, and substructure of rutile films prepared by thermal and pulsed photon assisted oxidation of single crystal Ti films were investigated by transmission electron micros copy, optical spectroscopy, and high energy electron diffractionyesBelgorod State Universit

    Experience in Developing Early Warning System for Financial Crises and the Forecast of Russian Banking Sector Dynamic in 2012

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    The article summarizes the key results of researches in the field of early warning systems for financial crises, conducted by the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASF) since 2005. The proposed early warning system consists of three major blocks: the leading indicators of certain types of risks and the composite leading indicator of a systemic banking crisis; the medium-term scenario forecasting of key macroeconomic and financial indicators; stress testing of credit and liquidity risks of banks. On the basis of this early warning system we estimate the risks of financial crisis and some kinds of systemic risks in the different scenarios for the Russian economy in 2012. The analysis, in particular, revealed a sensitivity threshold of the domestic financial sector to changes in the world oil prices. Furthermore, it was found that the greatest destabilizing effect on the Russian financial sector may be caused by systemic credit risk.systemic financial crises, credit risks, liquidity risks, currency risks, early warning system, leading indicators, stress testing

    Generating quantum states of surface plasmon-polariton pairs with a nonlinear nanoparticle

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    © 2019 IEEE. In the last few years, materials with strong second-order optical nonlinearity such as gallium arsenide, barium titanate and transition metal dichalcogenides have attracted significant attention, because they for the first time allowed efficient nonlinear optical interactions on the sub-micron scales. One of such nonlinear optical interactions - spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) - allows the generation of pairs of correlated photons and can enable photon entanglement [1]. This is the foundation of many quantum optical applications ranging from secure communication to ultrafast quantum computing [2]. The key challenges in this field are efficiency and the generation of on-demand quantum states

    International legal cooperation in the management of the transboundary rivers: Zambezi river case

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    Transboundary watercourses constitute an important reservoir providing perhaps the most critical natural resource essential to support life all over the world. Many governments depend on rivers straddling two or more countries to provide not only freshwater for their populations, but also hydro-electric power sources, recreation and other forms of socio-economic sustenance. The article is focused on the international legal regulation of the Zambezi River as one of the most significant international watercourse. Being the forth longest river in Africa, the Zambezi is shared by eight Southern African States and evaluates a quarter of a century of close cooperation in order to realize the Southern African Development Community (SADC) founding principles

    The Significance of the 2005 UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation

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    INTRODUCTION. The research analyzes the UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law (Basic Principles and Guidelines) of December 16, 2005. The Article examines the stages of the adoption of this document, the concept, structure, basic provisions, as well as the importance for the development of modern international law, particularly in the field of human rights protection and international humanitarian law. Consequently, the Article provides a detailed analysis of the approach to the central subject of this document, that is, the right to a remedy and reparation, which is expressed in practical application by universal and regional bodies on human rights and in the field of humanitarian law. In this regard, the position of the right to a remedy and reparation in the complex of human rights is determined, as well as their interconnection and relation to each other.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The theoretical researches of the Russian and foreign experts in the field of international law have been analyzed in this very Article as well as the normative documents, recommendations, and decisions of the treaty bodies on human rights within the UN system, the law enforcement practice of universal and regional judicial and quasi-judicial bodies for the protection of human rights and in the field of international humanitarian law have also been studied. Such methods of scientific cognition as analysis and synthesis, the generalization method, the system-structural method, as well as the historical-legal and legal-technical methods have also been applied in this research.RESEARCH RESULTS. The Article reveals the significance and impact of the mechanism developed in the Basic Principles and Guidelines, in general, on the international human rights system. The Basic Principles and Guidelines are an international document, developed with the best practice of existing legal systems. It was adopted unanimously through the consensus reached by all parties concerned. The Basic Principles and Guidelines are aimed at codifying the provisions on the right to a remedy and reparation enshrined in various international treaties and as well as at developing a unified approach to these rights. Thus, the said international instrument does not create any new rules but classifies and uniforms the set of provisions on the right to a remedy and reparation. This nature of the Basic Principles and Guidelines makes them an attractive tool for international bodies in their law enforcement practice related to ensuring the right to a remedy and reparation. DISCUSSION ANDCONCLUSSIONS. The Basic Principles and Guidelines enshrine the responsibility of States in the field of human rights protection, when the second party to the conflict is individual, or individuals whose rights have been or may be violated. Therefore, the Basic Principles are focused on the interests of the victim of a violation of human rights, that is, they are deliberately humanistic and human rights oriented. The document provides a classification of victims to more adequately cover human rights mechanisms that ensure the protection of persons, individually or collectively. Further, it pays special attention to the protection of victims of gross violations of human rights. In addition, the Basic Principles and Guidelines list and describe forms of reparation for the victims of human rights violations

    Scalable quantum tomography in a photonic chip

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    © 2017 IEEE. We formulate a method of quantum tomography that scales linearly with the number of photons and involves only one optical transformation. We demonstrate it experimentally for two-photon entangled states using a special photonic chip

    Orientation, substructure, and optical properties of rutile films

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    The orientation, optical properties, and substructure of rutile films prepared by thermal and pulsed photon assisted oxidation of single crystal Ti films were investigated by transmission electron micros copy, optical spectroscopy, and high energy electron diffractionyesBelgorod State Universit

    Quantum random number generation using a solid state single photon source

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    © COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. In this work we couple bright room-Temperature single-photon emission from a hexagonal boron nitride atomic defect into a laser-written photonic chip. We perform single photon state manipulation with evanescently coupled waveguides acting as a multiple beam splitter, and generate a superposition state maintaining single photon purity. We demonstrate that such states can be utilized for quantum random number generation

    Optical Thermometry with Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.

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    Nanoscale optical thermometry is a promising noncontact route for measuring local temperature with both high sensitivity and spatial resolution. In this work, we present a deterministic optical thermometry technique based on quantum emitters in nanoscale hexagonal boron nitride. We show that these nanothermometers show better performance than homologous, all-optical nanothermometers in both sensitivity and the range of working temperature. We demonstrate their effectiveness as nanothermometers by monitoring the local temperature at specific locations in a variety of custom-built microcircuits. This work opens new avenues for nanoscale temperature measurements and heat flow studies in miniaturized, integrated devices

    Direct characterization of a nonlinear photonic circuit's wave function with laser light

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Integrated photonics is a leading platform for quantum technologies including nonclassical state generation 1, 2, 3, 4, demonstration of quantum computational complexity 5 and secure quantum communications 6. As photonic circuits grow in complexity, full quantum tomography becomes impractical, and therefore an efficient method for their characterization 7, 8 is essential. Here we propose and demonstrate a fast, reliable method for reconstructing the two-photon state produced by an arbitrary quadratically nonlinear optical circuit. By establishing a rigorous correspondence between the generated quantum state and classical sum-frequency generation measurements from laser light, we overcome the limitations of previous approaches for lossy multi-mode devices 9, 10. We applied this protocol to a multi-channel nonlinear waveguide network and measured a 99.28±0.31% fidelity between classical and quantum characterization. This technique enables fast and precise evaluation of nonlinear quantum photonic networks, a crucial step towards complex, large-scale, device production